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Category:  Science Fiction & Fantasy (Sorted by Author's last name)

The Goblin Emperor (2014) - Katherine Addison (-)    (Grade:A)

The Foundation Trilogy (1951-1953) - Isaac Asimov (1/02/1920 -4/06/1992)    (Grade:A-)

The Handmaid's Tale (1986) - Margaret Atwood (11/18/1939 -)    (Grade:C+)

The Windup Girl (2009) - Paolo Tadini Bacigalupi (08/06/1972 -)    (Grade:C+)

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1900) - L. Frank Baum (5/15/1856 -5/06/1919)    (Grade:A+)

Moving Mars (1993) - Greg Bear (1951-)    (Grade:B+)

The Reapers Are the Angels (2010) - Alden Bell (-)    (Grade:A)

The Stars My Destination (1956) - Alfred Bester (1913-1987)    (Grade:A)

The Demolished Man (1953) - Alfred Bester (1913-1987)    (Grade:A-)

They Shall Have Stars (aka : Year 2018!) [Part One of Cities in Flight] (1957) - James Blish (1921-1975)    (Grade:C+)

A Case of Conscience (1958) - James Blish (1921-1975)    (Grade:B+)

Golem: Legends of the Ghetto of Prague () - Chayim Bloch (06/26/1881 -01/23/1973)    (Grade:B+)

Planet of the Apes (1963) - Pierre Boulle (1912-1994)    (Grade:A-)

Fahrenheit 451 (1953) - Ray Bradbury (08/22/1920 -06/05/2012)    (Grade:A-)

Night Watch: A Novel [Nochnoi Dozor] (1998) - Andrew Bromfeld (-)    (Grade:A)

I Am Legend (1954) - John Buchan (08/26/1875 -02/11/1940)    (Grade:B)

Tarzan of the Apes (1912) - Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875-1950)    (Grade:A+)

Kindred (1979) - Octavia Butler (6/22/1947 -2/24/2006)    (Grade:A)

Who Goes There? (short story) (1938) - John W. Capbell (6/08/1910-7/11/1971)    (Grade:B)

Ender's Game (1985) - Orson Scott Card (-)    (Grade:A)

Werewolf (1979) - Angela Carter (5/07/1940-2/16/1992)    (Grade:A)

The Sentinel (1951) - Arthur C. Clarke (12/16/1917 -3/19/2008)    (Grade:A)

The Star (story) (1955) - Arthur C. Clarke (12/16/1917 -3/19/2008)    (Grade:C)

The Hunger Games (2008) - Suzanne Collins (1963? -)    (Grade:A+)

Dark Matter (2016) - Blake Crouch (1978-)    (Grade:A-)

We Can Remember It For You Wholesale (1966) - Phillip K. Dick (12/26/1928 -3/02/1982)    (Grade:A)

The Minority Report (1954) - Phillip K. Dick (12/26/1928 -3/02/1982)    (Grade:B)

The Man in the High Castle (1962) - Phillip K. Dick (12/26/1928 -3/02/1982)    (Grade:C)

Blade Runner (Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep) (1968) - Phillip K. Dick (12/26/1928 -3/02/1982)    (Grade:B+)

The Dreams Our Stuff Is Made of: How Science Fiction Conquered the World (1998) - Thomas M. Disch (1940-)    (Grade:B-)

The Stolen Child (2006) - Keith Donohue (-)    (Grade:B)

Diaspora (1997) - Greg Egan (1961-)    (Grade:C)

The Circle (2013) - Dave Eggers (03/12/1970 -)    (Grade:C)

To Your Scattered Bodies Go (1971) - Philip Jose Farmer (-)    (Grade:B)

Heart of the Assassin (2009) - Robert Ferrigno ( -)    (Grade:A+)

Sins of the Assassin (2008) - Robert Ferrigno ( -)    (Grade:A)

Prayers for the Assassin (2006) - Robert Ferrigno ( -)    (Grade:A)

Outlander (1991) - Diana Gabaldon (1952-)    (Grade:C-)

Neverwhere (1997) - Neil Gaiman (11/10/1960 -)    (Grade:B+)

Grendel (1971) - John Gardner (1933 -1982)    (Grade:B)

Neuromancer (1984) - William Gibson (1948-)    (Grade:C+)

The Forever War (1943) - Joe Haldeman (-)    (Grade:A-)

Snow in August (1997) - Pete Hamill (-)    (Grade:A)

Light (2002) - M. John Harrison (07/26/1945 -)    (Grade:B)

