Lee Harris is among the cream of the crop of essayists who has emerged in the wake of 9-11. Writing mainly in Policy Review and Tech Central Station, he has produced a steady stream of thought-provoking pieces that summon us to
face precisely what the Islamicist challenge to the West means and what we must do to prevail in this conflict. One of them, Our World
Historical Gamble may well be the best single essay that anyone has written on the current crisis. A distinguishing feature of his work is the forthrightness with which he warns that the dangers
we face are not just external--not simply a matter of Islamicists who want to destroy us--but internal as well--a function of the kind of multicultural political correctness that would vitiate our defenses
from within. In Civilization and its Enemies, Mr. Harris draws together several of those essays and expands upon them considerably to give us a book that succeeds to some considerable
extent in its surpassing ambition to remind us of how civilization originated, how it is maintained, and why it may perish. Man, being the strongest of all animals, differs from the rest; he was obliged to be his own domesticator; he had to tame himself. And the way in which it happened was, that the most obedient, the tamest tribes are, at the first stage in the real struggle of life, the strongest and the conquerors. All are very wild then; the animal vigour, the savage virtue of the race has died out in none, and all have enough of it. But what makes one tribe--one incipient tribe, one bit of a tribe--to differ from another is their relative faculty of coherence. The slightest symptom of legal development, the least indication of a military bond, is then enough to turn the scale. The compact tribes win, and the compact tribes are the tamest. Civilisation begins, because the beginning of civilisation is a military advantage. Probably if we had historic records of the ante- historic ages--if some superhuman power had set down the thoughts and actions of men ages before they could set them down for themselves--we should know that this first step in civilisation was the hardest step. But when we come to history as it is, we are more struck with the difficulty of the next step. All the absolutely incoherent men--all the `Cyclopes`--have been cleared away long before there was an authentic account of them. And the least coherent only remain in the `protected` parts of the world, as we may call them. Ordinary civilisation begins near the Mediterranean Sea; the best, doubtless, of the ante-historic civilisations were not far off. From this centre the conquering SWARM--for such it is-- has grown and grown; has widened its subject territories steadily, though not equably, age by age. But geography long defied it. An Atlantic Ocean, a Pacific Ocean, an Australian Ocean, an unapproachable interior Africa, an inaccessible and undesirable hill India, were beyond its range. In such remote places there was no real competition, and on them inferior, half-combined men continued to exist. But in the regions of rivalry--the regions where the better man pressed upon the worse man--such half-made associations could not last. They died out and history did not begin till after they were gone. The great difficulty which history records is not that of the first step, but that of the second step. What is most evident is not the difficulty of getting a fixed law, but getting out of a fixed law; not of cementing (as upon a former occasion I phrased it) a cake of custom, but of breaking the cake of custom; not of making the first preservative habit, but of breaking through it, and reaching something better.The one section of the book that I'd dispute rather strongly is that in which Mr. Harris discusses how the cake got broken, which he traces to the rise of a culture of boy-gangs in Sparta (see discussion here). But attempts to determine how things like the social contract arose are always dicey and he reaches firmer ground when he gets to the key role that Christianity, especially Protestantism, played in creating liberal democracy. This section too is somewhat underwritten and probably underestimates the importance of religion, but the innovation he identifies here, that of the ethical community, is certainly vital. What such a community produces is a relative uniformity of behavior and "rational freedom--the freedom that arises out of self-mastery." This notion of "rational freedom"--an obvious misnomer since