Author: Joan Didion
-WIKIPEDIA: Joan Didion - -ESSAY: The Women's Movement (Joan Didion, July 30, 1972, NY Times) -VIDEO: IN DEPTH: Joan Didion: Books, Quotes, Essays, The Year of Magical Thinking, The White Album (C-SPAN Book TV, Jul 14, 2018) -PODCAST: Lili Anolik on the Complicated Relationship Between Eve Babitz and Joan Didion: In Conversation with Brad Listi on Otherppl (Otherppl with Brad Listi. March 16, 2022) -ESSAY: The Insidious Ethic of Conscience (Joan Didion, Autumn 1965, American Scholar) -ESSAY: Joan Didion From the Couch: Should a writer be famous for being quite this neurotic? (Joseph Epstein, March 2024, Commentary) -ESSAY: True Confessions?: Did Joan Didion’s husband have the hots for Eve Babitz—or was he moving in another direction? (Lili Anolik, 10/26/24, Airmail) -ESSAY: Joan Didion Remains as Elusive as Ever. These Books Want to Fix That.: Since her death, Didion has become a literary subject as popular for her image and writing as for the fascination she inspired for almost half a century. Casey Schwartz, Oct. 27, 2024, NY Times bOOk Review) -OBIT: Joan Didion, ‘New Journalist’ Who Explored Culture and Chaos, Dies at 87 (William Grimes, 12/23/21, NY Times) -OBIT: Joan Didion, who chronicled American decadence and hypocrisy, dies at 87 (Washington Post, Dec. 23rd, 2021) -OBIT: Joan Didion, famed American essayist and novelist, has died (Mirna Alsharif, 12/23/21, CNN) -OBIT: Joan Didion has died at 87 (Emily Temple, December 23, 2021, LitHub) -OBIT: Writer Joan Didion, whose 'electric anxiety' inspired a generation, has died at 87 (SUSAN STAMBERG, 12/23/21, NPR) -OBIT: US author Joan Didion dead at 87: New York Times (AFP, December 23, 2021) -TRIBUTE: Joan Didion’s Specific Vision: In the face of the failure of narrative to make sense of life, she found meaning in the particular. (Emma Cline, December 23, 2021, The New Yorker) -TRIBUTE: Joan Didion got inside all of us: She was a woman to whom words mattered, whether writing about the Sixties gone wrong or California identity (Francesca Peacock, December 23, 2021, The Spectator) -OBIT: Joan Didion, peerless prose stylist, dies at 87 (ASSOCIATED PRESS, 12/23/2021) -TRIBUTE: Remembering Joan Didion’s reserved, masterful style: The power of Didion’s prose lay in what she didn’t say. (Constance Grady, Dec 23, 2021, Vox) -OBIT:Joan Didion, masterful novelist, memoirist and social critic, dies at 87 (Elaine Woo, 12/23/21, Los Angeles Times) -OBIT: Joan Didion Has Died at 87 (ALESSANDRA CODINHA, December 23, 2021, Vogue) -OBIT: Joan Didion, R.I.P. (NIC ROWAN, December 23, 2021, National Review) -TRIBUTE: Didion’s Prophetic Eye on America (Michinko Kakutani, Dec. 24, 2021, NY Times) -OBIT: Joan Didion Chronicled American Disorder With Her Own Unmistakable Style: The generation-defining essayist and novelist was preoccupied with mythos — and gifted at fashioning her own. (Parul Sehgal, 12/23/21, The New York Times) -OBIT: Joan Didion, American journalist and author, dies at age 87 (Sian Cain and Edward Helmore, 12/23/21, The guardian) -TRIBUTE: What Joan Didion Saw: Her writing and thinking captured momentous change in American life—and in her own. (Nathan Heller, December 23, 2021, The New Yorker) -TRIBUTE: Joan Didion, One of the Greatest American Writers of All Time, Has Passed Away: Didion's journalism, essays, novels and cultural criticism are peerless in their chilly disassembling of all mistruths (Helen Holmes, 