Author: Robert Ferrigno
-AUTHOR SITE: Crime Pays: Author Robert Ferrigno -GOOGLE BOOK: Heart of the Assassin -BOOK SITE: Heart of the Assassin (Simon & Schuster) -Robert's Blog -BOOK SITE: Republic World News: Breaking News for the Islamic States of America -ESSAY: Thanks, Mr. L (Robert Ferrigno, August 24, 2013, National Review) -ESSAY: Missing Rush Limbaugh: A look ahead (Robert Ferrigno, 4/16/08, National Review) -ESSAY: Step 1: Write book; Step 2: Suffer (Robert Ferrigno, April 3, 2005, DC Examiner) -INTERVIEW: One nation, under Allah: an interview with Robert Ferrigno: Orrin Judd interviews Robert Ferrigno, author of Prayers for the Assassin, a novel about the near future which posits a world where much of the United States has become an Islamic state (Orrin C. Judd, 3/20/06, Enter Stage Right) -PROFILE: The Islamic States of America (Henry Schuster, February 22, 2006, CNN) -INTERVIEW: Your Wake-Up Call: Read Ferrigno (Q&A by John J. Miller, 8/03/04, National Review) -INTERVIEW: Robert Ferrigno interview (Bob Cornwell, Tangled Web) -INTERVIEW: A Conversation With Robert Ferrigno (Interview by Pantheon Staff) -INTERVIEW: Local author's latest thriller pits Samaritan against L.A.'s dark side (Adam Woog, 1/21/03, The Seattle Times) -PROFILE: Introducing Robert Ferrigno: Richard Shephard investigates the novels of crime writer Robert Ferrigno (Richard Shepard, -AUDIO INTERVIEW: Robert Ferrigno (Eye on Books) -INTERVIEW: Robert Ferrigno (Mystery Ink, 10/19/01) -INTERVIEW: The Thrill is On: with Robert Ferrigno (J. Kingston Pierce, July 1999, January Magazine) -PROFILE: Eastside writer shows he's a player in the twisted world of tales noir (JOHN MARSHALL, June 24, 1999, SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER) -ESSAY: Ferrigno of Nonsense (Bartholomew's notes on religion) -ARCHIVES "robert ferrigno" (Find Articles) Assassin's Trilogy: Life and death in the Islamic Republic of America (Joel Schwartz, May 26, 2008, Weekly Standard) Just to be clear, folks, it's a novel: There's an emerging sub-genre of Islamotopian fiction, and it's not my fault (MARK STEYN | May 28, 2008, Maclean's) -REVIEW: of Prayers for the Assassin by Robert Ferrigno (JANET MASLIN, 2/16/06, NY Times) -REVIEW: of Prayers for the Assassin (Mark Steyn, Maclean's) -REVIEW: of Prayers for the Assassin (David J. Montgomery, Philadelphia Inquirer) -REVIEW: of Prayers for the Assassin (BRUCE TIERNEY, Book Page) -REVIEW: of Prayers for the Assassin (Chris Cronin, American Dissent Radio) -REVIEW: of Prayers for the Assassin (Adam Woog, The Seattle Times) -REVIEW: of Prayers for the Assassin (David Schraub, The Debate Link) -REVIEW: of Prayers for the Assassin (James Flint, The Guardian) -REVIEW: of Prayers for the Assassin (John J. Miller, National Review) -REVIEW: of The Horse Latitudes by Robert Ferrigno (Marilyn Stasio, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of The Horse Latitudes (CHRISTOPHER LEHMANN-HAUPT, NY Times) -REVIEW: of The Horse Latitudes (Margaret Carlson, TIME) -REVIEW: of The Cheshire Moon by Robert Ferrigno (Michael Anderson, NY Times Review of Books) -REVIEW: of The Cheshire Moon (CHRISTOPHER LEHMANN-HAUPT, NY Times) -REVIEW: of Dead Man's Dance by Robert Ferrigno (Marilyn Stasio, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of Dead Man's Dance (Mary A. Kane, Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel) -REVIEW: of Dead Silent by Robert Ferrigno (Marilyn Stasio, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of Heartbreaker by Robert Ferrigno (Scott Veale, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of Heartbreaker (CHRISTOPHER LEHMANN-HAUPT, NY Times) -REVIEW: of Heartbreaker (Mary Elizabeth Williams, Salon) -REVIEW: of Flinch by Robert Ferrigno (David J. Montgomery, Mystery Ink) -REVIEW: of Flinch (Joe Hartlaub, Bookreporter) -REVIEW: of Flinch (Chris Petit, The Guardian) -REVIEW: of Scavenger Hunt (J. Kingston Pierce, Seattle Weekly) -REVIEW: of Scavenger Hunt by Robert Ferrigno (Marilyn Stasio, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of Scavenger Hunt (J. Kingston Pierce, January Magazine) -REVIEW: of Scavenger Hunt (Chris Petit, The Guardian) -REVIEW: of The Wake-Up by Robert Ferrigno (Bob Cornwell, Tangled Web) -REVIEW: of The Wake-Up (Joe Hartlaub, Bookreporter) -REVIEW: of The Wake-Up (JOHN MARSHALL, SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER) -REVIEW: of The Wake-Up (davidthayer, Collected Miscellany) -REVIEW: of The Wake-Up (Carlo Wolff, Chicago Sun-Times) -REVIEW: of The Wake-Up (BRUCE TIERNEY, Book Page) -REVIEW: of The Wake-Up (KEN WHITE, Las Vegas REVIEW-JOURNAL) -REVIEW: of Heart of the Assassin: Orwell’s Grandchildren (David Forsmark, 9/14/09, -REVIEW: of Heart of the Assassin by Robert Ferrigno (Mark Steyn, Macleans) -REVIEW: of Heart of the Assassin (Mary Ann Gwinn, Seattle Times) -REVIEW: of Heart of the Assassin (Joe Hartlaub, Bookreporter) -REVIEW: of Heart of the Assassin (David Forsmark, FrontPage) -REVIEW: of Heart of the Assassin (Fionnchú, Blogtrotter) -REVIEW: of Heart of the Assassin (David J. Montgomery, Daily Beast) -REVIEW: of Heart of the Assassin Publishers Weekly) -REVIEW: of Heart of the Assassin (Jagmohan Singh Khurmi , Islam Watch) Prayers for the Assassin (2006) - Robert Ferrigno (
-) (Grade:A) Sins of the Assassin (2008) - Robert Ferrigno (
-) (Grade:A)
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