First, let me state right off the bat that by "Greatest" I mean both
that they were influential and that it was a positive influence.
There are plenty of people who were more influential than some folks on
the list--FDR, Hitler,
& Lenin, Dr.
Spock, The
Beatles, James Joyce--but their
influence on the culture was essentially malignant. This list consists,
exclusively, of people whose lives ultimately were of benefit to mankind.
Moreover, I have a very specific view of what benefits mankind.
I take a pretty Manichean view (see note at end of page), that all of human
existence is one long competition between two competing urges or ideas;
Freedom vs. Security. The forces of Freedom--best represented in
the writings of the Book
of Genesis, Martin
Luther, John
Locke, Adam
Smith, and the Founding Fathers--seemed
to have won this struggle by the end of the 18th Century with the establishment
of Constitutional Democracy in both England and America. But, almost
immediately, the forces of Security began their counterattack with the
French Revolution. This reaction continued with the writings of Marx
and Engels and their many disciples and resulted in the establishment
of the enormous Social Welfare States this century--Communist Russia and
China, Nazi Germany and New Deal America. It may seem unfair to lump
these different systems together, but they are all based on the same premise,
that it is desirable for the citizenry to give up certain fundamental freedoms
to the State in exchange for guarantees of equality and security.
While I understand the natural human desire for Security and believe
that a fairly compelling case can be made for it (of course. it's particularly
appealing to those who do not believe that they can compete fairly with
their fellow citizens), I am instead a believer in Freedom. Therefore,
the people on this list are mostly the apostles of Freedom; those who have
fought the righteous battle against the various belief systems and political
structures which dominated most of this century (at least from 1917 [Russian
Revolution] to 1980 [by then Reagan, Thatcher and Pope John Paul were all
in office]).
I welcome responses and alternate
lists and will consider any nominations that folks feel are more deserving
than those named here.
#1) Barry Goldwater
It is generally recognized that he was a central
figure in the resurgence of Conservatism. But he will not really
get his due until the next century when his essentially libertarian philosophy
becomes the governing norm in American politics. Either the Republican
Party will accept that the same ideas that lead them to insist on political
and economic liberty must also apply to social issues like homosexuality,
abortion and the like, or else a third party will arise, espousing these
ideals. But AU H20 was there first. He also gets bonus points,
as do people like Robert Taft and Whittaker Chambers, because he took his
stance at a time when the prevailing tide of history seemed to be running
in the opposite direction.
See also, Orrin's review of:
Conscience of a Conservative (1960)(Barry Goldwater
1909-1998) (Grade: A+)
the Storm: Barry Goldwater and the Unmaking of the American Consensus
(2001) (Rick Perlstein 1969-) (read
Orrin's review, Grade : A)
Goldwater's 1964 Acceptance Speech
of same speech (History Channel)
Election of 1964
I.F. Stone: The Knack, NY Review of Books
The Making of the President:1964
by Theodore H. White
Sen. Barry Goldwater's Expert Chili
AZ Central
Goldwater's Legacy with Mark Shields, Paul Gigot, Doris Kearns Goodwin,
Michael Beschloss, and Haynes Johnson (The Newshour, PBS)
Report (The Newshour, PBS)
Tribute to Barry Goldwater (U of AZ)
Arizona Historical Foundation (cofounded by BMG)
The Barry Goldwater LighthouseTM (devoted to
all topics related to Barry Goldwater & Conscience of a Conservative)
Goldwater did conservatives more harm than good ( Don Feder)
Bury the "Extremism" Smear at Barry Goldwater's Funeral (Glenn Woiceshyn,
Capitalism Magazine)
Mr. Right: Barry Goldwater created, yet stood apart from, modern conservatism
(MICHAEL J. GERSON, US News & World)
REMEMBERING BARRY GOLDWATER (Howard Gleckman, Business Week)
Goldwater Remembered (Washington Post)
BARRY MORRIS GOLDWATER (National Aviation Hall of Fame)
: PRESIDENTIAL DEBATES: Barry Goldwater and John Kennedy The
Debates that Never Were ... But Might Have Changed History (Marty Jezer,
Tom Paine)
I.F. Stone: The Collected Works of Barry Goldwater, NY Review of Books
The Conscience of a Conservative
by Barry M. Goldwater
Why Not Victory? by Barry
M. Goldwater
Blue Cross and Private Health
Insurance Coverage of Older Americans [Medicare] A Report by
the Subcommittee on Health
of the Elderly to the Special Committee on Aging, U.S. Senate,
