Author: Natan Sharansky [Anatoly]
-Knesset Member, Natan Sharansky -BOOK SITE: The Case for Democracy (Public Affairs Books) -Natan Sharansky (Wikipedia) Natan (Anatoly) Sharansky (Jewish Virtual Library) -ARCHIVES: sharansky (Brothers Judd Blog) -EXCERPT: A Lowering of Arms: Few in the West expected the Soviet Union to collapse (Natan Sharansky with Ron Dermer, The Case for Democracy) -EXCERPT: The Power of Freedom: What Soviet dissidents, Scoop Jackson, and Reagan understood. (Natan Sharansky with Ron Dermer, The Case for Democracy) -EXCERPT: The Great Debate: Why the skeptics are wrong (Natan Sharansky with Ron Dermer, The Case for Democracy) - -INTERVIEW: A Free Press Conversation with Natan Sharansky: The Soviet dissident says that the most important conflict in the West is not between Democrats and Republicans. It’s between liberals and progressives. (Bari Weiss, November 21, 2024, Free Press) -INTERVIEW: A Conversation with Natan Sharansky: Former Israeli politician and refusenik, Natan Sharansky, speaks about his correspondence with Alexei Navalny and his nine years in USSR prisons. (Pamela Paresky, 1 Jul 2024, Quillette) - -ESSAY: Bowing To Russia (Natan Sharansky, October 27, 2005, Washington Post) -ESSAY: Why I can no longer participate in your government, Mr. Sharon (Natan Sharansky, 5/03/05, Jewish World Review) -ESSAY: Our Test for Abu Mazen: Peace is possible only if Palestinians are free. (NATAN SHARANSKY, January 11, 2005, Opinion Journal) -ESSAY: Antisemitism in 3-D (NATAN SHARANSKY, January 21, 2005, The Forward) -ESSAY: From fear to freedom: Even the most brainwashed individual can find liberation (Natan Sharansky , 11/22/04, US News) -ESSAY: The prisoners' conscience (Natan Sharansky, June 8, 2004, Jewish World Review) -ESSAY: On Hating the Jews (Natan Sharansky, November 2003, Commentary) -ESSAY: Tour of U.S. Schools Reveals Why Zionism Is Flunking on Campus (NATAN SHARANSKY, 10/24/03, The Forward) -INTERVIEW:Natan Sharansky, author of "The Case for Democracy: The Power of Freedom to Overcome Tyranny and Terror," talks about the influence his book seems to be having on the Bush administration. (Online Newshour, 2/09/05, PBS) -INTERVIEW: The Dissident: An Interview With Natan Sharansky (Interviewed By Nonna Gorilovskaya, March 30, 2005, Mother Jones) -INTERVIEW: SPIEGEL-INTERVIEW WITH ISRAELI MINISTER NATAN SHARANSKY: Former Gulag Prisoner Gets the Ear of the US President (Erich Follath and Annette Grossbongardt, 3/07/05, Der Spiegel) -INTERVIEW: The Dissident and the President: An exclusive interview with Natan Sharansky (Yehonathan Tommer, January 2005, The Review) -INTERVIEW: Natan Sharansky: "Peace Will Only Come after Freedom and Democracy" (Sam Spector, November 24, 2004, Middle East Quarterly) -INTERVIEW: The View from the Gulag: An interview with Natan Sharansky: He describes the "beautiful moment" when the news of the Evil Empire speech reached Siberia. (Weekly Standard, 06/21/2004) -INTERVIEW: The Case for Democracy: In a Frontpage Exclusive, Natan Sharansky highlights the power of freedom over tyranny and terror. (Jamie Glazov, 12/17/04, FrontPage) -INTERVIEW: with Natan Sharansky (Conversation with History, Harry Kreisler) -INTERVIEW: Q&A with Natan Sharansky (Ha'aretz) -INTERVIEW: