Although he was to remember his friendship with painter
Paul Ehrenberg as the love of his life, in
Mann found very young men beautiful, but his homosexuality
remained hidden for 50 years after
The quote above is merely one of a number of similar sentiments that I found when I was looking for links for this review and I must admit, they completely mystify me. How could anyone read this story and not realize that Mann was an almost heroically repressed homosexual? Death in Venice tells the story of Gustav von Aschenbach, a German writer, who decides that he needs a holiday to relieve the stress of his "nerve-taxing" work. Eventually he arrives in Venice and conceives a passionate crush on a a fourteen year old boy named Tadzio. As he grows ever more obsessed with the boy, Aschenbach's mind becomes increasingly unbalanced. He takes to following the lad around and refuses to leave Venice despite an outbreak of cholera, virtually courting death in order to indulge his desires. Finally, as Tadzio frolics in the waves at the beach, Aschenbach dies quietly in a beach chair. Just in case the reader hasn't gotten the hint, Mann helpfully provides Aschenbach one extended soliloquy: For mark you, Phaedrus, beauty alone is both divine
and visible; and so it is the sense way, the
Mann, who had studied and was influenced by Nietzsche, here posits the artist as a Dionysian, drawn to the purely sensual. But at the same time he recognizes that this attraction to the non-rational realm is self destructive; yield to desire and you end up, like Aschenbach, first insane and then dead. The artist is counterpoised against the wise and rational citizenery, whom Nietzsche termed Apollonians (see Orrin's review of The Birth of Tragedy (1872)(Friedrich Nietzsche 1844-1900) (Grade: C). I've tried several times to read Mann's novels--Buddenbrooks, The Magic Mountain, Doctor Faustus--and I have to admit I find them unreadable, but supposedly this struggle between reason and passion is a consistent theme. Yet when Mann's diaries were published in the 1980's--revealing a man who, despite a successful marriage lasting half a century and producing six children, was continually smitten with young men, typically the waiters in his favorite restaurants--the critics claim to have been shocked by the revelation of his homoerotic yearnings. Significantly, there is no evidence that he acted on these impulses. He appears to have submerged his carnal appetite for boys in favor of a conventional family life. I simply do not understand why this should have surprised anyone; it seems perfectly consistent with the vision of this story that he would have chosen not to end up like Aschenbach himself. This is not a terribly enjoyable story to read and there aren't really any sympathetic characters. Nor do I find Mann's prose particularly compelling; as I mentioned, I've found his other works to be pretty tough sledding. But taken purely as a cautionary tale, it's at least mildly worthwhile reading. (Reviewed:) Grade: (C) Tweet Websites:-WIKIPEDIA: Thomas Mann - - - - -INDEX: Thomas Mann (Yale Review) -ESSAY: Brother Hitler (Thomas Mann, 1939, Esquire) -ETEXT: Essays of Three Decades (Thomas Mann)[pdf] - - -ESSAY: Mann and his musical demons: Thomas Mann was all too aware of the ties between music and Nazi ideology (Wolfgang Schneider, 7/18/07, Sign and Sight) - -ESSAY: Reflections of a Nonpolitical Man (Eskil Elling, 12/19/21, The Point) -ESSAY: Under a Spell Everlasting: Thomas Mann’s Magic Mountain, published a century ago, tells of a world unable to free itself from the cataclysm of war (Samantha Rose Hill, December 2, 2024, American Scholar) -ESSAY: Thomas Mann and the European disease of nihilism: The vicious battle of ideas behind the continent's World Wars has migrated East. (Tanjil Rashid, 11/26/24, New Statesman) -ESSAY: Thomas Mann's 'Magic Mountain' still resonates 100 years on: A divided society, existential fears and the specter of war: Thomas Mann's novel "The Magic Mountain" is still frighteningly relevant, a century after its first publication. (Suzanne Cords, 11/26/24, Deutsche Welle) -ESSAY: The Magic Mountain Saved My Life: When I was young and adrift, Thomas Mann’s novel gave me a sense of purpose. Today, its vision is startlingly relevant. (George Packer, December 2024, The Atlantic) -ESSAY: The Apostle of Love: How Thomas Mann discovered sensual education in The Magic Mountain (Merve Emre, November 2024, Yale Review) -ESSAY: Thomas Mann predicted the New World Order: He saw Davos in his Magic Mountain (Boyd Tonkin, 11/08/24, UnHerd) -ESSAY: The life and Lives of Thomas Mann (Jeffrey Meyers, The Article) -ESSAY: The Art of Distance: Story and Style Now (John Pistelli, 07/15/24, Grand Hotel Abyss) -ESSAY: My journey around Thomas Mann’s Magic Mountain: He is ideal reading for the ecstatic diseased (Jeremy Clarke, January 7, 2023, Spectator) -ESSAY: Cholera in Thomas Mann’s ‘Death in Venice’ (Jeffrey Meyers, The Article) -INTERVIEW: The Eternal Return of Fascism: A Conversation with Rob Riemen (Natasha Lennard, 1/15/23, LA Review of Books) -ESSAY: Thomas Mann, the humorous German: comedy