Distinctions by race are so evil, so arbitrary and
insidious that a state bound to defend the equal
I have a dream that my four children will one day
live in a nation where they will not be judged by
Waiting to be checked through the White House security
area on the afternoon of December 19,
I also had a sense of the distance we have traveled
as a nation, of what a long and tortured road we
There was a time when public figures with significant views on the great issues of the day would write pamphlets or treatises, even short books, detailing their positions. One thinks, for instance, of such writers as Thomas Paine and Alexander Hamilton at the time of the Founding, or in recent decades of Barry Goldwater's great book The Conscience of a Conservative, or William Simon's A Time for Truth. These are all polemical works, meant to argue for political positions, which, though intensely personal, are uncluttered by personality. They served an essential public service by addressing vital questions in a brief and readable form. As a result, they were widely read and quite influential. Today, at a time when even White House pets have bestselling memoirs, these kinds of arguments are now grafted on to autobiographical texts for no discernible reason other than to exploit the current trend in publishing. It was with some trepidation then that I approached Ward Connerly's book, Creating Equal. I admire him and the battle he has waged over the past decade, but I honestly expected to skim through the typically pro forma story of his life to get to the meatier sections where he would present the intellectual case against racial preference programs. But an unexpected thing happened on the way through the boring bits; it turns out that, though much of his tale is familiar, Ward Connerly's own life experience is one of his best arguments. As is common in American society, and only getting more so, Connerly comes of mixed racial stock : Black, White, and Native American. He is "Black" only by the terms of the ancient and racist "one drop rule" and by family tradition; in reality his race defies categorization. He did not meet his father until very late in life and, his mother having died, was raised first by an aunt and uncle, then by his grandmother. His grandmother and uncle were the real formative influences on his character, both of them strict and demanding that he make something of himself. His Uncle James in particular was a role model, asking only one thing of life : that people treat him like a man; in exchange always carrying himself like one. Together they instilled in Connerly a burning desire to be judged on his own merit. It thus seems natural that when, as a member of the University of California Board of Regents, Connerly was approached by a couple who had statistical evidence of the use of quotas by the UC colleges, he turned their cause into his cause. His account of the battle for Proposition 209, the California Civil Rights Initiative, and then subsequent contests in Washington, Texas and Florida, make for interesting reading, though they are perhaps not as viscerally powerful as the story of his early life. Throughout the book, Connerly is animated by a simple timeless creed which gives the book its title : I celebrated July 4 1995 with a heightened awareness
of the personal freedom at the core of
There's a deep irony in the fact that these beliefs, traceable to Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence and Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech, should now make Ward Connerly anathema to the Democratic Party and to the institutionalized civil rights movement. We have reached a sad point in our nation's history where to the inheritors of the legacy of Jefferson and King the idea of a color blind society has been transmuted into a weird kind of racism itself. It should not have required courage to, as Connerly boldly does, advocate that race be ignored in awarding government jobs and contracts, but it did, and this demonstration of courage makes Connerly into a heroic figure, willing to brave epithets, threats and hatreds to vindicate his convictions. This memoir, harkening back to The Autobiography of Ben Franklin and Booker T. Washington's Up From Slavery, partakes of the great American tradition of self-reliance and the demand that each of us be judged individually; this gives it an impact all out of proportion to what I expected. (Reviewed:) Grade: (A) Tweet Websites:-American Civil Rights Institute : a national civil rights organization created to educate the public about racial and gender preferences -BOOKNOTES : Title: Creating Equal: My Fight Against Race Preferences Author: Ward Connerly (C-SPAN, Sunday, April 30th, 2000) -EXCERPT : from Creating Equal : A Day at the White House (Ward Connerly, Heterodoxy | February - March 2000) -ESSAY : In love with affirmative action (Ward Connerly and Edward Blum, May 2001, Washington Times) -ESSAY : My Fight Against Race Preferences: a Quest Toward 'Creating Equal' (WARD CONNERLY, Chronicle of Higher Education) -ESSAY : Why I'm Still Fighting Preferences in Florida (Ward Connerly, Wall Street Journal | November 18, 1999) -ESSAY : A Battle, and an Opportunity : Make a stand with Ashcroft (Ward Connerly, National Review) -ESSAY : Affirmative amnesia (Ward Connerly, Washington Times) -DISCUSSION : TALKING ABOUT RACE with Ward Connerly & Linda Chavez (Online Neshour, PBS, December 19, 1997) -DISCUSSION : Using Class Rank as a Substitute for Affirmative Action (Chronicle of Higher Education) -DISCUSSION : Black Business Leaders Ask: Is It Time to Set Quotas Aside? (Ward Connerly, Daniel Colimon, and Herman Cain, Policy Review) -ARCHIVES : Salon.com Directory | Ward Connerly A complete listing of Salon articles on Ward Connerly -Regent Biography: Ward Connerly (University of California) -ESSAY : Ward Connerly's New Cause : The man who ended affirmative action in California is pushing for a colorblind government. (Michael Lynch, Reason) -PROFILE : Heroes : Ward Connerly (Daily Objectivist) -PROFILE : Ward Connerly & the American Civil Rights Institute (A Briefing Paper prepared by Right Watch, a Project of A Job is a Right Campaign. Phil Wilayto, Media Transparency) -PROFILE : Ward Connerly : Black millionaire leads charge to undo civil rights legacy (J.B. McCampbell, about ...time Magazine, November-December 1997) -PROFILE : Ward Connerly Says... "[Al Gore] is a hateful man and I don?t often use terms like that..." (Cris Rapp, National Review) -PROFILE : What Hath Ward Wrought? : Ward Connerly holds his nose in support of Gov. Jeb Bush's plan. (Jessica Gavora, National Review) -ESSAY : FAIRNESS OR FOLLY? : WARD CONNERLY BRINGS HIS CAMPAIGN AGAINST AFFIRMATIVE ACTION TO A WIDER STAGE JUST AS CLINTON ROLLS OUT A NEW SET OF RACE INITIATIVES (ERIC POOLEY, TIME) -ESSAY : Mister Connerly comes to Florida : Ward Connerly wants to end racial preferences in a key state. Fearing a backlash, Jeb Bush and other Republicans think he should stay in California. Are they right? (Bill Duryea, American Spectator) -ARTICLE : Ward Connerly visits Umass (Isabel Lyman, May 2001, Enter Stage Right) -REVIEW : of Creating Equal (Dan Seligman, Commentary) -REVIEW : of Creating Equal by Ward Connerly (Noemie Emery, Weekly Standard) -REVIEW : of Creating Equal ( Karina Rollins, FrontPagemag.com) -REVIEW : of Creating Equal (PHILIP A. KLINKNER , The Nation) -REVIEW : of Creating Equal by Ward Connerly Ward Connerly's Newest Whine : Affirmative action's most irritating critic gripes that shelving his book with others on African American topics will hurt sales. We can only hope. (Michele Landis, Mother Jones) -RESPONSE : Readers React : Read Ward Connerly's response to this article, a selection of reader letters, and Michele Landis' rebuttal (Mother Jones) -REVIEW : of Creating Equal (Christopher Rapp, American Outlook) -REVIEW : of Creating Equal: My Fight against race preferences (Richard Kahlenberg, Washington Monthly) GENERAL :
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