Natan Sharansky (Online NewsHour, July 22, 1997) -ESSAY: Foxes and Hedgehogs (JONATHAN TEPPERMAN, October 16, 2005, NY Times Book Review) -ESSAY: A Scorned Idealist: George W. Bush adores Natan Sharansky. So why don't the Israelis? (Aluf Benn, 3/07/05, Newsweek International) -ESSAY: The Immoral Clarity of Natan Sharansky (Thomas Riggins, 2/15/05, Political Affairs Net) -ESSAY: Two Great Dissidents: Natan Sharansky’s vision, and President Bush’s. (Joel C. Rosenberg, 11/19/04, National Review) -PROFILE: Diplomat of Democracy: Natan Sharansky (Lee Kaplan, May 3, 2004, -ESSAY: Sharansky’s Double Standard: For the advocate of universal democracy, human rights don’t begin at home (Michael C. Desch, March 28, 2005, American Conservative) -ESSAY: Prophet without honor in his own country (Jeff Jacoby, February 17, 2005, Boston Globe) -ESSAY: Closing the Neocon Circle: George W. Bush has unveiled a new vision for U.S. foreign policy. His inspiration: Israel’s Natan Sharansky (Michael Hirsh, Jan. 25, 2005, Newsweek) -ARTICLE: Sharansky's Unflagging Eorts Led To Al Manar Station Ban in France (ELI LAKE, December 16, 2004, NY Sun) -ESSAY: Mr. Sharansky, ease my doubts (Martin Kramer, February 23, 2005, Tel Aviv University) -ESSAY: Sharansky's Moral Inconsistency (HILLEL HALKIN, February 15, 2005, NY Sun) -ESSAY: Natan Sharansky and US Israel Policy (Tom Barry, February 8, 2005, Anti-War) -ESSAY: Bush's Guru: Natan Sharansky: Minister of Ignorance (URI AVNERY, March 10, 2005, Counter Punch) -ARTICLE: An Israeli Hawk Accepts the President's Invitation (Dana Milbank, November 23, 2004, Washington Post) -ARCHIVES: "natan sharansky" (Find Articles) -REVIEW: of The Case for Democracy: The Power of Freedom to Overcome Tyranny and Terror by Natan Sharansky (Meyrav Wurmser, Weekly Standard) -REVIEW: of The Case for Democracy (Carol Devine-Molin, Enter Stage Right) -REVIEW: of The Case for Democracy (Rev. Johannes Jacobse, Religion & Liberty) -REVIEW: of The Case for Democracy (Gerard Alexander, Claremont Review of Books) -REVIEW: of The Case for Democracy (Joshua Van Buskirk, Cornell Review) -REVIEW: of The Case for Democracy (Bruce Thornton, Victor Davis Hanson Private Papers) -REVIEW: of The Case for Democracy (Scott O'Reilly, Intervention) -REVIEW: of The Case for Democracy (Michael Rubin, Middle East Quarterly) -REVIEW: of The Case for Democracy (William Galston, American Prospect) -REVIEW: of The Case for Democracy ( Karl E. Meyer, World Policy Journal) -REVIEW: of The Case for Democracy (William Kristol, Weekly Standard) -REVIEW: of The Case for Democracy (Chris Suellentrop, Slate) -REVIEW: of The Case for Democracy (Steven Greenhut, OC Register) -REVIEW: of The Case for Democracy (Arch Puddington, Commentary) -REVIEW: of The Case for Democracy (Dylan Duke Gintz, Free Muslims Coalition) -REVIEW: of The Case for Democracy (Joan Swirsky, Dec. 6, 2004, NewsMax) -REVIEW: of The Case for Democracy (Cathy Young, Reason) -REVIEW: of Fear No Evil by Natan Sharansky (John C. Campbell, Foreign Affairs) -REVIEW: of Fear No Evil (Walter Goodman, NY Times) The Case For Democracy : The Power of Freedom to Overcome Tyranny and Terror (2004) - Natan Sharansky (01/20/1948
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