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Category:  Philosophy (Sorted by Author's last name)

Vergil's Empire: Political Thought in the Aeneid (2003) - Eve Adler (-)    (Grade:A)

America’s Philosopher: John Locke in American Intellectual Life (2022) - Claire Rydell Arcenas (1988-)    (Grade:A)

Candide (or Optimism) (1759) - François-Marie Arouet (11/21/1694-05/30/1778)    (Grade:A)

An Intellectual History of Cannibalism (2003) - Catalin Avramescu (07/12/1967-)    (Grade:B+)

Physics and Politics: or Thoughts on the Application of the Principles of "Natural Selection" and "Inheritance" to Political Society (1863) - Walter Bagehot (02/03/1826 -03/24/1877)    (Grade:B+)

The American Republic: Constitution, Tendencies, and Destiny (1866) - Orestes Augustus Brownson (09/16/1803 -1876)    (Grade:A)

What We Can't Not Know: A Guide (2003) - J. Budziszewski (1952 -)    (Grade:A)

Among the Thugs : The Experience, and the Seduction, of Crowd Violence (1991) - Bill Buford (1954-)    (Grade:A)

Wanting: The Power of Mimetic Desire in Everyday Life (2021) - Luke Burgis ( -)    (Grade:C)

Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790) - Edmund Burke (1/12/1729 -7/09/1797)    (Grade:A+)

Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar . . .: Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes (2007) - Thomas Cathcart (-)    (Grade:A+)

How to Grow Old: Ancient Wisdom for the Second Half of Life (44 BC) - Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 BC -12/07/43 BC)    (Grade:A)

The Long Truce: How Toleration Made the World Safe for Power and Profit (2001) - A. J. Conyers (-)    (Grade:A)

Shop Class as Soulcraft : An Inquiry into the Value of Work (2009) - Matthew B. Crawford ( -)    (Grade:A)

On Humour (Thinking in Action) (2002) - Simon Critchley ( -)    (Grade:B)

A Voyage Around My Room (1795) - Xavier de Maistre (1763-06/12/1852)    (Grade:B+)

Memoir on Pauperism (1835) - Alexis De Tocqueville (7/29/1805 -4/16/1859)    (Grade:A+)

The Agony of Christianity (1925) - Miguel de Unamuno (09/29/1864-12/31/1936)    (Grade:A)

Wittgenstein's Poker: The Story of a Ten-Minute Argument Between Two Great Philosophers (2001) - David Edmonds (-)    (Grade:C+)

How to Grow Old: Ancient Wisdom for the Second Half of Life (44 BC) - Philip Freeman (1961 -)    (Grade:A)

The End of History and the Last Man (1992) - Francis Fukuyama (10/27/1952 -)    (Grade:A+)

Michael Oakeshott on the Human Condition: Essays (2024) - Timothy Fuller (1/15/1940-)    (Grade:A-)

The Two Faces of Liberalism (2000) - John Gray (4/17/1948 -)    (Grade:C)

Zen in the Art of Archery (1953) - Eugen Herrigel (-)    (Grade:C+)

The True Believer : Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements (1951) - Eric Hoffer (7/15/1902 -5/21/1983)    (Grade:A)

The Right Darwin?: Evolution, Religion, And the Future of Democracy (2006) - Carson L. Holloway ( -)    (Grade:A)

War and the Liberal Conscience (Trevelyan Lectures) (1978) - Michael Eliot Howard (11/29/1922-)    (Grade:A)

On My Philosophy () - Karl Jaspers (02/23/1883-02/26/1969)    (Grade:B+)

Redefining Sovereignty (March 2006) - Orrin Corson Judd (12/02/1961 -)    (Grade:A+)

Reality (2003) - Peter Kingsley (-)    (Grade:C)

The American Cause (1957) - Russell Kirk (10/19/1918 -4/29/1994)    (Grade:A)

Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar . . .: Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes (2007) - Daniel Klein (-)    (Grade:A+)

The Modern Temper: A Study And A Confession (1929) - Joseph Wood Krutch (11/25/1893-05/22/1970)    (Grade:A-)

Quantum Enigma: Physics Encounters Consciousness (2006) - Fred Kuttner (-)    (Grade:A)

