Author: Lee Siegel
-WIKIPEDIA: Lee Siegel (cultural critic) -BOOK SITE: Groucho Marx The Comedy of Existence by Lee Siegel (Yale University Press) -GOOGLE BOOK: Groucho Marx by Lee Siegel -ESSAY: The Fraught Friendship of T. S. Eliot and Groucho Marx (Lee Siegel, June 25, 2014, The New Yorker) -ESSAY: Why I Defaulted on my Student Loans (Lee Siegel, 6/07/15, NY Times) -ESSAY: How Groucho Marx Invented Modern Comedy: Nearly a century ago, the comedian kicked down barriers and paved the way for Amy Schumer and Louis C.K. (Lee Siegel, Jan. 15, 2016, WSJ) -ESSAY: When City Elections Were Fun (Lee Siegel, Sept. 1, 2013, NY Times) -AUDIO INTERVIEW: Groucho Marx Spared No One — And His Biographer Isn't Pulling Punches, Either (NPR, January 23, 2016, All Things Considered) The conventional image of Groucho was that he was on the side of the little guy, and he spoke defiantly and insolently to powerful people and wealthy people... But my feeling is that Groucho was out to deflate everybody — that he was a thoroughgoing misanthrope.... His misogyny is relentless and thoroughgoing, and it's very hard to tolerate. His attacks on Margaret Dumont almost always take the form of attacking her status as a woman. And it's very odd that he keeps attacking her, because of course she might be wealthy and she might be somewhat clueless and she might be puffed up with her own virtue — but she's actually fairly kind, and a harmless person who just wants to help out these impostors Groucho is inhabiting. But he keeps insulting her for being a woman. And you don't find the same thing in Chaplin or Laurel and Hardy or W.C. Fields, but with the Marx Brothers, yeah, they took woman hatred to a whole new level. It's difficult to watch. -INTERVIEW: Raging against the internet machine: Cultural critic and author Lee Siegel believes the time is ripe for a mature debate about the web's impact on society, personality and culture (David Meyer, May 29, 2008, ZD Net) -INTERVIEW: Why one man defaulted on his student loans and suggests you should too (Lauren Lyster, 6/08/15, Yahoo Finance) -ESSAY: The New York Photo League's Radical Camera: The esthetic of American social realism, especially when it was fueled by Marxist fires, may have had it right all along. (Lee Siegel, 6/15/12, The Nation) -INTERVIEW: Portrait of the Artist on the Make: A Conversation with Lee Siegel (Scott Timberg interviews Lee Siegel, JULY 7, 2017, LA Review of Books) -PROFILE: Montclair resident’s new book explores money and familial tension (Ricardo Kaulessar, March 28, 2017 , -INTERVIEW: Open book with Lee Siegel,/a> (Manchester Journal, June 9, 2017) -ESSAY: Means of Dissent America’s lost culture of opposition (Lee Siegel, October 2015, Harper's) -ESSAY: How Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert blazed a trail for Trump (Lee Siegel, December 22, 2016, Columbia Journalism Review) -INTERVIEW: J’accuser: Lee Siegel (Boris Kachka, 1/10/08, New York) -ESSAY: 'We see you, Lee. We see you.': The self-destruction of Lee Siegel, late of The New Republic (James Parker, September 10, 2006 , Boston Globe) -ESSAY: Student-Loan Deadbeats: Fashionable Theft (Kevin D. Williamson, June 9, 2015, National Review) -ARCHIVES: Lee Siegel (Huffington Post) -ARCHIVES: "groucho marx" (The New Yorker) -ARCHIVES: Lee Siegel (Harper's) -REVIEW: of Groucho Marx: The Comedy of Existence by Lee Siegel (Josephine Simple, Slate) -REVIEW: of Groucho Marx (Joseph Epstein, Jewish Review of Books) -REVIEW: of Groucho Marx (Karl Whitney, The Guardian) -REVIEW: of Groucho Marx (Rob King, Studies in American Humor) -REVIEW: of Groucho Marx (Ryan Vlastelica, AV Club) -REVIEW: of Groucho Marx (Victoria Segal, times of London) -REVIEW: of Groucho Marx (Charlie Riccardelli, AMERICAN MICROREVIEWS & INTERVIEWS) -REVIEW: of Groucho Marx () -REVIEW: of Groucho Marx (John McMurtrie, SF Gate) -REVIEW: of Groucho Marx (Washington Post) -REVIEW: of Groucho Marx (Michael Sandlin, Cineaste) -REVIEW: of Groucho Marx (Publishers Weekly) -REVIEW: of Groucho Marx (Christopher Bray, The Spectator) -REVIEW: of Groucho Marx (Carol Poll, Jewish Book Council) -REVIEW: of Groucho Marx (scott Lerner, The Tablet) -REVIEW: of Groucho Marx (richard A. Blake, America) -REVIEW: of Groucho Marx (Dominic Green, Literary Review) -REVIEW: of Groucho Marx (Brian Bethune, Maclean's) -REVIEW: of Groucho Marx (Clive Sinclair, Jewish Chronicle) -REVIEW: of Groucho Marx (Allen Barra, TruthDig) -REVIEW: of Groucho Marx (Rabbi Rachel Esserman, The Repoter Group) -REVIEW: of Groucho Marx (ron Slate, On the Seawall) -REVIEW: of The Draw: A Memoir by Lee Siegel (Kirkus) -REVIEW: of The Draw (Publishers Weekly) -REVIEW: of The Draw,/a> (Christian Lorentzen, New York) -REVIEW: of The Draw (Times Literary Supplement) -REVIEW: of Against the machine: Being human in the age of electronic media by lee Siegel (Kirkus) -REVIEW: of Against the machine (First Monday) -REVIEW: of against the Machine (Adam Thierer, Technology Liberation Front) -REVIEW: of Against the Machine (Jeffrey A. Trachtenberg, WSJ) -REVIEW: of Against the Machine (RONNIE CROCKER, Houston Chronicle) Groucho Marx: The Comedy of Existence (2016) - Lee Siegel (1957-) (Grade:B) |
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