it quite specifically requires faith, not reason--he borrows from Hegel: By rational freedom Hegel meant nothing remotely metaphysical. Free here simply refers back to the kind of practical and everyday autonomy that was so highly valued by both Jefferson and Rousseau--the ability of the average man to take care of his own needs, to exercise mature self-control over his impulses, to look after both himself and his family, and to stay out of other people's hair.Setting aside the question of whether this is necessarily a construct and an illusion, we can see why it would be so problematic in the long run, both at home and abroad. Domestically, the problem is that over time we have forgotten that this kind of true social freedom requires us to exercise an extraordinary level of personal restraint. Soon enough we are all clamoring for all of the license with none of the control and trust must become impossible. So do those modern champions of human liberation end up destroying the foundations of freedom, having entirely forgotten what freedom was based on in the first place. Meanwhile, as members of this kind of liberal civilization we tend to forget that those who are external to our society, who do not accept our notions of self-mastery, may be--and when they are must be treated as--our enemies. In this discussion of the book we've reversed the order in which Mr. Harris presents his arguments, but in doing so we've arrived back at the ground he's covered in past essays. In particular, in Al Qaeda's Fantasy Ideology, he explained the odd nature of the Islamicist enemy. What makes them and their vile deeds so inexplicable to us is that fall completely outside the ethical community and refuse to be bound at all by the self-restraint that our civilization has accustomed us to. They are instead in the grip of a fantasy, one in which we are just props that they utilize as they pursue what is almost an aesthetic form of violence: "9/11 was not an act of Clausewitzian terror--that is to say , terror used as a strategic weapon for the sake of its psychologically debilitating effect on the American people. It was a symbolic drama, a great ritual demonstrating the power of Allah, a pageant designed to convey a message not to the American people but to the Arab world." If this is truly the case--and if you read the essay you'll be convinced he's right--then we are facing a threat unlike any we've faced before, an enemy whose goals barely even involve us. It is, as Mr. Harris argues in the aforementioned Our World Historical Gamble, we are arrived at what he calls, again borrowing from Hegel, a "world-historical" moment. It is a situation "of historical impasse or deadlock for the human race" as he says in the book. Or, as he puts it in the essay, in speaking of our decision to respond to 9-11 by, in part, embarking on the risky course of deposing Saddam Hussein: Such world-historical events, according to Hegel, are inherently sui generis - they break the mold and shatter tradition.But, if these are necessarily uncertain times, Mr. Harris does have a prescription for how to meet the uncertainty, and it involves one of the most interesting concepts in the book: neo-sovereignty. The traditional Westphalian system of sovereignty promised states a kind of inviolability from their neighbors so long as there was a recognizable regime in control within its borders. But such a system required us to countenance totalitarian, even genocidal, regimes, so long as they limited their evil-doing to their own citizens. In essence, this kind of sovereignty said that a government could do any damage it wished to its nation and its people, so long as they left the rest of us alone. Mr. Harris proposes instead--and we put into effect in Iraq and Afghanistan--a different vision. As he describes it, the "core idea of neo-sovereignty" is that: [A]mericans have created and mastered a social technique that can solve many of the outstanding human and humanitarian problems facing the world today. We have produced a system of socialization as well as a system of organization that has been able to help us eliminate many of the deep-seated conflicts that haunt and divide the rest of mankind--conflicts of race and of religion, of sect and ethnicity. We have figured out a way of living together, and others can learn it from us, if they are willing.Several years ago, Walter McDougall suggested that America's posture towards the world divides along a faultline. On