[W]e preach Christ crucified. In perfect freedom, the Son become the goat become the Lamb of God is condemned by the lie in order to bear witness to the truth. The truth is that we are incapable of setting things right. The truth is that the more we try to set things right, the more we compound our guilt. It is not enough for God to take our part. God must take our place. All the blood of goats and lambs, all the innocent victims from the foundation of the world, all the acts of expiation and reparation ... all strengthen the grip of the great lie that we can set things right. The grip of that lie is broken by the greatest of lies, 'God is guilty!' ... God must die. It is a lie so monstrous that to suggest it invites instant annihilation--except that God accepts the verdict. Father Neuhaus proceeds from a deceptively simple premise: "If what Christians say about Good Friday is true, then it is, quite simply, the truth about everything." The problem is that what Christians say about Good Friday is surpassing strange; for Christians say that on that day God died. Needless to say, for most human societies in most times God or gods have been defined by their power, by thy their immortality--how can it be that Christians should think worthy of worship a God (in His incarnation as Christ) who can die, and not just die, but die on a cross like a common criminal, betrayed, despised, broken, alone, suffering, and despairing? The answer must be that this death has a meaning of such signifigance that the seemingly inexplicable death of God lies at the very core of what it means to be a Christian. The death of Christ redeems mankind and fulfills God's plan of salvation for Man, leaving us with reason to hope that there is a life beyond death. This story is the "paschal mystery" and as Father Neuhaus says: These pages are an exploration into mystery. The word "mystery" in this connection does not mean a puzzle, as in a murder mystery. It is not a thing to be solved, but an adventure into wonder, with each wonder that we encounter leading on to the next and greater wonder.This definition is particularly apt because he then leads the reader on an adventure of wonder, by meditating, one chapter for each, upon Christ's Seven Last Words: Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. (Luke 23:34) As he discusses these Seven Last Words, Mr. Neuhaus weaves together original sources, scholarship from all ages, popular art, personal anecdotes, etc., until what emerges may be meditation, but can hardly be called mere speculation. No one will agree with everything he says, but few will disagree with all and, even if we still can't discern it clearly, none who read with an open mind will argue that there is not truth contained within the mystery. Here is an extended sample of his style, which you'll note is not unlike that of a learned but approachable professor just shooting the breeze, from the First Chapter: This, then, is our circumstance. Something has gone dreadfully wrong with the world, and with us in the world. Things are out of whack. It is not all our fault, but it is our fault too. We cannot blame our distant parents for that fateful afternoon in the garden, for we were there. We, too, reached for the forbidden fruit-the forbidden fruit by which we not only know good and evil, but, much more fatefully, presume to name good and evil. [...]On display here are the two things that most distinguish his discourse, the challenges he presents to both liberals and conservatives (for lack of better terms): first, he demands that we take the crucifixion seriously, that we accept that God suffered and died, that this sacrifice is integral to the story, and that the Cross is a symbol of suffering; second, he universalizes the atonement and places these events in a Jewish context, requiring us to accept that the fulfillment that Christ enacted upon the Cross is of Jewish tradition and is the basis for all mankind's salvation. The ground he has staked out will upset those who seek to soft pedal the crucifixion, who try to make the story "happier", who even maintain that Christ did