Author: Rodney Stark
-AUTHOR PAGE: -WIKIPEDIA: Rodney Stark -CONSERVAPEDIA: Rodney Stark -FACULTY PAGE: Rodney Stark (Baylor University) -AUTHOR PAGE: Rodney Stark (Harper Collins) -BOOK SITE: How the West Won (ISI Books) -OBIT: Died: Rodney Stark, Sociologist Who Said Religion Is a Rational Choice: His theories of conversion and competition shaped widely held views of church growth and decline. (DANIEL SILLIMAN, AUGUST 30, 2022, Christianity Today) -TRIBUTE: Celebrating Rodney Stark, Distinguished Professor of the Social Sciences (Baylor University: Institute for Studies of Religion) - - -EXCERPT: from How the West Won : Chapter 2: Jerusalem's Rational God (Rodney Stark) -EXCERPT: Slaughtering conventional history’s sacred cows: An excerpt from Rodney Stark’s How the West Won: The Neglected Story of the Triumph of Modernity (World) -INTERVIEW: Is the West Really Best? An Interview with Rodney Stark (Rodney Stark, June 22, 2014, Intercollegiate Review) Why did science arise only in the West? -ESSAY: Why Modernity Happened In The West: Giving credit where credit is due (Rodney Stark, 3/31/14, The Federalist) -ESSAY: Fact, Fable, and Darwin (Rodney Stark, September 2004, American Enterprise) -ESSAY: How Christianity (and Capitalism) Led to Science (RODNEY STARK, 12/02/05, The Chronicle Review) -ESSAY: How the West Won—but “Western Civ” Lost: Americans are becoming increasingly ignorant of how the modern world was made (Rodney Stark, 2/14/14, The Federalist) -ESSAY: Why Religious Movements Succeed or Fail: A Revised General Model (RODNEY STARK, Journal of Contemporary Religion, Volume 11, Issue 2 May 1996) -ESSAY: Religion and the Bad News Bearers: The widely reported decline in women's church attendance is implausible. (RODNEY STARK AND BYRON JOHNSON, 8/26/11, WSJ) -ESSAY: The Myth of Unreligious America: Most of those who say they have 'no religion' on surveys also pray. Half believe in angels. (RODNEY STARK, 7/04/13, WSJ) -ESSAY: The Truth About the Catholic Church and Slavery: The problem wasn't that the leadership was silent. It was that almost nobody listened. (Rodney Stark, JULY 1, 2003, Christianity Today) -ESSAY: The Rise of a New World Faith (Rodney Stark, Latter-day Saint Social Life: Social Research on the LDS Church and its Members) -ESSAY: The Rise of Christianity: A Sociologist Reconsiders History: Sociologist Rodney Stark looks at the appeal of the Christian message itself, for example, how it brought a new conception of humanity to a world saturated with cruelty. (Rodney Stark, PBS : From Jesus to Christ) -INTERVIEW: Interview with Rodney Stark (Donald A. Yerxa, March/April 2006, Historically Speaking) - -PODCAST INTERVIEW: Rodney Stark on the Triumph of Religion, Part I (February 6th, 2012, Research on Religion) -PODCAST INTERVIEW: Rodney Stark on the Triumph of Christianity, Part II (March 12th, 2012, Research on Religion) -PODCAST INTERVIEW: Rodney Stark on How Religion Benefits Everyone (Research on Religion, May 5th, 2013) -PODCAST INTERVIEW: Rodney Stark on the Crusades (This podcast is based upon Prof. Stark’s bestselling book, God’s Battalions: The Case for the Crusades, Recorded: June 17, 2010, , Research on Religion) -INTERVIEW: How Religion Benefits Everyone: An Interview with Rodney Stark (Brandon Vogt, Strange Notions) -PROFILE: Big Ideas (Baylor Magazine, March/April 2004) -PROFILE: Rodney Stark: The Berkeley Years (Armand L. Mauss, September 1990, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion) -INTERVIEW: A Double Take on Early Christianity: An Interview with Rodney Stark (J Knirp, 7/22/04) -INTERVIEW: Interview with Rodney Stark (MEDIEVALISTS.NET – SEPTEMBER 3, 2009) -INTERVIEW: Crusades for Christ: Rodney Stark is a slayer of historical myths. His book on the Crusades takes on one of the biggest stories of all. (Timothy Dalrymple, May 13, 2010, Patheos) -INTERVIEW: Are Evangelicals the New Mainline?: One of America's preeminent scholars of religion examines the decline of mainline churches -- and whether evangelicalism faces the same fate. (Timothy Dalrymple, August 06, 2010, Patheos) -INTERVIEW: Conversations: Rodney Stark (Mark L. Movsesian, 8/05/13, Center for Law and REligion Forum) -INTERVIEW: A Christmas Conversation with Rodney Stark (Massimo Introvigne, December 25, 2007, CESNUR) -AUDIO: Interview: Dr. Rodney Stark — How The West Won: The Truth About Western Civilization (Eagle Forum, 5/24/14) -INTERVIEW: A