one side we wish to maintain our isolation from the rest of the world, holding ourselves out as an example, a Promised Land, but avoiding potentially contaminating contact with others. On the other side we've a tendency to sally forth as a Crusader State, more than willing to intervene in the affairs of others and convert them to our ways. His advocacy of neo-sovereignty--which would allow us to ignore the "rights" of regimes which lack liberal democratic legitimacy--plunks Mr. Harris down squarely on the side of the crusaders. It's no surprise, though he doesn't ruminate on it, that the leader of that crusade is the evangelical President, George W. Bush The gamble undertaken by the United States and its allies in response to 9-11 is so radical, transcends old categories so completely, that many seem to be having trouble processing its meaning. The obsession with finding WMD in Iraq reflects a people locked in the old system of sovereignty, where the war can only be justified if Saddam Hussein posed an imminent threat to our safety. The President, however, based the war on a far different standard, a universal standard under which Iraq does not represent a unique case but one of a fair number of like cases that it is our unique responsibility to deal with: The advance of freedom is the calling of our time; it is the calling of our country. From the Fourteen Points to the Four Freedoms, to the Speech at Westminster, America has put our power at the service of principle. We believe that liberty is the design of nature; we believe that liberty is the direction of history. We believe that human fulfillment and excellence come in the responsible exercise of liberty. And we believe that freedom -- the freedom we prize -- is not for us alone, it is the right and the capacity of all mankind.If 9-11 represented the enactment of a fantasy ideology, one in which America and Americans are merely props and the real target is the hearts and minds of Muslims, the war on terror, as waged by this administration, is the forcible imposition of a real ideology, liberal democracy, in which al Qaeda and its ilk are merely props, and the point is to transform the Muslim world in our image. This certainly is a world-historical gamble, but from Morocco to Libya to Syria to Iraq to Afghanistan it seems to be paying big dividends as a wave of liberalization sweeps the region. This process is what Mr. Harris calls the next stage of history: The civilization that the United States is now called upon to defend is not America's or even the West's; it is the civilization created by all men and women, everywhere on the planet, who have worked to make the actual community around them less addicted to violence, more open, more tolerant, more trusting. Civilization, in this sense, is Chinese, American, African, European, and Muslim. Those who are working for this purpose are all on the same side, and we all have a common enemy. It is an enemy whose origin goes back to the dawn of history, and indeed, the enemy that began the whole bloody and relentless cycle of violence and war, the eternal gang of ruthless men.As the refusal of the U.N. and even many of America's democratic allies to sanction or participate in our Middle East efforts, as well as the opposition of many within our own country amply demonstrates, these are lessons that have largely been forgotten, if ever they were widely understood. Mr. Harris's excellent book is a salutary and timely reminder of how we got to this point in history and a roadmap of how to get to the next point successfully. (Reviewed:) Grade: (A-) Tweet Websites:-BOOK SITE: Civilization and Its Enemies: The Next Stage of History (Written Voices) -EXCERPT: from Chapter One: The Riddle of the Enemy -ESSAY: Our World Historical Gamble: The collapse of the liberal order and the end of classical sovereignty. (Lee Harris, 03/11/03, Tech Central Station) -ESSAY: Al Qaeda's Fantasy Ideology (Lee Harris, August 2002, Policy Review) -ESSAY: The Politics of the Gang (Lee Harris,Ê03/02/2004, Tech Central Station) -ESSAY: The Cosmopolitan Illusion (Lee Harris, April 2003, Policy Review) -ESSAY: Honor and Shame: Who Needs Them?: Understanding the necessary conditions of a good society (Lee Harris, 12/31/03, Tech Central Station) -ESSAY: Thank God He's Alive (Lee Harris, 12/14/03, Tech Central Station) -ESSAY: Profiles and Courage (Lee Harris, 10/01/03, Tech Central Station) -ESSAY: The Clausewitz Curse: Given our uncertainty, what