Economic Opportunity Act
of 1964, the War on Poverty Bill Report from the Senate Committee
on Labor and Public Welfare
of GOLDWATER By Barry M. Goldwater With Jack Casserly WITH THE BARK
OFF (Helen Thomas, NY Times Book Review)
Michael Lind: The Myth of Barry Goldwater, NY Review of Books
Barry Goldwater by Robert
Alan Goldberg
Goldwater: The Man Who Made
A Revolution by Lee Edwards
Turning Right in the Sixties:
The Conservative Capture of the GOP by Mary C. Brennan
of TURNING RIGHT IN THE SIXTIES: The Conservative Capture of the GOP
by Mary C. Brennan The Conservative 1960s: From the perspective of
the 1990s, it's the big political story of the era (Matthew Dallek, The
of Lee Edwards, Goldwater: The Man Who Made a Revolution ...and
the Goldwater Revolution (Brian Janiskee, On Principle)
of GOLDWATER: The Man Who Made a Revolution By Lee Edwards &
BARRY GOLDWATER By Robert Alan Goldberg The Man Who Knew Too
Little (John B. Judis, Washington Post)
Chapter One of GOLDWATER: The Man Who Made a Revolution By Lee Edwards
Chapter One: Legacy BARRY GOLDWATER By Robert Alan Goldberg
Richard Hofstadter: A Long View: Goldwater in History
: Pundits Who Predict the Future Are Always Wrong : A glance back to
1964 shows that predictions are always wrong and always political--and
that the left's possibilities may be greater than
they seem. (Rick Perlstein, The Nation)
: of Before the Storm: Barry Goldwater and the Unmaking of the American
Consensus, by Rick Perlstein : Goldwater the Refusenik: A Different Kind
of Republican (Christopher Caldwell, NY Observer)
: of BEFORE THE STORM : Barry Goldwater and the Unmaking Of the American
Consensus By Rick Perlstein (Stanley I. Kutler, Washington Post)
: of Before the Storm : Barry Goldwater and the Unmaking of the American
Consensus By Rick Perlstein (Steve Martinovich, Enter Stage Right)
: Before the Storm: Barry Goldwater and the Unmaking of the American Consensus
by Rick Perlstein (Alvin S. Felzenberg, Weekly Standard)
: of BEFORE THE STORM: Barry Goldwater and the Unmaking of the American
Consensus By Rick Perlstein ( Richard S. Dunham, Business Week)
CONSENSUS. By Rick Perlstein and KEITH JOSEPH. By Andrew Denham and
Mark Garnett (The Economist)
: of BEFORE THE STORM Barry Goldwater and the Unmaking of the American
Consensus; By Rick Perlstein (BILL BOYARSKY, LA Times)
#2) Pope John Paul II
(Karol Wojtyla)(1920-2005)
With his plain and unwavering insistence on the central importance of
the recognition of human dignity: he transformed the papacy, which was
becoming increasingly moribund; he brought a consistent moral voice
to the discussion of political issues like abortion; and he was instrumental
in bringing about the fall of Communism in Poland and, thereby, beginning
the toppling of the dominoes.
See also, Orrin's review of:
Centesimus Annus.
To Hope: The Biography of Pope John Paul II (1999)(George
-The Holy See -
The Vatican Website
Holiness John Paul II (Catholic Information Center on Internet)
-The Writings
of Pope John Paul II - FTP archives of Catholic Information Network
Holiness Pope John Paul II (Writings and Speeches of John Paul
of John Paul II ÝCrossing the Threshold of Hope (1994) (Philip Zaleski,
First Things)
of WITNESS TO HOPE The Biography of Pope John Paul II. By George Weigel
(Jon Meacham, NY Times Book Review)
Witness to Hope by George Weigel (Paul Johnson, Commentary)
: of Witness to Hope by George Weigel A Pope Who Knows How to Pope
(Elias Crim, Intellectual Capital)
The Man of the Century A review by Lee Edwards of Witness to Hope:
The Biography of Pope John Paul II by George Weigel (World &
: of Witness To Hope by George Weigel The Legacy of John Paul
II : Why the bishop of Rome may be the most important figure in this
secularist age. (Elizabeth Fox-Genovese, Christianity Today)
What Would the World Be Like Without Him? (Robin Wright, July 1994
Atlantic Monthly)
#3) The Reverend Doctor
Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-68)
"I have a dream that my four children will one day
live in a nation where they will not be judged by
the color of their skin but by the content of their
-August 28, 1963
Sooner or later, someone was going to have to stand up and insist that
America fulfill the vision enunciated in the Declaration of Independence,
"that all men are created Equal, that they are endowed by their Creator
with certain inalienable rights." There is an element of chance at
work in the fact that King was a man fitted to a historic moment, but we
must recognize the enormous dignity and the clarity of vision that he brought
to the task. The quote above defines the central aspiration upon
which democracy is based and he did as much as any man in our nation's
history to move us towards its realization.