Double Take on Early Christianity: An Interview with Rodney Stark (Touchstone, Jan/Feb 2000) -ESSAY: Christian Reason and the Spirit of Capitalism (Jordan J. Ballor, 12/12/05, Acton) -REVIEW: of The Rise of Christianity through the Eyes of Gibbon, Harnack, and Rodney Stark by Bremmer, Jan N. (Brent Nongbri, Review of Biblical Literature) -ARCHIVES: rodney stark (Crisis) -ARCHIVES: "rodney stark" (First Things) -ARCHIVES: "rodney stark" (Christianity Today) -ARCHIVES: "rodney stark" (Patheos) -ARCHIVES: "rodney stark" (The Christians) -ARCHIVES: "rodney stark" (MercatorNet) -REVIEW: of How the West Won by Rodney Stark (Henrik Bering, WSJ) -REVIEW: of How the West Won (Bill Muehlenberg, Culture Watch) -REVIEW: of How the West Won (Samuel Gregg, Crisis) -REVIEW: of How the West Won (Father John Flynn, AD 2000) -REVIEW: of How the West Won (Michael Parker, Cairo Journal of Theology) -REVIEW: of How the West Won (Gregory J. Sullivan, Catholic World Report) -REVIEW: of How the West Won (Jeff Minick, Smoky Mountain News) -REVIEW: of America’s Blessings: How Religion Benefits Everyone, Including Atheists by Rodney Stark (Mark L. Movsesian, Center for Law and Religion Forum) -REVIEW: of Triumph of Christianity by Rodney Stark (Bill Muehlenberg, Culture Watch) -REVIEW: of Triumph of Christianity (Peter J. Leithart, First Things) -REVIEW: of Triumph of Christianity (Kirkus Review) -REVIEW: of God’s Battalions: The Case for the Crusades by Rodney Stark (Scriptorium) -REVIEW: of God's Battalions (Bill Muehlenberg, Culture Watch) -REVIEW: of God's Battalions (Hunter Baker, First Things) -REVIEW: of God's Battalions (Relevant) -REVIEW: of God's Battalions (Steve Weatherbe, The Christians) -REVIEW: of -REVIEW: of The Rise of Christianity: How the Obscure, Marginal Jesus Movement Became the Dominant Religious Force in the Western World in a Few Centuries by Rodney Stark (Tim Chester) -REVIEW: of Rise of Christianity (God Project) -REVIEW: of The Victory of Reason by Rodney Stark (2006) Algis Valiunas(, First Things) -REVIEW: of The Victory of Reason (William Grimes, NY Times) -REVIEW: of Victory of Reason (Jon Meacham, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of Victory of Reason (Kasey Summerer, Hendricks Center) -REVIEW: of Victory of Reason (Alan Wolfe, New Republic) -REVIEW: of Victory of Reason (Kirkus Reviews) -REVIEW: of Victory of Reason (Thomas E. Woods, Jr., The Independent Review) -REVIEW: of Victory of Reason (Mark C. Henrie, Commentary) -REVIEW: of Victory of Reason (Andrew Bernstein, Objective Standard) -REVIEW: of Victory of Reason (Jean E. Barker, SF Gate) -REVIEW: of Victory of Reason (Thomas Mounkhall, SUNY New Paltz, World History Connected) -REVIEW: of Discovering God by Rodney Stark (2007) (Andrew S. Kulikovsky, -REVIEW: of For The Glory of God: How Monotheism Led to Reformations, Science, Witch-hunts and the End of Slavery by Rodney Stark (Alex Williams, -REVIEW: of One True God by Rodney Stark (2001) (Kirkus Reviews) -REVIEW: of The Rise of Christianity: A Sociologist Reconsiders History (1996) (Robert M. Price) -REVIEW: of Rise of Christianity (Father John McCloskey, Catholicity) -REVIEW: of Christian Beliefs and Anti-Semitism by Charles Y. Glock and Rodney Stark (1966) (Sidney Monas, Commentary) -ESSAY: Why Gods Should Matter in Social Science (RODNEY STARK, Chronicle of Higher Education) -ESSAY: The Truth About the Catholic Church and Slavery: The problem wasn't that the leadership was silent. It was that almost nobody listened. (Rodney Stark, 07/18/2003, Christianity Today) -ESSAY: Live Longer, Healthier, & Better: The untold benefits of becoming a Christian in the ancient world. (Rodney Stark, Winter 1998, Christian History) -INTERVIEW: Progress Through Theology: An interview with Rodney Stark, author of For the Glory of God: How Monotheism Led to Reformations, Science, Witch-hunts, and the End of Slavery. (David Neff, 07/18/2003, Christianity Today) -INTERVIEW: A Double Take on Early Christianity (Michael Aquilina, Jan/Feb 2000, Touchstone) -REVIEW: of For the Glory of God: How Monotheism Led to Reformations, Science, Witch-Hunts, and the End of Slavery by Rodney Stark (David Neff, Christianity Today) -REVIEW: of For the Glory of God (Michael Aquilina, Touchstone) How the West Won : The Neglected Story of the Triumph of Modernity (2014) - Rodney Stark (07/08/1934
-07/21/22) (Grade:A+) |
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