12/23/21, NY Observer) -OBIT: Joan Didion, Voice of a Generation and Beyond, Dies at 87 of Parkinson’s Disease (ALEX LAUER, 12/23/21, inside Hook) -TRIBUTE: When Joan Didion Was a Hollywood Schlockmonger: Didion’s dark estimation of the American public’s taste in movies was more damning of our culture and politics than anything she ever wrote elsewhere. (NOREEN MALONE, DEC 23, 2021, Slate) -TRIBUTE: The Death of Joan Didion (John Griswold, DECEMBER 26, 2021, Common Reader) -TRIBUTE: Right At the Beginning: Joan Didion’s obituarists largely ignore her early journalism for National Review under the stewardship of Frank Meyer. (Daniel J. Flynn, December 28, 2021, City Journal) -TRIBUTE: Joan Didion Cast Off the Fictions of American Politics: Few writers examined their own assumptions and misapprehensions as intelligently as Didion. (Jacob Bacharach/December 27, 2021, New Republic) -TRIBUTE: Joan Didion’s Hidden Goal—and Mine: I’ve taught her work for more than 25 years. It had a secret, one that’s more than a guide to me and my students (DALE MAHARIDGE, DEC 24, 2021, Slate) -TRIBUTE: Joan Didion and the Voice of America (Hilton Als, Dec. 29th, 2021, The New Yorker) -TRIBUTE: Joan Didion and Eve Babitz Saw Two Essential Sides of California: Babitz was Los Angeles’s defiant booster, while Didion gave fodder to naysayers’ suspicion—but the two late writers’ bodies of work beg to be taken in tandem (Alison Herman Dec 30, 2021, The Ringer) -TRIBUTE: Joan Didion’s Hard Way: The legacy of a genuine American figure (JOSEPH BOTTUM, January 6, 2022, National Review) -TRIBUTE: In memoriam: Joan Didion, 1934–2021 (Library of America, 1/06/22) -TRIBUTE: What I Learned From Living With Joan Didion: Cory Leadbeater on His Life-Changing Friendship With a Literary Icon (Cory Leadbeater, June 12, 2024, LitHub) -TRIBUTE: Death and Joan Didion: The great writer’s moral incisiveness was equalled only by her love and pity. (Dino D'Agata, Comment) -ESSAY: “To Be A Writer, You Must Write”: How Joan Didion Became Joan Didion: Evelyn McDonnell on the Writing Process of One of America's Leading Literary Ladies (Evelyn McDonnell, September 26, 2023, LitHub) -ESSAY: The Essential Joan Didion: Her distinctive prose and sharp eye were tuned to an outsider’s frequency, telling us about ourselves in essays that are almost reflexively skeptical. Here’s where to start. (Alissa Wilkinson, April 26, 2024, NY Times) -ESSAY: Joan Didion vs. the Political Insiders (Evelyn McDonnell The New Republic October 5, 2023) -ESSAY: California State of Mind: Searching for Didion and Babitz in Literary Los Angeles: Marianne Eloise on Two of Her Favorite Writers—Who Could Not Be More Different (Marianne Eloise, 7/05/22, LitHub) -ESSAY: The joylessness of Joan Didion: Joan Didion took herself extremely seriously (Taki, March 24, 2022, The Spectator) -ESSAY: Didion in El Salvador (Charlotte Allen, 11 Feb 2022, Quillette) -ESSAY: Joan Didion and the Magic of Grief: She went from cool customer to recorder of her own bereavement (Sandra M. Gilbert | January 3, 2022, American Scholar) -ESSAY: The Cult of Saint Joan (NY Times, 1/31/22) - -GUIDE: A Guide to Joan Didion’s Books: Ms. Didion was a prolific writer of stylish essays, novels, screenplays and memoirs. Here is an overview of some of her works, as reviewed in The Times. (New York Times, 12/23/21) -ARCHIVES: Joan Didion: The National Review Years (National Review, December 23, 2021) -ARCHIVES: Joan