Author: Matthew B. Crawford
-AUTHOR SITE: -WIKIPEDIA: Matthew Crawford -GOOGLE BOOK: Shop Class as Soulcraft by Matthew B. Crawford -BOOK PAGE: Shop Craft as Soulcraft (New Atlantis) -ESSAY: What School Didn’t Teach Us: Your Place in the World: Growing up in an ashram, I was expected to serve my community at a young age. That is how I became a man. (Matthew B. Crawford, August 31, 2024, Free Press) -ESSAY: Shop Class as Soulcraft (Matthew B. Crawford, Summer 2006, The New Atlantis) -ESSAY: The Case for Working With Your Hands (MATTHEW B. CRAWFORD, May 21, 2009, NY Times Magazine) -ESSAY: Science Education and Liberal Education (Matthew B. Crawford, Spring 2005, The New Atlantis) -ESSAY: The Computerized Academy (Matthew B. Crawford, Summer 2005, The New Atlantis) -ESSAY: Medicate U. : The triumph of the therapeutic over liberal education (Matthew B. Crawford, September 2008, American Interest) -ESSAY: How We Lost Our Attention (Matthew B. Crawford, Summer 2014, The Hedgehog Review) -ESSAY: The Cost of Paying Attention (MATTHEW B. CRAWFORD, MARCH 7, 2015, NY Times) -INTERVIEW: The World Beyond Your Head : Becoming an individual in an age of distraction. (Ian Tuttle, NR Interview April 6, 2015, National Review) -VIDEO INTERVIEW: The Value of Work in ‘Shop Class as Soulcraft’ (Jeffrey Brown, 9/04/09, PBS Newshour) -VIDEO INTERVIEW: Book Discussion on Shop Class as Soulcraft : From the 2010 Virginia Festival of the Book in Charlottesville, Virginia, Matthew Crawford discussed his book, Shop Class as Soulcraft: An Inquiry Into the Value of Work. (C-SPAN BOOK.TV, 3/19/10) -AUDIO INTERVIEW: 'Soulcraft' Honors An Honest Day's Work (Guy Raz, July 12, 2009, All Things Considered) -INTERVIEW: 'The Case for Working with Your Hands' - by Dr Matthew B. Crawford (Claudia Cragg, 5/31/10, Chatting Up a Storm) -PROFILE: 'Shop Class as Soulcraft' Author Champions Do-It-Yourself Approach to Life (Neely Tucker, 6/26/09, Washington Post) -AUDIO INTERVIEW: Shop Class as Soulcraft (Dave Iverson, Jun 12, 2009, KQED) -INTERVIEW: Questions for Matthew B. Crawford, Author of Shop Class as Soul Craft (Popular Mechanics, 9/30/09) -AUDIO INTERVIEW: Matthew Crawford (Diane Rehm, 6/02/09, WAMU) -DISCUSSION: An FPR Symposium: Shop Class as Soul Craft, by Matthew Crawford (Patrick J. Deneen, July 17, 2009, Front Porch Republic) -AUDIO INTERVIEW: Is making something or fixing it yourself a radical act? (Your Call 05/26/09) - - - - -BOOKLIST: Books on Working: As Labor Day nears, Matthew B. Crawford says these books about working truly get the job done (Matthew B. Crawford, Sept. 4, 2009, Wall Street Journal) -REVIEW: of Shop Class as Soulcraft by Matthew B. Crawford (Francis Fukuyama, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of Shop Class as Soulcraft (Francis X. Rocca, Wall Street Journal) -REVIEW: of Shop Class as Soulcraft (William Voegeli , Claremont Review of Books) -REVIEW: of Shop Class as Soulcraft (C. R. Wiley, Imaginative Conservative) -REVIEW: of Shop Class as Soulcraft (Jeremy Rozansky, Counterpoint) -REVIEW: of Shop Class as Soulcraft (Dwight Garner, NY Times) -REVIEW: of Shop Class as Soulcraft (Britton Gildersleeve, National Writing Project) -REVIEW: of Shop Class as Soulcraft (Michael Agger, Slate) -REVIEW: of Shop Class as Soulcraft (Richard E. Walton, The Montana Professor) -REVIEW: of Shop Class as Soulcraft (George Whisstock, CS Monitor) -REVIEW: of Shop Class as Soulcraft (Gideon Lewis-Kraus, n+1) -REVIEW: of Shop Class as Soulcraft (Carolyn Mooney, Chronicle of Higher Education) -REVIEW: of Shop Class as Soulcraft (Ezra Klein, Washington Post) -REVIEW: of Shop Class as Soulcraft (Kelefah Sanneh, The New Yorker) -REVIEW: of Shop Class as Soulcraft (Charles Keller, Technology and Culture ) -REVIEW: of Shop Class as Soulcraft (Ashbrook) -REVIEW: of Shop Class as Soulcraft (David Schneider, IEEE Spectrum) -REVIEW: of Shop Class as Soulcraft (Publishers Weekly) -REVIEW: of Shop Class as Soulcraft (Travis R. Wright, Metro Times) -REVIEW: of Shop Class as Soulcraft (Peter Forbes, The Guardian) -REVIEW: of Shop Class as Soulcraft (Hank Will, Grit) -REVIEW: of Shop Class as Soulcraft (Gadi Amit, Fast Company) -REVIEW: of Shop Class as Soulcraft (Elaine Margolin, SF Chronicle) -REVIEW: of Shop Class as Soulcraft (Entertainment Weekly) -REVIEW: of Shop Class as Soulcraft (Christopher Shea, Washington Post) -REVIEW: of Shop Class as Soulcraft (Lachlan Markay, Washington Examiner) -REVIEW: of Shop Class as Soulcraft (Cindy Donaldson, -REVIEW: of Shop Class as Soulcraft (Hope Perlman, Psychology Today) -REVIEW: of Shop Class as Soulcraft (Sean Cavanagh , Education Week) -REVIEW: of Shop Class as Soulcraft (Suzanne Lindgren, Utne Reader) -REVIEW: of Shop Class as Soulcraft (Journey of Life) -REVIEW: of Shop Class as Soulcraft (Paula Cerni, State of Nature) -REVIEW: of Shop Class as Soulcraft (James Livingston, History New Network) - -REVIEW: of Why We Drive by Matthew B. Crawford (Mark K. Spencer, Law & Liberty) - Shop Class as Soulcraft : An Inquiry into the Value of Work (2009) - Matthew Crawford (
-) (Grade:A) |
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