not die upon the Cross. It will also, and has, upset those who insist that only Christian believers are saved by Christ's act of atonement. He explains the reason for both these themes here: Throughout these reflections, I have frequently mentioned the gnostic distortions of the Christian Gospel. Perhaps readers may think I am too insistent about the specificity--what scholars call the "historicity"--of the story of salvation. But I am persuaded that everything depends on this. Specificity is all. It is for this reason that I have turned again and again to the Jewishness of the Christian story. In the shadow of the Holocaust, it is both morally imperative and good manners to emphasize the linkage between Judaism and Christianity. But much more is involved than a moral imperative, and certainly much more than good manners. It simply is not possible to understand the Christian story apart from its placement in the Jewish story. We have been discussing God's radical identification of his fate with the fate of the Old Testament prophets, and in that identification we have a foretaste, an intimation, of what Christians mean by the mystery of the incarnation. That God became man is not entirely a Christian novum, it is not an idea that came out of nowhere.Precisely because we are dealing here with mystery it is possible for either or both sides to raise objections to Father Neuhaus, but because he's always returning to the "historicity" of the matter his position seems at least defensible. At any rate, agree with him or not, the book is so thought provoking and such a joy to read that anyone will find it rewarding, while those who believe that what happened on that long ago Friday matters utterly and matters universally--for all men, not just for Christians--will find it indispensable. N.B.--Here are some texts that may be useful in your reading: Psalm 22 (King James Version) 1 My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? why art thou so far from helping me, and from the words of my roaring? The SS seemed more preoccupied, more disturbed than usual. To hang a young boy in front of thousands of spectators was no light matter. The head of the camp read the verdict. All eyes were on the child. He was lividly pale, almost calm, biting his lips. The gallows threw its shadow over him. This time the camp executioner refused to act as executioner. Three SS replaced him. Altarwise by Owl-Light (1935) (Dylan Thomas 1914-1953) (Stanza VIII) Still as of old (Reviewed:) Grade: (A+) Tweet Websites:-First Things: The Journal of Religion & Public Life -BOOKNOTES: As I Lay Dying: Meditations Upon Returning by Richard John Neuhaus (C-SPAN, May 26, 2002) -ESSAY: John Paul II: In issuing more significant encyclicals and visiting more nations than any other pope, he's shown that Christianity remains a world force. (Richard John Neuhaus, Winter 2000, Christian History) -ESSAY: Salvation Is from the Jews" (Richard John Neuhaus, November 2001, First Things) -ESSAY: Is Mormonism Christian? A Respected Advocate for Interreligious Cooperation Responds (Richard John Neuhaus, Mormons in Transition) -ESSAY: The Approaching Century of Religion (Richard John Neuhaus, Orthodoxy Today) -ESSAY: The Idea of Moral Progress (Richard John Neuhaus, Aug/Sep 1999, First Things) -ESSAY: Abortion: Christian Doctrine and Public Policy (Richard John Neuhaus, September 21, 1988, Presbyterians Pro-Life) -EXCERPT: from Chapter One of Death on a Friday Afternoon -ESSAY: The Liberalism of John Paul II (Richard John Neuhaus, May 1997, First Things) -ESSAY: Indefensible Ethics: Debating Peter Singer (Father Richard John Neuhaus, February 2002, The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity) -ESSAY: Going public (Richard John Neuhaus, Dec 5, 1994, National Review) -STATEMENT: Save Liberal Education: Save Saint Ignatius Institute (signatory) -STATEMENT: THE AMERICA WE SEEK: A Statement of Pro-Life Principle and Concern -TESTIMONY OF RICHARD JOHN NEUHAUS (COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY/SUBCOMMITTEE ON THE CONSTITUTION/ U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, JULY 