Author: Vladimir Nabokov
-Vladimir Nabokov (1899-1977)(kirjasto) -ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA: Your search: "vladimir nabokov" -Life & Times : Vladimir Nabokov (1899-1977) (NY Times) -POEM: Superman returns: An unpublished poem by Vladimir Nabokov (Times Literary Supplement) -REVIEW: of The Silence of the Sea, by Hilaire Belloc (Vladimir Nabokov, NY Times, 1941) -REVIEW: of Nausea, by Jean-Paul Sartre (Vladimir Nabokov, NY Times, 1949) -REVIEW: of AUDOBON'S BUTTERFLIES, MOTHS AND OTHER STUDIES. Compiled and Edited by Alice Ford (Vladimir Nabokov, NY Times, 1952) -REVIEW: Vladimir Nabokov: Rowe's Symbols, NY Review of Books Nabokov's Deceptive World by William Woodin Rowe -ESSAY: Nabokov's Butterflies (Vladimir Nabokov, The Atlantic) -ESSAY: Vladimir Nabokov: On Translating Pushkin POUNDING THE CLAVICHORD, NY Review of Books -ESSAY: Vladimir Nabokov: TRANSLATION, NY Review of Books -ESSAY: Vladimir Nabokov: LUNAR LINES, NY Review of Books -STORY: "Cloud, Castle, Lake" (Nabokov, The Atlantic, June 1941) -STORY: The Aurelian (Vladimir Nabokov, The Atlantic, June 1941) -STORY: Vladimir Nabokov. The Assistant Producer (1943) -STORY: Vladimir Nabokov. A Forgotten Poet (1944) -STORY: Signs and Symbols Vladimir Nabokov -STORIES: Vladimir Nabokov: Two by Nabokov, NY Review of Books -ARTICLE: Nonfiction: Nabokov Theory on Butterfly Evolution Is Vindicated (CARL ZIMMER, 1/25/11, NY Times) -Literary Research Guide: Vladimir Nabokov (1899 - 1977) -FEATURED AUTHOR: Celebrating Nabokov's Centenary (The New York Times) -OBIT: Vladimir Nabokov, Author of 'Lolita' and 'Ada,' Is Dead (ALDEN WHITMAN, NY Times) -OBIT: Vladimir Nabokov: 1899-1977 (R.Z. SHEPPARD, TIME) -100 Years Vladimir Nabokov (Random House) -Zembla -the international vladimir nabokov society -The Nabokronology: a guide to Vladimir Nabokov's life and works -{ w a x w i n g } the vladimir nabokov appreciation site -Ardis Picture Archives: Nabokov -Soapbox Collage: Vladimir Nabokov -Nabokov Under Glass: The Nabokov Archive in the Berg Collection at the New York Public Library -CNN In-Depth Specials on Nabokov: "Beyond Lolita: Rediscovering Nabokov on his birth centennial" -Vladimir Nabokov -INTERVIEW: The True Story of the Real Lolita: Sarah Weinman on the kidnapping of Sally Horner that inspired Vladimir Nabokov’s novel (Adrienne Celt, 9/12/18, Electric Lit) -PODCAST: Sacred and Profane Love Episode 19: Love and Lust in Lolita (Sacred and Profane Love, 17 January 2020) -ESSAY: Lolita Now (Robert Alter, Winter 2021, Liberties) -ESSAY: Nabokov’s Love Affair: The greatest English-language novelist of the 20th century was also an outstanding Russian philosemite (SHALOM GOLDMAN, JULY 24, 2024, The Tablet) -ESSAY: Don’t be terrified of Pale Fire: Nabokov's masterpiece has a complex but huge heart (Mary Gaitskill, MAY 30, 2024, UnHerd) -ESSAY: Did J.K. Rowling Fail the Lolita Test?: The functionally illiterate youth are canceling her for praising the classic novel. (Kat Rosenfield, July 2, 2024, free Press) -ESSAY: The Novel of the Century (Ron Rosenbaum, 12/06/1999, The New York Observer) -ESSAY: Lolita is Nabokov: On the Parallel Histories of the Writer and His Most Famous Character: Monika Zgustova Explores Childhood Sexual Abuse and Its Aftermath, On and Off the Page (Monika Zgustova, May 10, 2024, LitHub) - -ESSAY: Nabokov and why the moral act is the free act: How freedom and morality are intertwined (Dana Dragunoiu, 3/01/24, IAI News) -ESSAY: Secrets of Nabokov’s Teapot (William Boyd, September 2023, Literary Review) -PODCAST: Was Nabokov’s Love of the Cinema a Way to Survive Exile?: From The History of Literature Podcast with Jacke Wilson (History of Literature, March 13, 2023) -ESSAY: Nabokov and Balthus: The Erotic Imagination (JEFFREY MEYERS, 5/22/22, Salmagundi) -ESSAY: The Night Inspection: Vladimir Nabokov at 123 (Maxim D. Shrayer, April 22, 2022, LA Review of Books) -ESSAY: Sarah Weinman on the Not-So-Unlikely Friendship Between Vladimir Nabokov and William F. Buckley, Jr.