Author: Fareed Zakaria
Links: -ESSAY: The Rise of Illiberal Democracy (Fareed Zakaria, November/ December 1997, Foreign Affairs) -New America Foundation (Board of Directors) -ESSAY ARCHIVES: Fareed Zakaria ( -ESSAY: OUR WAY: The trouble with being the world's only superpower (Fareed Zakaria, 2002-10-07, New Yorker) -ESSAY: Freedom vs. Security : Delicate balance: The case for `smart profiling' as a weapon in the war on terror (Fareed Zakaria, 7/08/02, NEWSWEEK) -ESSAY: How to Wage the Peace: Improving on Saddam's rule will be easy. (Hint: Don't gas people.) But democracy will take hard work. Don't believe oil riches will make it easier. And above all, don't rush it (Fareed Zakaria, 4/21/03, NEWSWEEK) -ESSAY: The Arrogant Empire: America's unprecedented power scares the world, and the Bush administration has only made it worse. How we got here--and what we can do about it now (Fareed Zakaria, 3/24/03, NEWSWEEK) -ESSAY: The Extremists Are Losing (Fareed Zakaria, September 3, 2002, Washington Post) -ESSAY: The American Age: Capitalism and democracy unleash creativity and human potential, but they can also be destructive, eroding old orders. Are we ready for what Hoover media fellow Fareed Zakaria calls "the wild ride of tomorrow"? (Fareed Zakaria, Summer 2000, Hoover Digest) -ESSAY: The Politics of Rage: Why Do They Hate Us?: Bin Laden and his fellow fanatics are products of failed societies that breed their anger. America needs a plan that will not only defeat terror but reform the Arab world (Fareed Zakaria, 10/15/2001, NEWSWEEK) -ESSAY: The Balkans Keeping Kosovo : The costs of liberal imperialism (Fareed Zakaria, Sept 27, 1999, National Review) -ESSAY: The ABCs of Communitarianism: A devil's dictionary (Fareed Zakaria, July 26, 1996, Slate) -ESSAY : A Harvard Education (Fareed Zakaria, January 8, 2002, Washington Post) -ESSAY: Asian Values (Fareed Zakaria, Nov/Dec 2002, Foreign Policy) -AUDIO LECTURE: Fareed Zakaria on The Politics and Culture of the Global Economy (Calvin College, January 8, 2002) -PROFILE: The Interpreter: The Rise of Fareed Zakaria: Muslim, Heartthrob, Super-Pundit (Joy Press, August 16th, 2005, Village Voice) -INTERVIEW: A Conversation with Lee Kuan Yew (Fareed Zakaria, March/April 1994, Foreign Affairs) -REVIEW : of A Thread of Years By John Lukacs (Fareed Zakaria, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of 6 Nightmares: Real Threats in a Dangerous World and How America Can Meet Them By Anthony Lake (Fareed Zakaria, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of Development As Freedom by Amartya Sen (Fareed Zakaria, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of False Dawn: The Delusions of Global Capitalism By John Gray (Fareed Zakaria, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of A World Transformed By George Bush and Brent Scowcroft (Fareed Zakaria, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of The American Century: The Rise and Decline of the United States as a World Power by Donald W. White (Fareed Zakaria, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of The Idea of Decline in Western History by Arthur Herman (Fareed Zakaria, NY Times Book Review) -DISCUSSION: Fareed Zakaria and Eric Alterman (, August 1998) -INTERVIEW: Illiberal democracy five years later (Richard Re and Sabeel Rahman , Summer 2002, HARVARD INTERNATIONAL REVIEW) -AUDIO INTERVIEW: Fareed Zakaria (Fresh Air, April 16, 2003) -INTERVIEW: A beautiful mind made for our complicated times (David Shaw, May 11, 2003, LA Times) -INTERVIEW: The dangers of democracy: This season's intellectual pinup, Fareed Zakaria, author of "The Future of Freedom," explains why the romantic myth of freedom could harm Iraq -- and why power elites aren't so bad. (Michelle Goldberg, April 21, 2003, Salon) -INTERVIEW: THE SHAPE OF THE WORLD: In the first part of a series on the United States' role in the international community, Margaret Warner interviews Fareed Zakaria (Online Newshour, January 3, 2002) -INTERVIEW: Statesman in the making: Precocious international affairs pundit Fareed Zakaria has a new job (Sally Jackson, 3/08/2001, The Australian) -INTERVIEW: At 34, Worldly-Wise and on His Way Up (Elisabeth Bumiller, September 24, 1999, NY Times) -PROFILE: Man of the World: Newsweek columnist Fareed Zakaria has the perfect intellectual pedigree (Indian-born, educated at Harvard, conservative) for a fast-changing world, and the kinds of friends in high places who can push a career into overdrive. The first Muslim secretary of State? Don't bet against it. (Marion Maneker, 4/21/03, New York) -ESSAY: The electronic equivalent of bad sex (Tina Brown, April 17, 2003, Times of London) -ARCHIVES: Fareed Zakaria (Slate) -ARCHIVES: "fareed zakaria" (MagPortal) -ARCHIVES: "fareed zakaria" (Find Articles) -REVIEW: of The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad by Fareed Zakaria (Niall Ferguson, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad by Fareed Zakaria (Robert Kagan, The New Republic) -REVIEW: of The Future of Freedom(Robert D. Kaplan The New York Times) -REVIEW: of Future of Freedom (Roger Scruton, American Conservative) -REVIEW: of The Future of Freedom (Timothy Noah, Washington Post) -REVIEW: of The Future of Freedom (WILLIAM MCGURN, Wall Street Journal) -REVIEW: of The Future of Freedom (Gary Hart, Washington Monthly) -REVIEW: of The Future of Freedom (John B. Judis, Foreign Affairs) -REVIEW: of Future of Freedom (Tony Judt, NY Times Review of Books) -REVIEW: of Future of Freedom (Claremont) -REVIEW: of The Future of Freedom (Stephen Holmes, American Prospect) -REVIEW: of The Future of Freedom (Sreeram Chaulia, Asia Times) -REVIEW: of The Future of Freedom (Bruce Nussbaum, Business Week) -REVIEW: of From Wealth to Power: The Unusual Origins of America's World Role by Fareed Zakaria (Walter A. McDougall , NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of From Wealth to Power(Randall Schweller, American Political Science Review) -REVIEW: of From Wealth to Power(Christopher M. Gray, Orbis) -REVIEW: Reflections on Revolutions: a review of Age of Revolutions by Fareed Zakaria (Max J. Prowant, 5/21/24, Law & Liberty) - The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad (2003) - Fareed Zakaria (
-) (Grade:A) |
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