See also:
Michael Beschloss (
4 books reviewed)
Michael Beschloss Links:
-BOOKNOTES: Author: Michael Beschloss Title: The Crisis Years: Kennedy and Khrushchev, 1960-1963 Air date: July 14, 1991 (CSPAN)
-ESSAY : Bush Faces the Greatest Test (Michael Beschloss, 9/17/01, NY Times)
-ESSAY: The End of the Imperial Presidency (Michael Beschloss, NY Times)
-ESSAY: Four More Years? What history tells us about presidents' second terms. (Michael R. Beschloss, Slate)
-ESSAY: Hail to the Chief Tech-heads (Michael Beschloss, Oct 23, 2000, Industry Standard)
-REVIEW: of ON MY COUNTRY AND THE WORLD By Mikhail Gorbachev (Michael Beschloss, NY Times Book Review)
-REVIEW: of BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY: America's Secret Air War in the Cold War. By William E. Burrows (Michael Beschloss, NY Times Book Review)
-REVIEW: of CHANGING ENEMIES: The Defeat and Regeneration of Germany By Noel Annan (Michael Beschloss, NY Times Book Review)
-REVIEW: of ALEXANDER HAMILTON, AMERICAN By Richard Brookhiser (Michael Beschloss, NY Times Book Review)
-AUDIO INTERVIEW: with Michael Beschloss on Reaching for Glory (Fresh Air, November 29, 2002)
-AUDIO INTERVIEW: with Presidential Historian Michael Beschloss on Impeachment (Fresh Air, September 14, 1998)
-AUDIO INTERVIEW: with Michael Beschloss on Taking Charge (Fresh Air, February 13, 1998)
-AUDIO INTERVIEW: with Michael Beschloss on At the Highest Levels: The Inside Story of the End of the Cold War (Fresh Air, 2/24/93)
-INTERVIEW: CAUGHT ON TAPE : During his presidency, Lyndon B. Johnson secretly taped thousands of private conversations. These tapes, which include conversations with various public figures, from Robert Kennedy to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., recently came to light. Phil Ponce discusses the content and significance of these tapes with Michael Beschloss, Presidential historian and author of Taking Charge: The Johnson White House Tapes, 1963-1964. (October 14, 1997, NEWSHOUR TRANSCRIPT, PBS)
-INTERVIEW: Online Newshour Interview with Historian Michael Beschloss: Origins of the convention process (PBS)
-CHAT: Presidential Crises, With Guest Michael Beschloss (Levey Live)
-CHAT: The Final Message: A Chat with Presidential Historian Michael Beschloss (ABC News)
-PROFILE: The Historian as Pundit (Noam Scheiber, New Republic)
-ESSAY: Doomed to repeat: That's historians on TV, not history (Delia M. Rios, Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel)
-ARCHIVES: "michael beschloss" (Find Articles)
-REVIEW: of The Crisis Years by Michael R. Beschloss (Richard Ned Lebow, Bulletin of Atomic Scientists)
-REVIEW: of TAKING CHARGE: The Johnson White House Tapes, 1963-1964. Edited and with commentary by Michael R. Beschloss (Alan Brinkley, NY Times Book Review)
-REVIEW: of Taking Charge (Michiko Kakutani, NY Times)
-REVIEW: of Taking Charge (Gloria Cooper, Columbia Journalism Review)
-REVIEW: of REACHING FOR GLORY: Lyndon Johnson's Secret White House Tapes, 1964-1965. Edited and with commentary by Michael Beschloss (George Stephanopoulos, NY Times Book Review)
-REVIEW: of REACHING FOR GLORY (Michinko Kakutani, NY Times)
-REVIEW: of REACHING FOR GLORY(Mark Falcoff, Commentary)
-REVIEW ESSAY: Brief Shining Moments: Christopher Hitchens on Donkey Business in the White House (London Review of Books)
-REVIEW: of The Conquerors by Michael Beschloss (Jules Wagman, The Denver Post)
-REVIEW: of The Conquerors(Rich Barlow, Boston Globe)
-REVIEW: of The Conquerors: Roosevelt, Truman and the Destruction of Hitler's Germany, 1941-1945; Michael Beschloss (John Lukacs, LA Times)
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