Since at least the 1982 publication of his book, The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism, Michael Novak has been the leading voice in the effort to reconcile Catholicism and capitalism, an effort which bore spectacular fruit with the 1991 papal encyclical, Centisimus Annus. The tension between the two -isms, though partially a function of the fact that Capitalism is associated with Protestantism, was for the most part a fairly natural result of capitalism's dependence on individualism and self-interest, as opposed to Catholicism's hierarchical and authoritarian structure and Christianity's requirement of selflessness and charity. The three essays in this collection, originally delivered as the Pfizer Lectures at the American Enterprise Institute, address the future of the corporation, intellectual property rights, and corporate governance. They are unified by the way in which Novak treats business and the corporation as institutions which have important moral roles to play in society. First he discusses the fact that corporations are voluntary associations, which allow individuals to work together in ways that make them more powerful and effective than they could ever be on their own and which serve important social ends : From the point of view of civil society, the business
enterprise is an important social good for four
In fact, he argues, the effectiveness of corporations in providing goods and services, in creating wealth, jobs, and opportunities, and in providing a counterweight to the power of central government, makes them second in importance only to religious organizations in terms of the role they have played in creating and guaranteeing democracy. In this section he makes the really intriguing point that some of the earliest capitalist corporations were born out of the Catholic monasteries of the Middle Ages. He quotes the great modern Tory historian Paul Johnson to the effect that : A great and increasing part of the arable land of
Europe passed into the hands of highly disciplined
This is ingenious both for the insight that the great innovation that these first corporate entities offered was continuity, of a type that was not available to individuals or even to families, and for the way in which it implicates the Church in the creation of capitalism. Novak's writing is characterized by this unique combination of perceptive analysis on general issues combined with more subtle demonstrations that capitalism and Christianity are and have been compatible. The second section, on intellectual property, is so compelling that it actually made me rethink my position on Napster. Most of us have been tape recording albums, videotaping shows, "borrowing" computer programs, and now burning cd's, for so long that we've become inured to the idea that the underlying products are ours to exploit and that this will have little or no effect on the artists who create this product. Novak draws upon Abraham Lincoln's 1850 Lecture on Discoveries and Inventions in order to make the case that protection for patents and copyrights is one of the central innovations of the American system, one that deserves to be defended. He points out, for instance, that the right of inventors and authors to receive royalties is the only "right" mentioned in the body of the Constitution. It can hardly be a coincidence that the country which affords such creative activity the greatest protection has been the most creative nation. Novak discusses the ways in which these protections, which reward those who are willing to share their ideas and to take risks to develop them into products, have served to benefit not merely the innovators themselves but the society at large, and concludes : Patent regimes recognize the right of inventors and
authors to the fruit of their own labors as a right
Here again, we see that although it is often blithely assumed that capitalism serves only individual interests, it is in fact the most effective way for society in general to achieve progress. In the final section, Novak discusses the various threats to the corporation presented by the various efforts to change how they are governed. He cites Michael Oakeshott's differentiation between the "civic association" and the "enterprise association" : The civic association aims at something larger than
any particular end, interest, or good: the
... By contrast, Oakeshott noted, the enterprise
association is built to attain quite particular