See also, Orrin's review of:
Dreamer: A Novel
(1998)(Charles R. Johnson 1948-) (Grade:
the Waters: America in the King Years. 1954-63 (Taylor Branch)
Have a Dream (Martin Luther King, Jr.)
Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr. (Martin Luther King, Jr. and
Clayborne Carson--Editor )
-MLK Web:
A Teacher's Guide to Resources on the Web
Times: Martin Luther King Site
From a Birmingham Jail
I Have a Dream (Martin Luther King, Jr.)
Luther King, Jr. Papers Project (Stanford)
of PARTING THE WATERS America in the King Years 1954-63. By Taylor
Branch (Eleanor Holmes Norton, NY Times Book Review)
Shall Overcome: Historic Places of the Civil Rights Movement (National
Park Service)
Luther King, Jr. and Black History Month: Selected Reference
Sources from Louisiana State University Libraries
#4) Ronald Wilson Reagan
His presidency was in many ways the culmination of Goldwater's failed
1964 campaign. Indeed, Reagan came to the political forefront when
he gave an extremely well received televised speech favoring Goldwater
during that campaign. But it is important to recall that Reagan took
office at a time when the establishment consensus in the Western World
held that: the Presidency had simply become too overwhelming a job
for any man to succeed in; democracy and capitalism were essentially failed
systems that had not adapted to modern demands; that Communism in general
and the USSR in particular were viable alternatives which would remain
with us ad infinitum; and that the burgeoning size of government and taxation
and regulation were natural developments and irreversible. He put
the lie to all of these suppositions.
One of his finest moments as President came out of the public relations
disaster surrounding his visit to a German cemetery at Bitburg which contained
SS war dead. The speech he gave (May 5, 1985) contains one of the
best quotes of his, or any, Presidency:
Twenty-two years ago President John F. Kennedy went
to the Berlin Wall and proclaimed that he,
too, was a Berliner. Well, today freedom-loving
people around the world must say, I am a Berliner, I
am a Jew in a world still threatened by anti-Semitism,
I am an Afghan, and I am a prisoner of the
Gulag, I am a refugee in a crowded boat foundering
off the coast of Vietnam, I am a Laotian, a
Cambodian, a Cuban, and a Miskito Indian in Nicaragua.
I, too, am a potential victim of
And in the final gracious act of his public life, Reagan announced to
the public that he had Alzheimer's and bid farewell in a
letter that is brimming with the confidence and thankfulness that characterized
the man.
See also, Orrin's review of:
Morris, Edmund
A Memoir of Ronald Reagan (1999)(read
Orrin's review, Grade: A/F)
Winik, Jay
-On the Brink (read
Orrin's review, Grade: A-)
Cannon, Lou
Reagan : The Role of a Lifetime
D'Souza, Dinesh
Reagan : How an Ordinary Man Became an Extraordinary Leader
Reagan, Ronald
Reagan: An American Life
Remnick, David
Tomb : The Last Days of the Soviet Empire
Reagan Presidential Library
President Life Portraits (C-SPAN)
Wilson Reagan (Internet Public Library POTUS)
Reagan (White House Site)
Reagan (Grollier)
-The Ronald
Reagan Homepage
History of Ronald Reagan
Modern History Sourcebook: Ronald Reagan: A Time for Choosing Speech, 1964
Modern History Sourcebook: Ronald Reagan: Evil Empire Speech, June 8, 1982
Modern History Sourcebook: Ronald Reagan: Speech on the Challenger Disaster,
January 28,1986
Dutch by Edmund Morris (C-SPAN)
War International History Project
War Policies (1945-1991)
Independent Prosecutor Executive Summary
Reagan Homepage
won the Cold War? by Jacob Heilbron (American Prospect)
#5) George Orwell
In addition to his writings as a journalist, Orwell used two great dystopic
novels and a memoir of the Spanish Civil War to lay bare the lie of Marxism/Communism.
