List: Orrin's All-Time Top Ten List - Non-Fiction / Conservative ThoughtThe Tempting of America: The Political Seduction of the Law (1990) - Robert H. Bork (03/01/1927 -12/19/2012) (Grade:A+) Witness (1952) - Whittaker Chambers (4/01/1901 -7/09/1961) (Grade:A+) The End of History and the Last Man (1992) - Francis Fukuyama (10/27/1952 -) (Grade:A+) The Conscience of a Conservative (1960) - Barry Goldwater (1909-1998) (Grade:A+) The Conservative Mind: from Burke to Eliot (1953) - Russell Kirk (10/19/1918 -4/29/1994) (Grade:A+) |
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