>: “What is bad for the Reds is good for me.” (Sarah Weinman, February 22, 2022, Lit Hub) -ESSAY: Anything But True Love: Vladimir Nabokov’s Anti-Erotic Masterpiece (Talbot Brewer, FALL 2021, Hedhehog Review) -ESSAY: America in Nabokov’s Cross-Country Chronicles: Thomas Dai on the Author's Butterfly-Hunting Excursions and His Own Relationship to the Road and American Identity (Thomas Dai, 8/02/21, LitHub) -ESSAY: NABOKOV’S SUPERNATURAL SECRET (David Bentley Hart, March 2014, First Things) -ESSAY: Why Do Readers Have Such Strong Feelings About Nabokov?: Robert Alter on Nabokov’s Literary Invention (Robert Alter, March 17, 2021, Lit Hub) -ESSAY: Lolita, Fashion Icon: How Nabokov's nymphet has been claimed, reimagined, exemplified, and misunderstood by the fashion industry (ROBIN GIVHAN, 3/17/21, Electric Lit) -ESSAY: How Would the Publishing World Respond to Lolita Today?: Jenny Minton Quigley on the Novel Her Father Published (Jenny Minton Quigley, March 16, 2021, Lit Hub) -ESSAY: Véra Nabokov Was the First and Greatest Champion of “Lolita” (Stacy Schiff, 3/05/21, The New Yorker) -ESSAY: How ‘Lolita’ Escaped Obscenity Laws and Cancel Culture (Emily Mortimer, March 2, 2021, NY Times) -ESSAY: The gay Nabokov: The novelist never could face the secret that cost his brother his life (LEV GROSSMAN, Salon) -ESSAY: Vladimir Nabokov and William Shakespeare (Philip F Howerton, Jr., Winter 1990 Shakespeare Oxford Society Newsletter) -ESSAY: The Nabokov gambit : They failed with Lolita (twice) and now they've failed with The Luzhin Defence. Why do the novels of the great prose sorcerer Vladimir Nabokov always defeat the film-makers? (Steven Poole, Books Unlimited) -REVIEW ESSAY: How I found solace in Nabokov’s Speak, Memory during the pandemic: Nabokov’s remembrances granted reprieve from the new abnormal and – crucially – guidance on how to navigate it (Ryan Chapman, 13 Sep 2020, The Guardian) -REVIEW ESSAY: Pale Fire: The Novel of the Century (Ron Rosenbaum, December 6, 1999, The New York Observer) -REVIEW ESSAY: LOLITA ISN'T A LOVE STORY. IT'S A GOTHIC HORROR NOVEL.: "Like Tom Ripley and Patrick Bateman—and Count Dracula and Hannibal Lecter—Humbert fascinates mainly because of the chasm between his sophisticated urbanity and his brutal rapaciousness." (CHRISTINA BAKER KLINE, 3/16/21, Crime Reads) -REVIEW: of Speak, Memory Evidence of the Hunt, Clues of a Past (ELIOT FREMONT-SMITH, NY Times) -REVIEW: D.J. Enright: Nabokov's Way, NY Review of Books The Waltz Invention by Vladimir Nabokov The Eye by Vladimir Nabakov Despair by Vladimir Nabokov Speak, Memory: An Autobiography Revisited by Vladimir Nabokov Escape Into Aesthetics: The Art of Vladimir Nabokov by Page Stegner -REVIEW: The Reality of the Past: Book review of 'Speak, Memory' (JAN. 20, 1967, TIME) -REVIEW: of Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov The Tragedy of Man Driven by Desire (ELIZABETH JANEWAY, NY Times) -REVIEW: of Lolita (Orville Prescott, NY Times) -REVIEW: of Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov (Charles Rolo, The Atlantic, SEPTEMBER 1958) -REVIEW: To the End of Night: Book review of 'Lolita' (SEPT. 1, 1958, TIME) -ESSAY: The Lolita Case (Time, 1958) -REVIEW: of Pale Fire In an Elaborate Spoof, Nabokov Takes Us to the Never-Never Land of Zembla (GEORGE CLOYNE, Sunday, May 27, 1962, NY Times) -REVIEW: of Pale