Author: Halldor Laxness
-WIKIPEDIA: Halldor Laxness -Halldór Kiljan Laxness--April 23, 1902- February 8,1998 -ESSAY: Laxness – Why You Should Still Read Him (Tanja Rasmussen, March 5, 2024, Iceland Review) -ESSAY: Reading the Selfie-Filled Memoir of Halldór Laxness: What's Not to Love About Descriptions of Food and Strong Opinions About Poets? (Gerður Kristný, May 7, 2019, Lit Hub) - -ESSAY: Bard, Misunderstood: The political fictions of Halldór Laxness (Charlie Lee, May 2022, The Baffler) -PROFILE: The Great Weaver From Reykjavik: Iceland's treasured independence became both matrix and subject for novelist Halldór Laxness. (Bruce Allen, April 2003, World and I) -ESSAY: HALLDÓR LAXNESS AND THE CIA: ...the Agency can neither confirm nor deny the existence or nonexistence of records responsive to your request... (Chay Lamoine, February 09, 2007, Reykjavik Grapevine) -REVIEW ESSAY: How Halldór Laxness Brings the Heroic to the Everyday: John Freeman on the Moral Power of Independent People (John Freeman, October 6, 2020, Lit Hub) -ESSAY: Bard, Misunderstood: The political fictions of Halldór Laxness (Charlie Lee, May 2022, The Baffler) -REVIEW ESSAY: The Rediscovery of Halldór Laxness: A long eclipse for Iceland’s greatest novelist has been followed by a continuing renaissance. (Salvatore Scibona, 7/04/22, The New Yorker) -REVIEW: of ICELAND'S BELL By Halldor Laxness (BRAD LEITHAUSER, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of Independent People by Halldor Kiljan Laxness (Jill Owens, -REVIEW: of Independent People (Anne Dilliard, NY Times Book Review -REVIEW: of Salka Valka by Halldor Laxness (The Complete Review) -REVIEW: of Salka Valka: The Faith of Halldór Laxness: Salka Valka, the first novel written after the Nobel Prize winner’s apparent loss of faith, betrays an ongoing religious aesthetic. (Jack Hanson, DECEMBER 28, 2022, The Nation) -REVIEW: of Salka Valka (Jane Smiley, Washington Post) -REVIEW: of Wayward Heroes by Halldor Laxness (Justin Taylor Harpers) -REVIEW: of The Islander: A Biography of Halldór Laxness by Halldór Guðmundsson, translated by Philip Roughton. (Michael Hoffman, LRB) -
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