in ‘Buddenbrooks’ (Jeffrey Meyers, 12/18/22, The Article) -REVIEW ESSAY: Thomas Mann’s Brush with Darkness: How the German novelist’s tormented conservative manifesto led to his later modernist masterpieces. (Alex Ross, January 17, 2022, The New Yorker) -ESSAY: Thomas Mann’s Dilemma: The great novelist’s defense of the nonpolitical continues to resonate. (Adam Kirsch, Autumn 2021m City Journal) -ESSAY: Against Politics: Communists and fascists are very often the same unpleasant people, wrote Thomas Mann—literary champion of the German bourgeois. He was right. (DAVID MIKICS, JUNE 03, 2021, Tablet) -ESSAY: Mannhood: When Thomas Mann and Stefan Zweig Had Lunch Together (Morten Høi Jensen, January 2025, Liberties) -ESSAY: In Today's Terror, An Old Allegory Gets a New Life: Has Abu Musab al-Zarqawi been reading Thomas Mann? (BRET STEPHENS, August 19, 2005, Opinion Journal) -REVIEW: of MANN’S MAGIC MOUNTAIN by Karolina Watroba (Ian Ellison, TLS) -REVIEW: of Thomas Mann: New and Selected Stories By Thomas Mann (Joshua Hren, University Bookman) FILM: - -REVIEW ESSAY: Criminally Overrated: Death in Venice (Alan Zilberman, 8/01/24, Spectrum Culture) -ESSAY: “Death in Venice”: The Problem of Romantic Reaction (Eva Brann, June 24th, 2019, Imaginative Conservative) Book-related and General Links: -ENCYCLOPÆDIA BRITANNICA: Your search: "thomas mann" -ENCYCLOPÆDIA BRITANNICA: Mann, Thomas -Thomas Mann (1875-1955)(kirjasto) -Thomas Mann Winner of the 1929 Nobel Prize (Nobel Site) -THOMAS MANN: 1929 Nobel Laureate in Literature (Nobel Internet Archive) -ARCHIVE: Thomas Mann (New York Review of Books) -Who's Who in Nazi Germany: Mann, Thomas (1875-1955) (Routledge) -The Columbia Encyclopedia: Sixth Edition. 2000: Mann, Thomas -THOMAS MANN (1875-1955)(Books Unlimited UK) -Thomas Mann (Knitting Circle) -THOMAS MANN MUSEUM -Thomas Mann is the Man! -DISCUSSION: Thomas Mann Hatteras Lighthouse -ESSAY: Eye of the Beholder: Thomas Mann's Death in Venice -ESSAY: Carlos Fuentes writes about 'Thomas Mann in Love' -ONLINE STUDYGUIDE : Death in Venice by Thomas Mann (Katie Mannheimer , Spark Notes) -OUTLINE: Death in Venice -REVIEW: Second Look : JOSEPH AND HIS BROTHERS (1933-44), BY THOMAS MANN (PETER CRAVEN, The Age) -REVIEW : of Doctor Faustus by Thomas Mann Translated by John E. Woods and The Castle by Franz Kafka Translated with a preface by Mark Harman (Steve Dowden, Boston Review) -REVIEW : of Doctor Faustus by Thomas Mann. Translated by John E. Woods (Kenneth Baker, SF Chronicle) -REVIEW: of Thomas Mann: Eros and Literature by Anthony Heilbut (STEPHEN GRAY, Electronic Mail and Guardian) -REVIEW: of Thomas Mann A Life By Donald Prater (Brigitte Frase, Hungry Mind Review) -REVIEW: Gordon A. Craig: The Mann Nobody Knew, NY Review of Books Thomas Mann: Eine Biographie by Klaus Harpprecht Thomas Mann: A Biography by Ronald Hayman Thomas Mann: A Life by Donald Prater Thomas Mann: Eros and Literature by Anthony Heilbut Tagebücher 1954-1955 by Thomas Mann and edited by Inge Jens -REVIEW: of THOMAS MANN A Biography. By Ronald Hayman (Theodore Ziolkowski, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of THOMAS MANN A Biography By Ronald Hayman (MICHIKO KAKUTANI, NY Times) -REVIEW: of THOMAS MANN The Making of an Artist, 1875-1911. By Richard Winston (Peter Gay, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: Gabriele Annan: The Magician, NY Review of Books Thomas Mann: The Making of an Artist by Richard Winston -REVIEW: Thomas Mann, Death in Venice (Pieris Maida Berreitter) -REVIEW: W.H. Auden: Lame Shadows, NY Review of Books Tonio Kröger and Other Stories by Thomas Mann and translated by David Luke -REVIEW: Stephen Spender: The Inner Mann, NY Review of Books Letters by Thomas Mann, selected and translated by Richard Winston, and Clara Winston -REVIEW: Robert Craft: The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, NY Review of Books Thomas Mann Symposium by Claude Hill, chairman Katia Mann: Unwritten Memoirs by Katia Mann The Hesse/Mann Letters: The Correspondence of Herman Hesse and Thomas Mann, 1910-1955 Mythology and Humanism: The Correspondence of Thomas Mann and Karl Kerényi An Exceptional Friendship: The Correspondence of Thomas Mann and Erich Kahler -REVIEW: Robert Craft: The 'Doctor Faustus' Case, NY Review of Books Doctor Faustus by Thomas Mann and translated by H. T. Lowe-Porter The Story of a Novel: The Genesis of "Doctor Faustus" by Thomas Mann Thomas Mann's "Doctor Faustus": The Sources and Structure of the Novel by Gunilla Bergsten Faust as Musician: A Study of Thomas Mann's Novel "Doctor Faustus" by Patrick Carnegy -REVIEW: Gordon A. Craig: Mein liebes Tagebuch, NY Review of Books Thomas Mann: Diaries 1918-1939 selection and foreword by Hermann Kesten -REVIEW: of THOMAS MANN DIARIES 1918-1939, 1918-1921, 1933-1939 (Ernst Pawel, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: James Joll: Mann and the Magician, NY Review of Books Pro and Contra Wagner by Thomas Mann, translated by Allan Blunden -REVIEW: of REFLECTIONS OF A NONPOLITICAL MAN By Thomas Mann (Walter Laqueur, NY Times Book Review) |
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