Orrin's Stuff
Raymond Carver
-WIKIPEDIA: Raymond Carver
-PODCAST: Raymond Carver Podcast
-FILMOGRAPHY: Raymond Carver
-INDEX: Raymond Carver
(The Atlantic)
-INTERVIEW: Raymond Carver, The Art of Fiction No. 76
(Interviewed by Mona Simpson & Lewis Buzbee, ISSUE 88, SUMMER 1983, Paris Review)
-WIKIPEDIA: Cathedral (short story collection)
-WIKIPEDIA: Cathedral (short story)
-SHORT STORY: Cathedral
(Raymond Carver, February 1984, London Magazine)
-SHORT STORY: Cathedral
(Raymond Carver, SEPTEMBER 1981, The Atlantic)
-VIDEO: "Cathedral" by Raymond Carver, as read by James Naughton
-PODCAST: Cathedral by Raymond Carver
: Trev Downey reads and then discusses Cathedral by Raymond Carver. (Great Stories,30 July 2021)
-PODCAST 070: “Cathedral” by Raymond Carver
(Why is This Good, 15 December 2021)
-PODCAST: S1E1: “Cathedral” with Tess Gallagher
(Michael Mills, January 13, 2022, Raymond Carver Podcast)
-ESSAY: The Origin of Raymond Carver’s “Cathedral”: A SHORT MEMOIR
(Tom Jenks)
-ESSAY: The Theme Of Epiphany In Raymond Carver's Cathedral
(Internet Public Library)
-ESSAY: The Short Story – featuring Raymond Carver’s CATHEDRAL
(Less than a Megabyte)
-ESSAY: A Feminist Re-Vision of the Work of Interpretation in Raymond Carver’s “Cathedral”
(Eve Wiederhold, Raymond Carver Review)
-ESSAY: My Critical Analysis of Raymond Carver’s Cathedral
(amberdenise1987, November 20, 2013)
-ESSAY: Weekend Short: Raymond Carver’s ‘Cathedral’
(LUTHER RAY ABEL, April 23, 2023, National Review)
-ESSAY: Carver’s Ending of Cathedral: “It’s Really Something”
(Sara McDaniel,JANUARY 25, 2013, Stories I read, Stories I tell )
-ESSAY: Psychological Distance in Raymond Carver’s CATHEDRAL
(POLLY ROSE PETERSON, 2012, The Explicator)
-ESSAY: Insularity and self-enlargement in Raymond Carver's 'Cathedral.'
(Kirk Nesset, Spring 1994, Essays in Literature)
-ESSAY: Keeping the Reader in the House: American Minimalism, Literary Impressionism, and Raymond Carver's “Cathedral”
(Robert C. Clark, Fall 2012, Journal of Modern Literature)
-ESSAY: Raymond Carver, Male and Female Interventions in "Cathedral"
(Samira Sasani, Theory and Practice in Language Studies) [PDF]
-CHAPTER: 21 - Raymond Carver's Cathedral
(Eugene Goodheart, 8/05/12, Pieces of Resistance)
-ESSAY: Epiphanic Awakenings in Raymond Carver's "Cathedral" and Alice Walker's "Everyday Use"
(Sadeq, Ala Eddin; Al-Badawi, Mohammed, June 2016, Advances in Language and Literary Studies)
-ESSAY: The Importance of historical time period in Raymond Carver body of literature Research Paper
(Ivy Panda)
-VIDEO LECTURE: English Professor Explains Raymond Carver’s Story, “Cathedral” & The Drawing Analysis #dirtyrealism
(Dr. Whitney Kosters, Oct 24, 2022)
-STUDY GUIDE: Cathedral
-STUDY GUIDE: Cathedral
-STUDY GUIDE: Cathedral
(Friends of Words)
-STUDY GUIDE: Cathedral
-STUDY GUIDE: Cathedral
(Grade Saver)
-STUDY GUIDE: Cathedral
-STUDY GUIDE: Cathedral
-STUDY GUIDE: Cathedral
(Dr Oliver Tearle, Interesting Literature)
-STUDY GUIDE: Cathedral
-INTERVIEWS: Glimpses: Raymond Carver
(Paris Review, SPRING 1991)
-ESSAY: “Get in, get out. Don’t linger. Go on.”
: Read Raymond Carver’s greatest writing advice. (Emily Temple, May 25, 2021, Lit Hub)
-ARCHIVES: Raymond Carver
(Lit Hub)
-ARCHIVES: Raymond Carver
(The Guardian)
-ARCHIVES: Raymond Carver
(Paris Review))
-ARCHIVES: Raymond Carver
(Internet Archives)
-REVIEW: of Cathedral (short story)
-REVIEW: of Cathedral (story)
-REVIEW: of Cathedral (story)
(Noah Charney, New Haven Review)
-REVIEW: of Cathedral (story)
(Sajel Swartz, Odyssey)
-REVIEW: of Cathedral (book)
(I Would Rather Be Reading)
-REVIEW: of Cathedral (book)
(Book Lover’s Boudoir)
-REVIEW: of Cathedral (book)
(Short Story Station)
(1981) -
Raymond Carver
(05/25/1938 -08/02/1988)
Copyright 1998-2015 Orrin Judd