His willingness to speak the truth was particularly courageous because
it was a truth that the Western World was not willing to hear, coming,
as it did, during and just after we had joined with the USSR to defeat
Nazi Germany. Moreover, many of those in power in both Britain and
America, had either flirted with or were still clandestinely involved in
Communist organizations and clung to the belief that Western capitalist
democracy was doomed.
Homage to Catalonia, 1984 (see review)
and Animal Farm (see review)
stand as eloquent statements that indeed the contrary is true; Communism
and all the other freedom denying ism's will never succeed in stifling
man's desire for freedom. In a way that no politician's speech or
intelligence report could ever achieve, 1984 changed the way the Soviet
Union was perceived in the West. Like Toto ripping away the Wizard
of Oz's curtain, Orwell dispelled the rosy Utopian glow that had surrounded
the Bolshevik experiment and revealed the dingy gray lifeless reality.
See also, Orrin's reviews of:
Keep the Aspidistra Flying (1936)(George Orwell 1903-1949)
(Grade: A)
Homage to Catalonia
(1938)(George Orwell 1907-1949) (Grade:
Coming Up for Air (1939)(George Orwell 1903-1949)
(Grade: A+)
Animal Farm (1946) (George
Orwell 1903-1949) (Grade: A+)
1984 (1949)(George Orwell 1903-1949)
(Grade: A+)
A Collection of Essays (1954)(George Orwell 1903-1949)
(Grade: A+)
-George Orwell
(Essays, Biblio, etc.)
Orwell (Chestnut Tree Cafe)
Orwell (Spartacus Educational Home Page)
Orwell Reader
Internet Public Library: Online Literary Criticism Collection:
George Orwell (1903 - 1950)
& Animal Farm Studies Resources From the Chico High School
GUIDE: Animal Farm (Novel
George Orwell Resources
Charles' George Orwell Links
Political Writings of George Orwell
Animal Farm
"George Gissing" (1948)
'A Nice Cup of Tea' by George Orwell
Politics and the English Language BY George Orwell
The Prevention of Literature (1946)
Revenge is Sour
Shooting an Elephant BY George Orwell
You and the Atomic Bomb by George Orwell
Why Socialists Don't believe in Fun (1943)
Notes on Nationalism (May 1945)
Why I Write (1947)
The Road to Wigan Pier (Maros Kollar)
Nineteen Eighty-Four (Maros Kollar)
Animal Farm (Maros Kollar)
A Comparison of Orwell's Animal Farm and 1984
Orwell & Marx: Animalism vs. Marxism
The big O: the reputation of George Orwell (Joseph Epstein, New Criterion)
the Journalism of George Orwell (radion national)
Seminar: Professor Osborne War & Remembrance
WRITERS IN UNIFORM (Stephen Spender, NY Times Book Review)
#6) Aleksandr
Solzhenitsyn (1918-)
the time comes to seek a name for our century, it will probably be called
the Century of
Expellees and Prisoners. When people begin trying to add up the worldwide
total of these
unfortunate people, they will arrive at a number of displaced human beings
big enough to
populate entire continents.
-Heinrich Boll
No individual in all of history, completely on his
own, using only the power of one, has changed the lives of more people
than Soviet
dissident writer Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
Wolfe, TIME
If Orwell (along with Arthur Koestler
and Whittaker Chambers)
was the accuser of Communism, Solzhenitsyn was the prosecutor, painstakingly
assembling the evidence from documents and from painful personal experience
to demonstrate the truly evil empire that the Soviet Union had become.
And where other refugees from tyranny were so grateful to their hosts that
they were seemingly unable to speak truthfully about them, Solzhenitsyn,
in his devastating Harvard
commencement speech, announced to a disbelieving Western liberal establishment
that they had to bear a fair share of the blame for the suffering in countries
like the USSR. His brutal honesty got him expelled from the USSR,
then ostracized by the American Establishment and now he is consciously
ignored by the Russian people. Though seemingly a figure from the
19th century, Solzhenitsyn is the quintessential voice of all the victims
of the gulags and death camps and killing fields of a brutal 20th Century.
