Author: Pope John Paul II Pope [Karol Wojtyla]
-ARCHIVES: POPE JOHN PAUL II (Brothers Judd Blog) -Interactive Feature: The Life of Pope John Paul II Frank Bruni looks back on the extraordinary papacy of John Paul II. (NY Times) -TRIBUTE: The Pope in Private: A serious philosopher, John Paul II also had a serious sweet tooth. A very personal portrait. (George Weigel, 4/11/05, Newsweek) -INTERVIEW: Pope John Paul II and Evangelicals: Protestants admired his lifelong admonition to "Be not afraid! Open the doors to Christ!" An interview with George Weigel. (Interview by Michael Cromartie, 04/04/2005, Christianity Today) -TRIBUTE: This shepherd of titanic stature: Though a catalyst for reconciliation and freedom, he endured a loss of flock as well as moral opposition (Martin E. Marty, April 4, 2005, Newsday) -OBIT: Pope Succumbs to Illness Suffered at Length and in Public (IAN FISHER, April 3, 2005, NY Times) -OBITUARY: All-Embracing Man of Action for a New Era of Papacy: John Paul II captivated much of humanity and reshaped the church with a heroic vision of a combative, disciplined Catholicism. (ROBERT D. McFADDEN, 4/03/05, NY Times) -TRIBUTE: John Paul the Great: he turned the world away from communism and made the papacy a public institution (Father Richard John Neuhaus, April 3, 2005, San Diego Union Tribune) -TRIBUTE: Pope John Paul II (Charles Krauthammer,April 3, 2005, Townhall) -TRIBUTE: A counterbalance to Communists (Judy Dempsey, April 2, 2005, International Herald Tribune) -TRIBUTE: The Tikkun Olam Pope (Lisa Palmieri-Billig, Apr. 3, 2005, THE JERUSALEM POST) -TRIBUTE: POPE JOHN PAUL II: DAYS OF GRACE (Joseph Farrell, 4/03/05, Sunday Herald) -TRIBUTE: Tireless thinker who offered world's masses love and hope (STEPHEN MCGINTY, 4/02/05, The Scotsman) -TRIBUTE: A giant of faith and freedom on the world stage (The Australian, 2nd April 2005) -ESSAY: Catholics in America: A Restive People (LAURIE GOODSTEIN, 4/03/05, NY Times) AUDIO: The Religious Legacy of Pope John Paul II (Speaking of Faith, April 2, 2005, NPR) John Paul II's papacy was dramatic and historic on many fronts. Speaking of Faith explores some of the critical religious issues of his 26 years as pontiff and discusses the great and contradictory impact he made on the Catholic Church in America and abroad. Host Krista Tippett speaks with NPR's senior European correspondent Sylvia Poggioli, priest and author Donald Cozzens, and Yale theologian Margaret Farley. -John Paul II: The Miillennial Pope (Frontline, Sept. 1999, PBS) -The Papacy: presents a look at Pope John Paul II -The Pontificate of Pope John Paul II ( -The Vatican -How Are Popes Elected? Two Complimentary Lectures (The Teaching Company) -Pope John Pal II's Theology of the Body Centesimus Annus (1991) - Pope John Paul II Pope (1920-4/2/2005) (Grade:) |
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