Author: Dan Fesperman
-AUTHOR SITE: -AUTHOR PAGE: Dan Fesperman (Random House) -GOOGLE BOOK: The Warlord's Son by Dan Fesperman -EXCERPT: THE WARLORD'S SON: Chapter One -ESSAY: Dan Fesperman on foreign locales (Read Street) -OBIT: 1920 - 2005: The life of Pope John Paul II: Resistance to all tyranny, faithful to the end (Dan Fesperman and John Rivera, April 3, 2005, Baltimore Sun) -ESSAY: Soldiers' story shifts from pride to shame (Dan Fesperman, May 2, 2004, Baltimore Sun) -ESSAY: With a rumble, chaos: Crisis: A train's lurch, a flashing light, hour by hour a new emergency - a Baltimore story of fire, flood and heroism in the face of unknown dangers below. (Dan Fesperman, July 21, 2001, Baltimore Sun) -ESSAY: How Fingerprinting Came to Be a Crime-Solving Tool (DAN FESPERMAN, July 23, 2001, BALTIMORE SUN) -PROFILE: of Brian Lamb: An Unblinking Eye on Capitol Hill (DAN FESPERMAN, April 09, 2001, BALTIMORE SUN) -ARTICLE: Pakistani editor shrugs off attack (Dan Fesperman, November 6, 2001, Baltimore Sun) -PROFILE: Journalist's war coverage gave birth to his third novel (Regis Behe, October 17, 2004 , Pittsburgh TRIBUNE-REVIEW) -AUDIO INTERVIEW: Dan Fesperman (Fresh Air from WHYY, June 22, 1999) -AUDIO INTERVIEW: Novel Captures Life of Sarajevo Policeman (Linda Wertheimer, October 5, 2003, Weekend Edition Sunday) -AUDIO INTERVIEW: Lie in the Dark (Linda Wertheimer, May 31, 1999, All Things Considered -INTERVIEW: Dan Fesperman Cuts The Mustard (Interviewed by Eve Tan Gee , CrimeTime) -INTERVIEW: Dan Fesperman speaks: Harrogate Crime Writing Festival, 22nd to 25th July 2004 (Ayo Onatade, Shots Ezine) -ARCHIVES: Dan Fesperman (Baltimore Sun) -ARCHIVES: Dan Fesperman (LA Times) -REVIEW: of The Warlord's Son by Dan Fesperman (Andrew Johnston, Entertainment Weekly) -REVIEW: of Warlord's Son (John Hartl, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of Warlord's Son ( Sarah Weinman, January Magazine) -REVIEW: of Warlord's Son (Andi Shechter, Bookreporter) -REVIEW: of The Prisoner of Giuantanamo by Dan Fesperman (Gillian Slovo, The Independent) -REVIEW: of Prisoner of Guantanamo (Matthew Lewin, The Guardian) -REVIEW: of Prisoner of Guantanamo (Peter Earnest, Washington Post) -REVIEW: of Prisoner of Guantanamo (Carol Memmott, USA TODAY) -REVIEW: of Prisoner of Guantanamo (Yvonne Zipp, CS Monitor) -REVIEW: of Prisoner of Guantanamo (Stephen Lyons, SF Chronicle) -REVIEW: of Prisoner of Guantanamo (Mary J. Elkins, Rocky Mountain News) -REVIEW: of Prisoner of Guantanamo (Regis Behe, Pittsburgh TRIBUNE-REVIEW) -REVIEW ARCHIVES: Prisoner of Guantanamo (Reviews of Books) -REVIEW: of The Small Boat Of Great Sorrows by Dan Fesperman (Jennifer Reese, Entertainment Weekly) -REVIEW: of Small Boat (Jonathan Mahler, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of Small Boat (Chris Petit, The Guardian) -REVIEW: of Small Boat of Great Sorrows (Sarah Weinman, January Magazine) -REVIEW: of Small Boat (Lizzie Skurnick, City Paper) -REVIEW: of Lie in the Dark by Dan Fesperman (James Diedrick, The Richmond Review) -REVIEW: of Lie in the Dark (Mark Luce, SF Chronicle) -REVIEW: of Lie in the Dark (Val MacDermid, Tangled Web) -REVIEW: of Lie in the Dark (Barcelona Review) -REVIEW: of The Amateur Spy by Dan Fesperman (Adam B. Vary, Entertainment Weekly) -REVIEW: of Amateur Spy (Charles Matthews, SF Chronicle) -REVIEW: of Amateur Spy (Mr. Plum, CrimeCritics) -REVIEW: of Amateur Spy (Lou Novacheck, BlogCritics) -REVIEW: of Amateur Spy (Jeff Baker, The Oregonian)
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