Homeless and At Home in America : Evidence for the Dignity of the Human Soul in Our Time and Place (2007) - Peter Augustine Lawler (07/30/1951 -05/23/2017)    (Grade:A)

Liberalism as a Way of Life (2024) - Alexander Lefebvre ( -)    (Grade:B)

Public Opinion (1922) - Walter Lippmann (09/23/1889-12/14/1974)    (Grade:D)

Second Treatise of Government (1689) - John Locke (08/29/1632 -10/28/1704)    (Grade:B+)

The Prince (1513) - Niccolo Machiavelli (5/03/1469 -6/21/1527)    (Grade:A+)

The Art of War (Dell'arte della guerra) (1521) - Niccolo Machiavelli (5/03/1469 -6/21/1527)    (Grade:B+)

After Virtue : A Study in Moral Theory (1981) - Alasdair Chalmers MacIntyre (01/12/1929-)    (Grade:A)

Democracy in America (2000) - Harvey C. Mansfield (3/21/1932 -)    (Grade:A+)

Manliness (2006) - Harvey C. Mansfield (3/21/1932 -)    (Grade:B)

The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America (2001) - Louis Menand ( -)    (Grade:B)

In Defense of Freedom and Related Essays () - Frank S. Meyer (1909-1972)    (Grade:A+)

Willmoore Kendall: Maverick of American Conservatives (2002) - John A. Murley (-)    (Grade:A)

A Book of Five Rings (1645) - Miyamoto Musashi (1584-1645)    (Grade:C+)

The Last Word (1997) - Thomas Nagel (07/04/1937 -)    (Grade:B)

Nietzsche: Life as Literature (1985) - Alexander Nehamas (03/22/1946-)    (Grade:A-)

The Fire of Invention : Civil Society and the Future of the Corporation (1997) - Michael Novak (9/09/1933 -02/17/2017)    (Grade:B+)

Rationalism in Politics and Other Essays (1962) - Michael Oakeshott (12/11/1901 -12/19/1990)    (Grade:A)

The Anatomy of Fascism (2004) - Robert O. Paxton (-)    (Grade:B-)

Russian Conservatism and Its Critics: A Study in Political Culture (2005) - Richard Pipes (07/11/1923-)    (Grade:B+)

For Common Things: Irony, Trust, and Commitment in America Today (1999) - Jedediah Purdy (1974-)    (Grade:D)

The Virtue of Selfishness : A New Concept of Egoism (1964) - Ayn Rand (02/02/1905 -03/06/1982)    (Grade:B+)

The Dice Man (1971) - Luke Rhinehart (11/15/1932 -11/06/2020)    (Grade:A-)

The Social Contract (1762) - Jean Jacques Rousseau (6/28/1712 -7/02/1778)    (Grade:F)

Reveries of the Solitary Walker (1778) - Jean Jacques Rousseau (6/28/1712 -7/02/1778)    (Grade:F)

The Concept of the Political (1927) - Carl Schmitt (07/11/1888 -04/07/1985)    (Grade:C)

The Consolation of the Shoes (2007) - Manolo the Shoeblogger (-)    (Grade:A)

On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century (2017) - Timothy Snyder (8/18/1969-)    (Grade:B+)

The Quest for Cosmic Justice (1999) - Thomas Sowell (6/30/1930 -)    (Grade:B+)

The Burden of Memory, the Muse of Forgiveness (1999) - Wole Soyinka (07/13/1934 -)    (Grade:D)

The Trial of Socrates (1988) - I.F. Stone (1907-1989)    (Grade:B-)

What the Anti-Federalists Were For (1981) - Herbert J. Storing (1928 -1977)    (Grade:A)

Against the Idols of the Age () - David Charles Stove (9/15/1927 -6/02/1994)    (Grade:A+)

The Political Philosophy of Hobbes: Its Basis and Its Genesis () - Leo Strauss (09/20/1899 -10/18/1973)    (Grade:B+)

Arguing About War (2004) - Michael Walzer ( -)    (Grade:A)

The Breakdown of Cartesian Metaphysics (1987) - Richard A. Watson (02/23/1931-)    (Grade:A)

Ideas Have Consequences (1948) - Richard M. Weaver (3/03/1910 -4/01/1963)    (Grade:A+)