The problem that corporations (enterprise associations) now face is that politicians and political activists are trying to blur these lines and turn them into civic institutions, with responsibilities for meeting all kinds of political and social purposes. This diffusion of aims, unwise as it may be, is perhaps appropriate for government organizations : if affirmative action and the like are going to be implemented somewhere, better that it be in government which is already moribund. But one need only look at the havoc such social experiments have wreaked on the military [as Stephanie Guttman has done in her excellent book : The Kinder, Gentler Military: Can America's Gender-Neutral Fighting Force Still Win Wars? (2000)(Stephanie Gutmann) (Grade: B+)] in order to see the disastrous effects of making an organization with a single purpose (being prepared to fight and win) try to satisfy a multitude of political purposes (gender neutrality, acceptance of homosexuals, etc.). Such fiddling by the political class has rendered our once mighty fighting forces politically correct, but much less formidable. Corporate America now finds itself prey to these same pressures. Already overregulated on the environmental, labor, and other fronts, business finds itself under attack for not being sufficiently socially conscious. They are being asked to ignore the bottom line, to eschew profits, and to instead focus on their role in local communities. It is supposed that society would be better off if corporations were governed so as to "benefit" their employees and their neighbors, and governed in the way that government thinks fashionable at the moment, rather than being run with mere efficiency and profits in mind. One would have thought that the long and disastrous European experiment with Socialism and the spectacular failure of Japan's once vaunted economic planning would have put this argument to rest, but, alas, such is not the case. There will apparently always be a class of activists, politicians, and bureaucrats who believe that they, if given the opportunity, could run the economy. But having seen how inefficiently they run our governments, we should resist them at all costs. In this book, Michael Novak is really trying to steel business people, to whom the initial lectures were addressed, for this fight. He seeks to warn them that they must not give up the freedom from government interference which has made American industry so uniquely creative and efficient. This is important not just to the bottom line of their corporate ledgers, but because : Corporate leaders often lose sight of the fact that
the most important secondary effect of what they
Leaders of corporate America, and informed citizens, must be conscious of these legitimate moral claims and must use them to resist the temptation on the part of the political class to warp corporations to their own social purposes. They have the moral high ground and should not yield it. (Reviewed:) Grade: (B+) Tweet Websites:-AUTHOR SITE: -WIKIPEDIA: Michael Novak - -ESSAY: Thomas Aquinas, the First Whig: What Our Liberties Owe to a Neapolitan Mendicant (Michael Novak, 10/01/90, Crisis) -ESSAY: Passion Play: The controversy over Mel Gibson's forthcoming movie on the death of Jesus Christ. (Michael Novak, 08/25/2003, Weekly Standard) -ESSAY: How Christianity Created Capitalism (Michael Novak, May/June 2000, Religion & Liberty) -ESSAY: Religion and the Founding of the United States (Michael Novak, April 8, 2003, AEI) - -ESSAY: Michael Novak’s Freedom with Justice at 40 (SARAH THOMAS, JULY 12, 2024, Religion & Liberty) -ESSAY: A book that changed reality (SAMUEL GREGG, AUGUST 29, 2012, Acton) -REVIEW ESSAY: Remembering Michael Novak’s “Democratic Capitalism” (Bradley J. Birzer, September 27th, 2021, Imaginative Conservative) GENERAL: -ESSAY: Christianity and Free Enterprise: Free enterprise, is fully compatible with Christian teaching and satisfies the human spirit and fits with society's broader roles. (Robert Clark, Spring 1998, Policy) Book-related and General Links: -Michael Novak : George Frederick Jewett Chair in Religion, Philosophy, and Public Policy Director of Social and Political Studies (American Enterprise Institute) -REVIEW ESSAY : The Poverty of Nations : Is it bad culture or bad laws that keep some countries poor? (Michael Novak, Weekly Standard) -ESSAY : The Democratic Taunt : The Hypocrites! (But of course!) (Michael Novak, June 4, 2001, National Review) -ESSAY : How Bush is Winning : God still blesses America. (Michael Novak, May 2001, National Review) -ESSAY : How Christianity Created Capitalism (Michael Novak, Journal of Markets and Morality) -ESSAY : The Judeo-Christian Foundation of Human Dignity, Personal Liberty, and the Concept of the Person (Michael Novak, Journal of Markets and Morality) -ESSAY : Defining Social Justice (Michael Novak, First Things, December 2000) -ESSAY : Human Dignity, Human Rights (Michael Novak, First Things, November 1999) -ESSAY : The Gift of Dignity : Where would civilization be today without Christian notions of compassion and solidarity? (M ichael Novak, Christianity Today) -LECTURE : "Job Creation In A Global, Post-Welfare Economy: What Needs to Be Done?" (Michael Novak, Institute on Work, Seton Hall University) -ESSAY : Commentary: The Spirit of Capatalism, 2000 : James Q. Wilson, Michael Novak, and Alvin Kernan Responses to David Bosworth's slashing critique of capitalism in our last issue (The Public Interest) -ESSAY : CAPITALISM RIGHTLY UNDERSTOOD: THE VIEW OF CHRISTIAN HUMANISM (Michael Novak, Eternal World Television Network) -ESSAY : The Future of the Corporation (Hon. Michael Novak, Ph.D., Pfizer Forum) -ESSAY : The Poverty of Nations : Is it bad culture or bad laws that keep some countries poor? (Michael Novak, The Weekly Standard) -ESSAY : How Christianity Changed Political Economy (Michael Novak, Vatican) -ESSAY : In God We Trust : The history books tell us that the founders of this country were heavily influenced by the principles of the Enlightenment. True enough. But the history books neglect an influence that proved even more important-religious principles. (Michael Novak, Hoover Digest) -ESSAY : "The Founders and the Torah" (MICHAEL NOVAK, New York Times, September 4 2000) -ESSAY : Religious Pluralism For Liberals, 101: Against religious bigotry. (Michael Novak, National Review) -ESSAYS : Religion and Liberty: From Vision to Politics & The Challenges of Adulthood for a Liberal Society (Michael Novak) -INTERVIEW : Catholicism and Capitalism: an Interview with Michael Novak (Alberto Mingardi, Laissez Faire City Times) -AUDIO FORUM : Humanizing Capitalism with Michael Novak (Grace Cathedral) -SYMPOSIUM : On the Future of Conservatism : A Symposium ( Commentary Magazine, February 1997) -SYMPOSIUM : Clinton, the Country, and the Political Culture : A Symposium ( Commentary Magazine, January 1999) -PROFILE : Michael Novak (Media Transparency) -ESSAY : The Debate We Have To Have: Michael Novak, Christianity, and Capitalism (Samuel Gregg, The Adelaide Review June 1999) -ESSAY : Michael Novak's Portrait of Democratic Capitalism (Edward W. Younkins, Journal of Markets and Morality) -ESSAY : The Economic Religion of Michael Novak: Wealth Creation vs. the Gospel, as in Using Catholicism to Prop up Neoconservatism (Mark and Louise Zwick, Houston Catholic Worker) -RESPONSE : Letter from Michael Novak and Editors' Response (Houston Catholic Worker) -ESSAY : Michael Novak, Calvinist?-- 'Not by marketplace alone!' (Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.) -ARTICLE : LAY CATHOLIC GOUP OFFERS REPORT PRAISING CAPITALISM (KENNETH A. BRIGGS, NY Times, November 7, 1984) -ARCHIVES : On the Issues (American Enterprise Institute) -ARCHIVES : Michael Novak (Think Tank, PBS) -ARCHIVES : "Michael Novak" (NY Review of Books) -REVIEW : of Michael Novak, Business as a Calling: Work and the Examined Life (Edward Hyland, Compass, A Jesuit Journal) -REVIEW : of THE CATHOLIC ETHIC AND THE SPIRIT OF CAPITALISM By Michael Novak (1993) (Kenneth L. Woodward, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW : of The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism (NY Times, 1982) -REVIEW : of Tell Me Why: A Father Answers His Daughter's Questions About God, by Michael Novak and Jana Novak (David Neff, Christianity Today) -REVIEW : of Tell Me Why: A Father Answers His Daughter's Questions About God, by Michael Novak and Jana Novak (Nicholas Schulz, Intellectual Capital) -REVIEW : of Tell Me Why: A Father Answers His Daughter's Questions About God, by Michael Novak and Jana Novak (Dean Sarnecki) -REVIEW : of FREEDOM WITH JUSTICE: Catholic Social Thought and Liberal Institutions. By Michael Novak (Walter Goodman, NY Times) -REVIEW : of FREEDOM WITH JUSTICE Catholic Social Thought and Liberal Institutions. By Michael Novak (1984)(Aaron Wildavsky, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW : of CONFESSION OF A CATHOLIC By Michael Novak (1983) (RICHARD GILMAN, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW : Dec 22, 1983 J.M. Cameron: Nuclear Catholicism, NY Review of Books Confession of a Catholic by Michael Novak Moral Clarity in the Nuclear Age by Michael Novak, foreword by Billy Graham, and introduction by William F., Jr. Buckley -REVIEW : of Religion and the New Republic: Faith in the Founding of America edited by James H. Hutson (Harry S. Stout, Books & Culture) -AWARD : Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion : 1994 Prize Recipient -- Michael Novak CENTESIMUS ANNUS :
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