Author: Michael Crichton
-WIKIPEDIA: Michael Crichton -AUTHOR SITE: The Official Michael Crichton Website -CARICATURE: Michael Crichton (David Levine, NY Review of Books) -The New York Times > Movies > People > Michael Crichton -AUTHOR/BOOK SITE: - State of Fear -BOOK SITE: State of Fear (Harper Collins) -State of Fear (Wikipedia) -SPEECH: Fear, Complexity, & Environmental Management in the 21st Century (Michael Crichton, November 6, 2005, at the Lisner Auditorium in Washington, D.C.) -LECTURE: "Aliens Cause Global Warming" (A lecture by Michael Crichton, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, January 17, 2003) -SPEECH: Remarks to the Commonwealth Club (Michael Crichton, San Francisco, September 15, 2003) -REVIEW: of Slaughterhouse Five (Michael Crichton, New Republic) -PROFILE: Michael Crichton Takes on Global Warming in Latest Work: Author Says Environmentalists Are 'Fomenting False Fears' (JOHN STOSSEL, Dec. 10, 2004, 20/20) -INTERVIEW: Interview: Global warming? Now that really is fiction (Jasper Gerard, 1/02/05, Sunday Times of London) -PROFILE: Jurassic Park author pours cold water on global warming: Michael Crichton's new techno thriller fantasises a world free of the pall of greenhouse gases (Patrick Barkham, December 11, 2004, The Guardian) -AUDIO INTERVIEW: Michael Crichton's 'State of Fear' (NPR Science Friday, January 7, 2005) -ESSAY: Fear of reason (Gregory Benford and Martin Hoffert, San Diego Union Tribune) -ESSAY: Global Warming? Hot Air (George F. Will, December 23, 2004, Washington Post) -ESSAY: Answers to Key Questions Raised by M. Crichton in State of Fear (Pew Center on Global Climate Change) -ESSAY: Fear Factoids: Michael Crichton debunks global warming in his latest thriller. Bill McKibben says the book's bunk. (Bill McKibben, March 2005, Outside Magazine) -ESSAY: Michael Crichton's 'State of Fear': Fact and Fiction on Global Warming (Alan Caruba Monday, January 17, 2005, Chron Watch) -ESSAY: Toro! Toro! Michael Crichton (Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD, -ESSAY: Some Like It Hot: Forty public policy groups have this in common: They seek to undermine the scientific consensus that humans are causing the earth to overheat. And they all get money from ExxonMobil (Chris Mooney, May/June 2005, Mother Jones) -REVIEW: of Sphere by Michael Crichton (Robin McKinley, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of Travels by Michael Crichton (Patricia Bosworth, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton (Christopher Lehmann-Haupt, NY Times) -REVIEW: of Rising Sun by Michael Crichton (Christopher Lehmann-Haupt, NY Times) -REVIEW: of Disclosure by Michael Crichton (Christopher Lehmann-Haupt, NY Times) -REVIEW: of The Lost World by Michael Crichton (Michiko Kakutani, NY Times) -REVIEW: of The Lost World by Michael Crichton (MIM UDOVITCH, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of Airframe by Michael Crichton (Tom Shone, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of Airframe (Christopher Lehmann-Haupt, NY Times) -REVIEW: of Timeline by Michael Crichton (DANIEL MENDELSOHN, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of Timeline (Christopher Lehmann-Haupt, NY Times) -REVIEW: of Prey by Michael Crichton (Jim Holt, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of Prey (Janet Maslin, NY Times) -REVIEW: of Prey (Freeman J. Dyson, NY Review of Books) -REVIEW ARCHIVES: Prey (Reviews of Books) -REVIEW ARCHIVES: State Of Fear by Michael Crichton (MetaCritic) -REVIEW ARCHIVES: State of Fear (Reviews of Books) -REVIEW: of State of Fear (Michiko Kakutani, NY Times) -REVIEW: of State of Fear (BRUCE BARCOTT, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of State of Fear (Steve Martinovich, Enter Stage Right) -REVIEW: of State of Fear (S.T. Karnick, Claremont Review of Books) -REVIEW: of State of Fear (Sam Leith, Daily Telegraph) -REVIEW: of State of Fear (Blake Hurst, American Enterprise) -REVIEW: of State of Fear(Read Mercer Schuchardt, Christianity Today) -REVIEW: of State of Fear (RONALD BAILEY, Opinion Journal) -REVIEW: of State of Fear (Ronald Bailey, Reason) -REVIEW: of State of Fear (Dennis Drabelle, Washington Post) -REVIEW: of State of Fear (Richard Dyer, Boston Globe) -REVIEW: of State of Fear (Carol Memmott, USA TODAY) -REVIEW: of State of Fear (Sacha Zimmerman, New Republic) -REVIEW: of State of Fear (James Wilson, The Guardian) -REVIEW: of State of Fear (Alan Cheuse, All Things Considered) -REVIEW: of State of Fear (Chris Mooney, Boston Globe) -REVIEW: of State of Fear (Charley Reese, -REVIEW: of State of Fear (Jennie Bristow, Spiked) -REVIEW: of State of Fear (David Kipen, SF Chronicle) -REVIEW: of State of Fear (Allan Walton, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette) -REVIEW: of State of Fear ( -REVIEW: of State of Fear (Myron Ebell, Human Events) -REVIEW: of State of Fear (Joe Hartlaub, Bookreporter) -REVIEW: of State of Fear (Dr. Jeffrey M. Masters, Chief Meteorologist, The Weather Underground, Inc.) -REVIEW: of State of Fear (David Roberts, Grist) -REVIEW: of State of Fear (NRDC) -REVIEW: of State of Fear (Kenneth Green, Tech Central Station) -REVIEW: of State of Fear (Joseph L. Bast, The Heartland Institute) -REVIEW: of State of Fear (Amy Ridenour, National Policy Analysis) -REVIEW: of State of Fear (S. Fred Singer, -REVIEW: of State of Fear (Peter Guttridge, The Observer) -REVIEW: of State of Fear (Iain Murray, National Review) -REVIEW: of State of Fear (Robert Zirkelbach, Townhall) -REVIEW: of State of Fear (Jeff Glorfeld, The Age) -REVIEW: of State of Fear (gavin, Real Climate) -ARTICLE: Experiment probes climate riddle (Richard Black, 1/19/06, BBC News) FILM - -ESSAY: The 13th Warrior: The Hollywood blockbuster that pioneered a Muslim hero (Mohammad Zaheer, 8/27/24, BBC) Eaters of the Dead (1976) - Michael Crichton (10/23/1942
-11/04/2008) (Grade:B) Rising Sun (1992) - Michael Crichton (10/23/1942
-11/04/2008) (Grade:C) State of Fear (2004) - Michael Crichton (10/23/1942
-11/04/2008) (Grade:B-) |
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