Author: Donald Antrim
-WIKIPEDIA: Donald Antrim -ENTRY: Antrim, Donald 1959(?)- ( -CONTRIBUTOR: Donald Antrim (Granta) -CONTRIBUTOR: Donald Antrim (The New Yorker) -AUTHOR PAGE: Donald Antrim (Macmillan) - -PODCAST: Donald Antrim | One Friday in April: A Story of Suicide and Survival: In conversation with Jonathan Franzen (Fre Library of Philadelphia, 21 October 2021) -PODCAST: Donald Antrim Reads Donald Barthelme: Donald Antrim reads Donald Barthelme's 1974 short story "I Bought a Little City" and discusses it with The New Yorker's fiction editor, Deborah Treisman (Deborah Treisman, 9 July 2007, New Yorker Fiction Podcast) -PODDCAST: Donald Antrim Reads Denis Johnson (New Yorker Fiction Podcast, 2 August 2013) - -PODCAST: Andrew O’Hagan Reads Donald Antrim (With Deborah Treisman, September 1, 2023, The New Yorker) -WIKIPEDIA: The Verificationist -BOOK SITE: The Verificationist (MacMillan) -INTRODUCTION: to The Verificationist (George Saunders) -EXCERPT: Chapter One of The Verificationist -ESSAY: Finding a Way Back from Suicide: A journey of recovery through electroconvulsive therapy. (Donald Antrim, The New Yorker) -ESSAY: The Solace of My Suit Closet: My mother was an eccentric fashion designer. When she died, I began to understand the transformative power of clothes. (DONALD ANTRIM, October 5, 2020, GQ) -EXCERPT: Elect Mr. Robinson for a Better World (Donald Antrim, SUMMER 1993, Paris Review) -AUDIO: Donald Antrim Reads Donald Barthelme (Deborah Treisman, WNYC) -ESSAY: My uncle, my self: He was a bus ride across the Everglades, and a haven from a stormy home life. Donald Antrim worshipped his uncle Eldridge till one hot night on a Florida porch (Donald Antrim, 16 Feb 2007, The Guardian) -ESSAY: Black Mountain, 1977 (Donald Antrim, December 17, 2000, The New Yorker) -ESSAY: I Bought A Bed (Donald Antrim, June 9, 2002, The New Yorker) -ESSAY: A.K.A. Sam (Donald Antrim, February 9, 2003, The New Yorker) -ESSAY: Ad Nauseam (Donald Antrim, April 13, 2003, The New Yorker) -ESSAY: Church (Donald Antrim, December 14, 2003, The New Yorker) -ESSAY: The Kimono (Donald Antrim, March 7, 2004, The New Yorker) -ESSAY: A Man in the Kitchen (Donald Antrim, Aug. 26th, 2007, The New Yorker) -ESSAY: Fed (Donald Antrim, Oct. 27th, 2013, The New Yorker) -ESSAY: The Unprotected Life,/a> (Donald Antrim, Jul. 16th, 2015, The New Yorker) -ESSAY: Everywhere and Nowhere: A Journey Through Suicide (Donald Antrim, Feb. 11th, 2019, The New Yorker) -PROFILE: Donald Antrim and the Art of Anxiety (John Jeremiah Sullivan, Sept. 17, 2014, NY Times Magazine) -INTERVIEW: Treating Books Badly: PW Talks with Donald Antrim (Mike Harvkey, Jun 21, 2012, Publishers Weekly) -INTERVIEW: Interview with Donald Antrim (failbetter, Winter/Spring 2001) -INTERVIEW: Back from the Land: The Millions Interviews Donald Antrim (Lydia Kiesling September 3, 2014, The Millions) -INTERVIEW: Congratulations, Donald Antrim (Deborah Treisman, September 25, 2013, The New Yorker) -VIDEO INTERVIEW: Donald Antrim | One Friday in April: A Story of Suicide and Survival (In conversation with Jonathan Franzen, 10/21/21, Free library of Philadelphia) -VIDEO READING: Donald Antrim "The Emerald Light in the Air" (Politics and Prose, 9/21/14) -VIDEO INTERVIEW: One Friday in April: Suicide and Survival with Donald Antrim & John Freeman (Litquake's 2021 Festival, 10/13/21) -VIDEO INTERVIEW: On America: Donald Antrim on One Friday in April (With Deborah Treisman, Nov 15, 2021, Center for Fiction) -AUDIO INTERVIEW: Donald Antrim (Hosted by Michael Silverblatt, Jul. 13, 2000, KCRW Bookworm) -AUDIO INTERVIEW: CoastLine: Donald Antrim On Losing Conceits, The Physicality Of Mental Illness,/a> (Rachel Lewis Hilburn, Rachel Keith, February 8, 2019, WHQR) -INTERVIEW: Donald Antrim (Thomas Bolt, Jan 1, 1997, Bomb) -PROFILE: Spreading the word about author Donald Antrim (Associated Press, Sep 25, 2012) -INTERVIEW: The Day Civility Died: Donald Antrim Identity: Intensely Earnest 35-Year-Old Author. (Degen Pener, Oct. 10, 1993, NY Times) -PROFILE: Writer Donald Antrim Shares Raw Details of His Suicidal Illness to Help Others 'Trying to Stay Alive': The acclaimed author hopes that demystifying suicide will help get people to treatment (Sandra Sobieraj Westfall, October 07, 2021, People) -INTERVIEW: Donald Antrim’s Book Speaks Directly to Those Suffering With Depression: The Author of One Friday in April Takes the Lit Hub Questionnaire (Literary Hub, October 12, 2021) -INTERVIEW: Writer Donald Antrim talks about depression and getting help in new memoir: His book, 'One Friday in April,' like William Styron’s classic 'Darkness Visible,' addresses the issue of mental health. ( STUART MILLER, October 16, 202, OC Register) -INTERVIEW: With His New Book, Donald Antrim Wants to Change How We Think About Suicide: Antrim, who was born in Sarasota in 1958, has published three novels, a short story collection and a memoir. His new book, One Friday in April: A Story of Suicide and Survival, comes out later this month. (Cooper Levey-Baker, October 1, 2021, Sarasota) -VIDEO ARCHIVES: "donald antrim" (YouTube) -ESSAY: Constructed Space in Donald Antrim's Trilogy (Brian Evenson, Dans Revue française d’études américaines) -REVIEW ESSAY: Woes Make the Man: Donald Antrim’s surreal existential triptych (JUSTIN TAYLOR, Summer 2012, BookForum) -REVIEW ESSAY: Elect Donald Antrim for a Better World (Lydia Kiesling, July 27, 2012, The millions) -REVIEW: of The Verificationist by Donald Antrim (Publishers Weekly) -REVIEW: of The Verificationist (George Saunders, Salon) -REVIEW: of The Verificationist (Dwight Garner, NY Times) -REVIEW: of The Verificationist (Joshua Klein, AV Club) -REVIEW: of The Verificationist (Andrew Roe, Salon) -REVIEW: of The Verificationist (Kirkus) -REVIEW: of The Verificationist (Dan Cryer, Newsday) -REVIEW: of The Verificationist (Charlie Onion, Wag) -REVIEW: of The Verificationist (John Grant, Infinity Plus) -REVIEW: of The Verificationist (Vanessa V. Friedman, Entertainment weekly) -REVIEW: of The Verificationist (Rick Levin, The Stranger) -REVIEW: of The Verificationist (E.M. Keeler's Reading Journal) -REVIEW: of The Hundred Brothers by Donald Antrim (Publishers Weekly) -REVIEW: of Hundred Brothers (Alice Whittenburg, The Cafe Irreal) -REVIEW: of Hundred Brothers (Kirkus) -REVIEW: of Hundred Brothers (Jonathan Franzen, The Guardian) -REVIEW: of The Emerald Light in the Air by Donald Antrim (Publishers Weekly) -REVIEW: of Emerald Light (Kirkus) -REVIEW: of Emerald Light (Christian Lorentzen, London Review of Books) -REVIEW: of Emerald Light (Chris power, The Guardian) -REVIEW: of Emerald Light (David Ulin, LA Times) -REVIEW: of Elect Mr. Robinson for a Better World: 2a Novel by Donald Antrim (Publishers Weekly) -REVIEW: of Mr. Robinson (Kirkus) -REVIEW: of One Friday in April: A Story of Suicide and Survival by Donald Antrim (Publishers Weekly) -REVIEW: of One Friday (Kirkus) -REVIEW: of One Friday (Daphne Merkin, BookForum) -REVIEW: of One Friday (David Ulin, LA Times) -REVIEW: of One Friday (Michael Mewshaw, Washington Post) -REVIEW: of One Friday (Anna Altman, New Republic) -REVIEW: of One Friday (Ignatiy Vishnevetsky, AV Club) -REVIEW: of One Friday (Marco Roth, Tablet) -REVIEW: of One Friday (Jonathan Buckley, TLS) - - -REVIEW: of The Afterlife: A Memoir by Donald Antrim (Publishers Weekly) -REVIEW: of The Afterlife (A.O. Scott, NY Times) -REVIEW: of The Afterlife (Kirkus) -REVIEW: of Afterlife (Andrew Martin, bk) -REVIEW: of Afterlife (Rebecca Adams, The Guardian) -REVIEW: of Afterlife (Robert Collins, The Guardian) -REVIEW: of Afterlife (Greatest Books) -REVIEW: of Afterlife (Christian Lorentzen, Sewanee Review) The Verificationist (2000) - Donald Antrim (1958
-) (Grade:B-) |
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