Fire (Christopher Keep, Tim McLaughlin) -REVIEW: V.S. Pritchett: The Magician's Trick, NY Review of Books The Enchanter by Vladimir Nabokov and translated by Dmitri Nabokov -REVIEW: V.S. Pritchett: The Supreme Fairy Tale, NY Review of Books Lectures on Don Quixote by Vladimir Nabokov -REVIEW: John Bayley: The Novelist as Pedagogue, NY Review of Books Lectures on Russian Literature by Vladimir Nabokov -REVIEW: Robert M. Adams: Nabokov's Show, NY Review of Books Lectures on Literature: British, French, and German Writers by Vladimir Nabokov -REVIEW: V.S. Pritchett: Nabokov's Touch, NY Review of Books Look at the Harlequins! by Vladimir Nabokov Strong Opinions by Vladimir Nabokov -REVIEW: Michael Wood: Tender Trousers, NY Review of Books Transparent Things by Vladimir Nabokov -REVIEW: V.S. Pritchett: Genesis, NY Review of Books Glory by Vladimir Nabokov, translated by Dimitri Nabokov The Scorpion God by William Golding -REVIEW: Jack Richardson: It's About Time, NY Review of Books Mary by Vladimir Nabokov and translated by Michael Glenny -REVIEW: Matthew Hodgart: Happy Families, NY Review of Books ADA or Ardor: A Family Chronicle by Vladimir Nabokov -REVIEW: William H. Gass: Mirror, Mirror, NY Review of Books King, Queen, Knave by Vladimir Nabokov Nabokov: The Man and His Work edited by L.S. Dembo Keys to Lolita by Carl R. Proffer -REVIEW: Edmund Wilson: The Strange Case of Pushkin and Nabokov, NY Review of Books Eugene Onegin A Novel in Verse by Alexandr Pushkin, translated by Vladimir Nabokov -RESPONSE: Vladimir Nabokov: LETTERS: THE STRANGE CASE OF NABOKOV AND WILSON, NY Review of Books -REVIEW: Harry Levin: A Contest Between Conjurors, NY Review of Books The Nabokov-Wilson Letters: Correspondence Between Vladimir Nabokov and Edmund Wilson, 1940-1971 -REVIEW: Robert M. Adams: Nabokov's Game, NY Review of Books The Defense by Vladimir Nabokov -REVIEW: of Nabokov's Congeries (Anthony Burgess, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov (1995, John Updike, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: Robert M. Adams: The Wizard of Lake Cayuga, NY Review of Books Vladimir Nabokov: The American Years by Brian Boyd -REVIEW: V.S. Pritchett: Nabokov's Game, NY Review of Books Nabokov: His Life in Part by Andrew Field -REVIEW: Denis Donoghue: Absolute Pitch Nabokov: His Life in Art: A Critical Narrative by Andrew Field -REVIEW: of V E r a ( Mrs. Vladimir Nabokov ) BY STACY SCHIFF (MARY ELIZABETH WILLIAMS, Salon) -REVIEW: of Vera by Stacy Schiff Behind the Mask of Mrs. Vladimir Nabokov (Katherine Knorr, International Herald Tribune) -REVIEW: of NABOKOV'S BLUES: The Scientific Odyssey of a Literary Genius By Kurt Johnson and Steve CoatesThe Ardent Collector (Donald Smith, Washington Post Book World) -ESSAY: Freeing "Pale Fire" From Pale Fire: The next big Nabokov controversy. (Ron Rosenbaum, July 23, 2010, Slate) -ESSAY: The Year of 'Lolita' (Brian Boyd, NY Times Book Review) -ESSAY: "Lolita," My Mother-in-Law, the Marquis de Sade, and Larry Flynt: Reflections on art, pornography, and censorship, after the taboos have all been smashed (Norman Podhoretz, Commentary) -ESSAY: PERSONAL BEST: Lolita (MARY ELIZABETH WILLIAMS, Salon) -ESSAY: PERSONAL BEST: Lolita (AMY TAN, Salon) -ESSAY: Vladimir Nabokov: A personal centenary salute (John Yewell, MetroActive) -ESSAY: F.W. Dupee: Nabokov: the Prose and Poetry of It All, NY Review of Books Pale Fire (1962) - Vladimir Nabokov (4/22/1899
-7/02/1977) (Grade:B) Speak, Memory : An Autobiography Revisited (1966) - Vladimir Nabokov (4/22/1899
-7/02/1977) (Grade:A) Lolita (1955) - Vladimir Nabokov (4/22/1899
-7/02/1977) (Grade:A) |
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