Starship Troopers (1959) - Robert A. Heinlein (07/07/1907-1988)    (Grade:B+)

Dune (1965) - Frank Herbert (10/08/1920 -2/11/1986)    (Grade:A+)

Lost Horizon (1933) - James Hilton (9/09/1900 -12/20/1954)    (Grade:A)

The Unit (2009) - Ninni Holmqvist (1958-)    (Grade:C+)

Brave New World (1932) - Aldous Huxley (7/26/1894 -11/22/1963)    (Grade:A)

Never Let Me Go (2005) - Kazuo Ishiguro (11/08/1954 -)    (Grade:A)

The Children of Men (1992) - P.D. James (08/03/1920 -11/27/2014)    (Grade:A+)

Left Behind: A Novel of the Earth's Last Days (1995) - Jerry B. Jenkins (-)    (Grade:C+)

Flowers for Algernon (1966) - Daniel Keyes ( -8/09/1927)    (Grade:A+)

A Wrinkle in Time (1962) - Madeleine L'Engle (11/29/1918 -09/06/2007)    (Grade:A+)

Past Master (1968) - R. A. Lafferty (11/07/1914 -03/18/2002)    (Grade:B)

Left Behind: A Novel of the Earth's Last Days (1995) - Tim LaHaye (-)    (Grade:C+)

The Lathe of Heaven (1971) - Ursula K. Le Guin (10/21/1929 -1/22/2018)    (Grade:A)

A Wizard of Earthsea (1968) - Ursula K. Le Guin (10/21/1929 -1/22/2018)    (Grade:C)

The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas: Variations on a theme by William James (story) (1973) - Ursula K. Le Guin (10/21/1929 -1/22/2018)    (Grade:B+)

Solaris (1961) - Stanislaw Herman Lem (09/21-22/1921 -03/27/2006)    (Grade:B+)

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (1950) - C.S. Lewis (11/29/1898 -11/22/1963)    (Grade:A+)

The Screwtape Letters (1943) - C.S. Lewis (11/29/1898 -11/22/1963)    (Grade:A+)

Night Watch: A Novel [Nochnoi Dozor] (1998) - Sergei Lukyanenko (04/11/1968-)    (Grade:A)

I Am Legend (1954) - Richard Matheson (02/20/1926 -06/23/2013)    (Grade:B)

The Road (2006) - Cormac McCarthy (07/20/1933 -06/13/2023)    (Grade:A+)

The Wood Beyond the World (1895) - William Morris (1834-1896)    (Grade:B+)

The Wave (2006) - Walter Mosley (01/12/1952 -)    (Grade:C)

His Majesty's Dragon (Temeraire, Book 1) (2006) - Naomi Novik (1973-)    (Grade:A+)

Ashes of the Earth: A Mystery of Post-Apocalyptic America (2011) - Elliot Pattison (10/20/1951-)    (Grade:C)

The Prestige (1995) - Christopher Priest (7/14/1943 -2/02/2024)    (Grade:A)

Anthem (1946) - Ayn Rand (02/02/1905 -03/06/1982)    (Grade:A)

The Celestine Prophecy (1993) - James Redfield ( -)    (Grade:F)

Revelation Space (2000) - Alastair Preston Reynolds (1966-)    (Grade:B)

Hadrian the Seventh (1904) - Frederick Rolfe (07/22/1860-10/25/1913)    (Grade:C)

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix () - J. K. Rowling (7/31/1965 -)    (Grade:A+)

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2003) - J. K. Rowling (7/31/1965 -)    (Grade:A)

We Cast a Shadow (2019) - Maurice Carlos Ruffin ( -)    (Grade:C+)

The Sparrow (1996) - Mary Doria Russell (-)    (Grade:B+)

Calculating God (2000) - Robert J. Sawyer (1960-)    (Grade:A-)

The Lord of the Rings [The Hobbit (1937), The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, The Return of the King] (1948) - J.R.R. Tolkien (01/03/1892 -09/02/1973)    (Grade:A+)

The Book of the Dun Cow (1978) - Walter M. Wangerin, Jr. (02/13/1944-)    (Grade:A+)

The Martian (2011) - Andy Weir ( -)    (Grade:A)

The Murderbot Diaries: All Systems Red (2017) - Martha Wells (9/01/1964 -)    (Grade:B+)

The Invisible Man (1897) - H.G. Wells (9/21/1866 -8/13/1946)    (Grade:A-)

Descent into Hell (1937) - Charles Williams (1886 -1945)    (Grade:B)

The Holy Land (2003) - Robert Zubrin (4/09/1952 -)    (Grade:B+)