The essential project of the Romantic Movement and the Left in the past 100 or more years, perhaps best expressed in the novels of Lawrence, is to replace Love with Passion. Love you see is a mutual thing. It requires interrelations and bonds which are anathema to the wholly nihilistic, individualistic and selfish intellectual elites of the Modern era. What in the end does Freudianism consist of, other than an attack on the foundations of the family? Passion on the other hand, requires nothing from anyone other than the individual. It does not require that the object of one's desires reciprocate. The individual, whole in himself, can experience passion. Lawrence, in these novels and others, tried to explore new alternatives to the traditional Western structures of marriage, family and Christianity. He hoped to recreate humans and human relations in new forms, unbound by tradition and reason. It is for this fundamental attack on the great accomplishments of Western Civilization that his books should have been banned, not because of some wildly melodramatic sex scenes in the haystacks. (Reviewed:) Grade: (F) Tweet Websites:See also:D.H. Lawrence (3 books reviewed)General Literature Modern Library Top 100 Novels of the 20th Century -WIKIPEDIA: D. H. Lawrence -AUDIO POEM: “Snake” by D. H. Lawrence: Poems read aloud, beautifully (Amanda Holmes | September 17, 2024, American Scholar) -POEM: Snake (D. H. Lawrence) -ESSAY: On Being a Man: Reflections Upon Man's Inner-Life, and His Cowardice in Avoiding the Adventurous Crises of Thought (D. H. Lawrence, June 1924, Vanity Fair) -PODCAST: Ep 627 - Lady Chatterley’s Lover, by D.H. Lawrence (Overdue, January 08, 2024) -PODCAST: D. H. Lawrence in flames: A new biography of D. H. Lawrence, "the most judged writer of his age" (TLS, 5/27/21) -ESSAY: Men, women and beasts: D.H. Lawrence on animals (Jeffrey Meyers, 8/11/24, The Article) -ESSAY: Pleasure Island: DH Lawrence on Capri (Jeffrey Meyers, 9/03/23, The Article) -ESSAY: The Gospel according to DH Lawrence: If we could resurrect DH Lawrence, what would he make of spiritual belief today? (ZACHARY HARDMAN, 8/29/23, Engelsberg Ideas) -ESSAY: Lady Chatterley isn’t sexy: D.H. Lawrence didn't champion the Sexual Revolution (NICHOLAS HARRIS, 12/08/22, UnHerd) -ESSAY: The D. H. Lawrence We Forgot: Lawrence became famous writing novels about sex. But his best stories—and his most profound achievements—reside elsewhere (Frances Wilson, The New Yorker) -REVIEW ESSAY: The Arch-Heretic: ‘The Bad Side of Books’ (George Scialabba, October 10, 2020, Commonweal) -ESSAY: D.H. Lawrence Against The Machine: In Lawrence’s poetry, we catch a glimpse of how exactly the lordship of the machine is instituted: not with guns at the door, but on the altar of our worship. (Micah Paul Veillon, June 17, 2023, European Conservative) - -ESSAY: Up close and dangerous: the irresistible allure of DH Lawrence: For decades he was wildly out of fashion, now DH Lawrence is everywhere – from novels and biographies to a new adaptation of Lady Chatterley’s Lover (Lara Feigel, 30 Aug 2021, The Guardian) -REVIEW ESSAY: The D. H. Lawrence We Forgot: Lawrence became famous writing novels about sex. But his best stories—and his most profound achievements—reside elsewhere (Frances Wilson, October 8, 2020, The New Yorker) -REVIEW: of Burning Man: The Ascent of D H Lawrence By Frances Wilson (David Wheatley, Literary Review) -REVIEW: of Burning MKan< (DJ Taylor, WSJ) -REVIEW: of Burning Man (Lara Feigel, New Republic) -REVIEW: of Burning Man (Daphne Merkin, BookForum) -REVIEW: of Burning Man (Troy Jollimore, Washington Post) -REVIEW: of Burning Man (Kathryn Hughes, NY Review of Books) -REVIEW: of ook! We Have Come Through! by Lara Feigel (Paul Dean, The Critic) - - Book-related and General Links: -DH Lawrence -Literary Research Guide: D(avid) H(erbert) Lawrence (1885 - 1930 ) -The Taming of D. H. Lawrence (J. M. COETZEE in NY Review of Books) |
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