Didion (NY Review of Books) -ARCHIVES: Joan Didion in The New Yorker: The singular writer, who has died at eighty-seven, started contributing to the magazine after famously leaving its namesake city. (Erin Overbey, December 23, 2021, The New Yorker) -ESSAY: (Joan Didion, 2000-02-21, The New Yorker) -ESSAY: Why I Write: Excerpted from Let Me Tell You What I Mean by Joan Didion (Joan Didion) -INTERVIEW: 'My Wine Bills Have Gone Down.' How Joan Didion Is Weathering the Pandemic (LUCY FELDMAN, JANUARY 22, 2021, TIME) -INTERVIEW: Joan Didion, The Art of Fiction No. 71: Interviewed by Linda KuehlISSUE 74, FALL-WINTER 1978, Paris Review) - -DISCUSSION: Obama: In the Irony-Free Zone (Darryl Pinckney and Joan Didion, December 18, 2008, NY Review of Books) -REVIEW ESSAY: Letter from ‘Manhattan’ (Joan Didion, August 16, 1979, NY Review of books) -REVIEW ESSAY: Gentleman in Battle a review of Men at War by Evelyn Waugh (Joan Didion, March 27, 1962, National Review) - -INTERVIEW: Joan Didion: Staking Out California (Michiko Kakutani, June 10, 1979, NY Times) -AUDIO INTERVIEWS: Joan Didion: The NPR interviews (NPR, December 23, 2021) -ESSAY: California cool and Magical Thinking: Joan Didion at 86: Whether reporting from the trippy heart of 1960s counterculture or covering the trial of the Central Park Five, the legendary essayist brings a spirit of restless inquiry to all her writing (Alex Clark, 8 Feb 2021, The Guardian) -ESSAY: What We Get Wrong About Joan Didion : She’s been canonized for impeccable style, but Didion’s real insights were about what holds society together, or tears it apart. (Nathan Heller, January 25, 2021, The New Yorker) -ESSAY: California Dreaming With Joan Didion : Trapped in my apartment I pulled Joan’s books off the shelf. I wanted to learn again from her meticulous observation of detail, character and setting, and her great sense of irony. (Christopher Dickey, Apr. 19, 2020 , Daily Beast) -ESSAY: What Keeps Us Coming Back to Joan Didion (LAURA MILLER, DEC 23, 2021, Slate) -PROFILE: The Zen of Joan Didion (DAVID SWICK, DECEMBER 23, 2021, Lion's Roar) - -ARCHIVES: Joan Didion (Lit Hub) -REVIEW: of Slouching Towards Bethlehem (Dan Wakefield, NY Times) -REVIEW: of Where I Was From by Joan Didion (Benjamin Schwarz, Atlantic Monthly) -REVIEW: of Where I Was From by Joan Didion (Thomas Mallon, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of Let Me Tell You What I Mean by Joan Didion (Sarah Moroz, Dailty Beast) -REVIEW: of Let Me Tell You (Peter Tonguette, American Conservative) -REVIEW: of Let Me Tell You (leo Robson, New Statesman) -REVIEW: of Let Me Tell You (Charles Arrowsmith, Independent) -REVIEW: of Let Me Tell You (Sarah Ditum, Spectator) -REVIEW: of We Tell Ourselves Stories in Order to Live: A Joan Didion Retrospective (Barnes & Noble Book Review) -REVIEW: of The Uptown Local by Cory Leadbeater (Claire Dederer, The Guardian) -REVIEW: of The World According to Joan Didion By Evelyn McDonnell (Hannah Rowan, Modern Age) -REVIEW: of Didion and Babitz BY Lili Anolik (Philippa Snow, BookForum) -REVIEW: of Didion and Babitz (Rachel Cooke, The Guardian) -REVIEW: of Didion and Babitz (Laura Kipnis, New Republic) -REVIEW: of Didion and Babitz (Linda Levitt, Spectrum Culture) - - Salvador (1983) - Joan Didion (12/05/1934
-12/23/2021) (Grade:C)
Play It As It Lays: A Novel (1970) - Joan Didion (12/05/1934
-12/23/2021) (Grade:B)
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