Author: Kenneth R. Timmerman
-AUTHOR SITE: -PROFILE: Kenneth R. Timmerman (Intelligence Summit) -Kenneth R. Timmerman (Wikipedia) -BOOK SITE: The French Betrayal of America (Random House) -ESSAY: Good News & Bad News from France: Dominique de Villepin — past, present, and future. (Kenneth R. Timmerman, April 19, 2004, National Review) -ESSAY: THE FRENCH WAR FOR OIL (KENNETH R. TIMMERMAN, March 16, 2004, NY Post) -DIALOGUE: America and France: whose betrayal? (Sabine Herold & Kenneth Timmerman, 19 - 10 - 2004, Open Democracy) -ESSAY: Counterfeit recollections (Kenneth R. Timmerman, 4/19/04, Washington Times) -ESSAY: Chirac's Lies and the War in Iraq (Kenneth R Timmerman, Mar 16, 2004, Human Events) -ESSAY: Who is Moqtada Sadr? (Kenneth R. Timmerman, 08-04-2004, Insight Magazine) -LECTURE: Preachers of Hate: Islam and the War on America: A briefing by Kenneth R. Timmerman (Middle East Forum April 21, 2004) -ESSAY: French Fables: France’s propaganda machine is working to undermine U.S. interests. (Kenneth R. Timmerman, 11/01/04, National Review) -ARCHIVES: "kenneth r. timmerman (Find Articles) -INTERVIEW: The French Connection: Kenneth Timmerman reports on deep and tight Chirac-Saddam ties. (Kathryn Lopez, 3/22/04, National Review) -INTERVIEW: Hate to Win?: Talking with journalist Kenneth Timmerman. (A Q&A by Kathryn Jean Lopez, November 21, 2003, National Review) -INTERVIEW: Timmerman with Brit Hume: 'We Thought the French Were With Us' (Special Report, April 20, 2004, Fox News) -INTERVIEW: Chirac's War for Oil/ (Jamie Glazov, April 16, 2004, -REVIEW: of The French Betrayal of America by Kenneth R. Timmerman (Arnold Beichman, Claremont Review of Books) -REVIEW: of The French Betrayal of America (John Rossant, Business Week) -REVIEW: of The French Betrayal of America (Robert Zirkelbach, Townhall) -REVIEW: of The French Betrayal of America (Phil Brennan, ) -REVIEW: of The French Betrayal of America (Louis Hissink, Henry Thornton) -REVIEW: of The French Betrayal of America (Gerald Horne, Marxist Thought Online) The French Betrayal of America (2004) - Kenneth Timmerman (11/04/1953-) (Grade:A) |
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