10, 1995 -REVIEW: of Christianity and the World Order By Edward R. Norman and Amsterdam to Nairobi: The World Council of Churches and the Third World By Ernest W. Lefever (Richard John Neuhaus, Theology Today) -REVIEW: of Exploring New Ethics for Survival: The Voyage of the Spaceship Beagle By Garrett Hardin (Richard John Neuhaus, Theology Today) -REVIEW: of American Mainline Religion: Its Changing Shape and Future By Wade Clark Roof and William McKinney (Richard John Neuhaus, Theology Today) -REVIEW: of Salt of the Earth: The Church at the End of the Millenium, by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (Richard John Neuhaus, Christianity Today) -REVIEW: of The Second One Thousand Years: Ten People Who Defined a Millennium by edited by Richard John Neuhaus (Michael R. Stevens, Religion & Liberty) -ARCHIVES: Richard John Neuhaus (NY Review of Books) -AUDIO INTERVIEW: with Richard John Neuhaus (The Connection) -INTERVIEW: Fr. Richard John Neuhaus on the Iraqi Crisis (An Interview with ZENIT, /14/03) -CHAT: Pope in the Holy Land Chat Transcript ( Father Richard John Neuhaus chatted with Beliefnet about the pope's recent visit to the Holy Land and John Paul II's papacy on Yahoo, Monday, March 27, 2000) -ESSAY: Con Job: Theocons v. Neocons? Strauss v. Aquinas? Catholics v. Jews? Or The New Republic v. reality? (RAMESH PONNURU, 1/27/097, National Review) -ESSAY: You Make the Call (Dale Vree, New Oxford Review) -ESSAY: 8 Books that Changed the World: The Naked Public Square by Richard Joihn Neuhaus (John J. Miller, Philanthropy) -ESSAY: Evangelicals and Catholics Together: A New Initiative: "The Gift of Salvation" A remarkable statement on what we mean by the gospel. (An Evangelical Assessment by Timothy George, December 8, 1997, Christianity Today) -ESSAY: Groups Battle over Catholic Outreach (Jackie Alnor, 3/02/03, Christianity Today) -ESSAY: You Make the Call (Dale Vree, New Oxford Review) -ARCHIVES: "richard john neuhaus" (Find Articles) -REVIEW: of Death on a Friday Afternoon: Meditations on the Last Words of Jesus from the Cross by Richard John Neuhaus (Michael Potemra, National Review) -REVIEW: of Death on a Friday Afternoon (Mark Noll, BeliefNet) -REVIEW: of Death on a Friday Afternoon (S. M. Hutchens, Touchstone) -REVIEW: of Death on a Friday Afternoon (Brian E. Daley, Commonweal) -REVIEW: of Death on a Friday Afternnon (Mary Claire Gart, Catholic One World) -REVIEW: of BELIEVING TODAY - Jew and Christian in Conversation by Leon Klenicki and Richard John Neuhaus (Howard Taylor, Apologetics) -REVIEW: of Piety and Politics: Evangelicals and Fundamentalists Confront the World Edited by Richard John Neuhaus and Michael Cromartie (1987) (JAMES H. MOORHEAD, Theology Today) -REVIEW: of Freedom For Ministry: A Critical Affirmation of The Church and Its Mission By Richard John Neuhaus (1984) (Stanford R. Lucyk, Theology Today) -REVIEW: of In Defense of People: Ecology and the Seduction of Radicalism By Richard Neuhaus (1971) (Edward Leroy Long, Jr., Theology Today) -REVIEW: of The Chosen People in an Almost Chosen Nation: Jews and Judaism in America, Introduction by Richard John Neuhaus (John Wilson, Christianity Today) -REVIEW: of The Naked Public Square: Religion and Democracy in America By Richard John Neuhaus (Dean K. Thompson, Theology Today) -BOOK LIST: National Review's 100 Best of the 20th Century (Richard John Neuhaus, Panel Member) Book-related and General Links: HOLY WEEK: -death and resurrection (Jim Hart) -SERMON: Death's Duel (1630) (John Donne) -REVIEW: of The Resurrection of the Son of God (Christian Origins and the Question of God, Vol. 3) by N. T. Wright (David Neff, Christianity Today) -INTERVIEW: You Can't Keep a Justified Man Down: An interview with N. T. Wright (David Neff, April 2003, Christianity Today) -ESSAY: The Goodness of Good Friday: An unhappy celebration--isn't that an oxymoron? (Chris Armstrong, April 2003, Christianity Today) -ESSAY: The Day After: Between Jesus' death and Resurrection, what happened? (MARK GAUVREAU JUDGE, April 18, 2003, Wall Street Journal) |
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