See also Orrin's reviews of :
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (1963)(Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn 1918-)
(Grade: A+)
The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956 : An Experiment in Literary Investigation (Volume I) (1973)(Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn 1918-) (Grade: A+)
The Russian Question at the End of the Twentieth Century (1995)(Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn 1918-) (Grade: A)
of Alexander Solzhenitsyn (Electronic Nobel Museum)
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr (Isayevich)
Alexander Solzhenitsyn: "Not One Step Further": An Interview with Solzhenitsyn
A World Split Apart: Commencement Address Harvard University; June 8, 1978
Nobel Acceptance (1970)
"What Kind of 'Democracy' Is This?" New York Times, January 4, 1997
Gadfly, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn by Katharena Eiermann
Novelists: Resources
Nobel Museum
Solzhenitsyn's Triumphant Return (Jay Rogers, Forerunner)
EXILE WRITES OF REVOLUTION (Bernard Pivot. Boston Globe)
Alexander Solzhenitsyn, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
(Philip Rahv, NY Review of Books)
Page: Essay Topics and Critical Commentary
The View from Two Prisons: The Stranger and Solzhenitsyn's Gulag
(James Bair)
#7) John Ford (1894-1973)/John
Wayne (1907-1979)
Of course, one of the most important developments of the Century was
the rise of film and television with their unique capacity to reach mass
audiences and shape, for good or ill, how we perceive ourselves.
Narrowly edging Frank Capra and Jimmy Stewart, I choose John Ford and John
Wayne as the director and actor whose respective bodies of work, often
overlapping, best captured the American spirit. Both men have been
tremendously underrated because so much of their work product consisted
of Westerns, the influence of which the establishment either denies or
misunderstands. For it is the Western--with it's counterbalance of frontier
vs. nascent civilization, societal lawlessness vs. rigid personal moral
codes, individualism vs. corporate greed/gang mentality/etc. and the ruthless
Social Darwinism-style meritocracy--more than any other literary form (except
perhaps for the private eye novel which so resembles it) that expresses
the ongoing struggle for liberty which lies at the center of the human
drama generally, but which particularly informs our national mythos.
There is a very real sense in which it is not possible to understand
the American people's self image without viewing them through the prism
of the Golden Age of American Cinema from the 30's to the early 60's.
Who better to represent Film than the men who together created Stagecoach
(1939), The
Quiet Man (1952), The
Searchers (1956), The
Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962), She
Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949), Fort
Apache (1948) etc., and separately made--John Ford--Young
Mr. Lincoln (1939), The
Last Hurrah (1958), Mr.
Roberts (1955), How
Green Was My Valley (1941) and The
Grapes of Wrath (1940) and--John Wayne--Red
River (1948), The
Alamo (1960), The
Shootist (1976) and True
Grit (1969).
Complete Films of John Wayne (Mark Ricci, Boris Zmijewsky, Steve Zmijewsky,
Steven Zmijewsky)
Wayne's America (Garry Wills)
the Legend : The Life and Times of John Ford (Scott Eyman)
John Wayne's America by Garry Wills (David Brooks, Commentary)
Wayne Filmography (imdb)
Wayne--An American Treasure (CyberNet Denis)
of John Wayne
The Darkest Side of John Wayne (Jonathan Lethem, Salon)
John Ford Web Page
Ford Filmography (imdb)
John Ford
John Ford Page
#8) Brian Lamb
Bring them back from the grave for a glimpse of their creation and there
are many things about modern American society that the Founding Fathers
would find repellent. But there is one new institution that they
would be amazed by and would embrace wholeheartedly--C-SPAN.
The transparency and immediacy that C-SPAN has brought to the legislative
and political process has been a great boon to the nation. It has
turned American government into a spectator sport and has created the opportunity
for the citizenry to inform itself about the issues. Throughout,
the driving force behind the creation and development of the network has
been Brian Lamb. In addition, he hosts the finest show, Booknotes,
in television history.
C-Span Revolution (Stephen Frantzich, John Sullivan)
: Life Stories : Notable Biographers on the People Who Shaped America
(Brian Lamb)
: America's Finest Authors on Reading, Writing, and the Power of Ideas
(Brian Lamb)
(Ann Online)
(Ann Online)
with Brian Lamb, Bringing Democracy to Television (Michael H. Ebner,
Organization of American Historians)
(Reason Magazine)
Brian Lamb's America (David Brooks, The Weekly Standard)
the non-fiction world (nicholas a. basbanes, George, Jr.)
#9) Tom Wolfe
Every society needs to have a gadfly to prick its pretensions.