alternative does this, or any, administration have? (Lee Harris, 7/31/03, Tech Central Station) -ESSAY: Gangland Slaying: Replacing the right of national self-determination with a more fundamental right. (Lee Harris, 7/25/03, Tech Central Station) -ESSAY: Confronting the Myth: The United States is now faced with one of the great challenges that we have ever undertaken. (Lee Harris, 4/14/03, Tech Central Station) -ESSAY: Just Ask Mohammed: Healing the great rift between the Islamic world and the West. (Lee Harris, 4/08/03, Tech Central Station) -ESSAY: Madder Than MAD: A solution that seems insane, but ends by looking obvious. (Lee Harris, 3/19/03, Tech Central Station) -ESSAY: Sundown's Question: The logic of 'Us versus Them' offends our moral sensibility, but this does not change certain facts. (Lee Harris, 3/17/03, Tech Central Station) -ESSAY: The Genie's Curse: From Portugal to Arabia, the terrible dilemma of the multi-culturalist. (Lee Harris, 2/14/03, Tech Central Station) -ESSAY: Failure and Fantasy: Our penchant for self-criticism explains why we have trouble understanding the Arab world. (Lee Harris, 2/11/03, Tech Central Station) -ESSAY: Taking the Terror Cult Seriously: 'We will win because you fear death more than we do.' (Lee Harris, 2/07/03, Tech Central Station) -ESSAY: Mr. Bush's War: For historical parallels, look to World War I, not WW II. (Lee Harris, 2/05/03, Tech Central Station) -ESSAY: ¾ Reason and the Omen: Residues of this haunted world even among the most enlightened of us. (Lee Harris, 2/03/03, Tech Central Station) -ESSAY: The Intellectual Origins Of America-Bashing (Lee Harris, December 2002, Policy Review) -INTERVIEW: Our new epoch in history: Lee Harris (Bill Stiegerwald, 2/21/04, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review) -ARCHIVES: Lee Harris (Policy Review) -ARCHIVES: Lee Harris (Tech Central Station) -ARCHIVES: "Lee Harris" (Find Articles) -REVIEW: of Civilization and its Enemies (David Warren, Ottawa Citizen) -REVIEW: of Civilization and its Enemies (Bret Stephens, Wall Street Journal) -REVIEW: of Civilization and its Enemies (Steven Martinovich, Enter Stage Right) -REVIEW: of Civilization and its Enemies (Ann Marlowe, Salon) -REVIEW: of Civilization and its Enemies (Robert Sibley, Ottawa Citizen) -REVIEW: of Civilization and its Enemies (Mark Cunningham, NY Post) -REVIEW: of Civilization and its Enemies (Robert Spencer, Human Events) -REVIEW: of Civilization and its Enemies (W.J. Rayment, Conservative Monitor) http://www.claremont.org/writings/041014cella.html-REVIEW: of Civilization and its Enemies (Paul J. Cella III, Claremont Review of Books) -REVIEW: of Civilization and its Enemies (Buzzle) Book-related and General Links: See also our reviews of: Francis Fukuyama's End of History and Samuel Huntington's clash of civilizations. WALTER BAGEHOT: Physics and Politics: or Thoughts on the Application of the Principles of "Natural Selection" and "Inheritance" to Political Society (1863) (Walter Bagehot, 1826-77) CHAPTER V. - THE AGE OF DISCUSSION.The problem being--as Europe amply demonstrates and as we're in danger of following--that the tendency is to completely discard custom and order, leaving only choice, and the spring expands until the community is no longer bound by common interests. If discussion is corrosive of custom and all topics are subject to discussion in a free society than how do you maintain at least the degree of custom that order requires? MORE: -INTRODUCTION: to Physics and Politics by Walter Bagehot (Roger Kimball) -BIO: Bagehot , Walter (Britannica Concise) -BIO: Walter Bagehot (Ronald Hilton, WAIS Forum on Wais News) -CARICATURE: Walter Bagehot by David Levine (NY Review of Books) -Walter Bagehot Online -Walter Bagehot, 1826-1877 (New School) -The San Antonio College LitWeb Walter Bagehot Page -Bagehot, W (1826.2.3-77.3.24) (Akamac) -ETEXTS: Walter Bagehot (February 3, 1826 – March 24, 1877) -ETEXTS: Walter Bagehot (Blue Pete) -ETEXTS: Project Gutenberg Titles by Walter Bagehot -ESSAY: John Milton (1859) (Walter Bagehot) -ETEXT: Physics and Politics (Walter Bagehot ) -ETEXT: Lombard Street: A Description of the Money Market Walter Bagehot (1826-1877) (Library of Economics and Liberty) -REVIEW: of Principles of Political Economy, with some of their applications to Social Philosophy. By J. S. Mill (Walter Bagehot, 1848, The Prospective Review) -ARCHIVES: "walter bagehot" (Look Smart) |
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