In medieval times, Court Jesters were employed to belittle kings, lest
they become to swell-headed. Emperors had men who would follow them
in processions of state, whispering in their ears, "Thou art mortal", lest
they forget. For thirty years now, America has had the great good
fortune to have Tom Wolfe around to play this role and tell the emperor
that he has no clothes. Starting out as a precocious and savage essayist
(see especially Radical Chic), he went on to the brilliant social history
of The Painted Word, From Our House to Bauhaus and The Right Stuff and
has now, with Bonfire of the Vanities, Ambush at Fort Bragg and A Man in
Full, become one of our most important novelists.
Throughout he has specialized in laying bare the hypocrisy, ridiculous
fads and social trends of the hoi polloi, but it has become increasingly
clear that he has simultaneously been crafting an extended dissertation
on the American male--from Junior Johnson to Chuck Yeager to Conrad Hensley,
Wolfe has somewhat surreptitiously been outlining a coherent vision of
modern manhood that is, in and of itself, an important social philosophical
Chic and Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers (1970) (read
Orrin's review, Grade: A+)
Painted Word (1975) (read
Orrin's review, Grade: A+)
Right Stuff (1979) (read Orrin's
review, Grade: A+)
-From Bauhaus to Our House (1981)
(read Orrin's review,
Grade: A+)
Bonfire of the Vanities (1987)
at Fort Bragg (1997) (read
Orrin's review, Grade: A)
Man in Full (1998) (read
Orrin's review, Grade: A-)
-Hooking Up (1998) (read
Orrin's review, Grade: A+)
-Tom Wolfe: A
Man in Full
Disciplines: What do a Jesuit priest, a Canadian communications theorist,
and Darwin II all have in common? (Tom Wolfe, Forbes)
Tom Wolfe, in 'Full' flower (USA Today)
Chapter Two
TOM WOLFE (Richard A. Kallan)
Don Dapper: Tom Wolfe conquers windmills on Brown's battlefield (Amanda
-Article: by TOM WOLFE SORRY,
from The Atlantic
(Steve Hammer NUVO Newsweekly)
Wolfe: The Satirist of Society (Caitlin Allen, Brighton High School)
Nonfiction: Writers and Their Works
JOURNALISM by Dave Selden, Jr.
II: Wolfe and The New Yorker (DWIGHT MACDONALD, NY Review of Books)
Birth of Way New Journalism (Joshua Quittner, HotWired)
#10) Elvis Presley
There's a pretty little thing,
waiting for the King
down in the Jungle Room
-Marc Cohn, Walking
in Memphis
No other figure sits astride the modern Media Age quite the way Elvis
does; in addition to being the King of Rock and Roll (the quintessential
American music form), he was also a major movie star, provided several
of the seminal moments in television history and helped to create Las Vegas.
Most importantly, unlike many of his fellow singers and actors, he never
confused his celebrity with political relevance. He remained a simple,
bashful, good-ole-boy and if he lived a life of physical excess, well...we'll
call him the tragic hero of this list. He is the seminal figure in
the development of American pop culture and, altogether fittingly, was
ultimately consumed by it.
See also, Orrin's review of:
Last Train to Memphis: The
Rise of Elvis Presley (1994) (Peter Guralnick) (Grade:
Train : Images of America in Rock 'N' Roll Music (Greil Marcus)
Love : The Unmaking of Elvis Presley (Peter Guralnick)
King Of Rock 'N' Roll: The Complete 50's Masters
Of The Century
Recorded Live On Stage In Memphis
The '68 Comeback Special
-Elvis Presley's
Graceland (official site)
Presley Online
and Roll Hall of Fame: Elvis Presley 1986, Performer
Main Entry: Man·i·chae·an
Variant(s): or Man·i·che·an /"ma-n&-'kE-&n/;
or Man·i·chee /'man-&-"kE/
Function: noun
Etymology: Late Latin manichaeus, from Late Greek manichaios, from
Manichaios Manes died ab
276 A.D. Persian founder of the sect
Date: 1556
1 : a believer in a syncretistic religious dualism originating in Persia
in the 3d century A.D. and teaching
the release of the spirit from matter through asceticism
2 : a believer in religious or philosophical dualism
- Manichaean adjective
- Man·i·chae·an·ism /"ma-n&-'kE-&-"ni-z&m/
- Man·i·chae·ism /'ma-n&-(")kE-"i-z&m/