Author: Bill McKibben
-BOOK SITE: Enough: Staying Human in an Engineered Age by Bill McKibben (Henry Holt) -ESSAY: Keep Us Human: If we're truly smart, we'll refuse to foolishly tamper with our DNA (Bill McKibben, April 14, 2003, LA Times) -ESSAY: Mr. Natural: Forget the creepy promise of techno-longevity. Instead, take our advice: Live fast, die hard, and leave behind a worn-out, used-up, good-looking corpse. (Bill McKibben, May 2003, Outside) -ESSAY: Kerala, India (Bill McKibben, Double Take) -ESSAY: Everything You Need to Know: All Things Considered has only improved with age, the author finds. But it could still aim for deeper realms (Bill McKibben, May 2001, The Atlantic Monthly) -ESSAY: The World Streaming In: Free, easy-to-use software turns any PC into the greatest shortwave set there ever was (Bill McKibben, July 2000, The Atlantic Monthly) -ESSAY: Listening to Lydon: A fluent and erudite public-radio host with an immense topical range shows how a call-in program can be a higher calling (Bill McKibben, October 1999, The Atlantic Monthly) -ESSAY: A Special Moment in History: The fate of our planet will be determined in the next few decades, through our technological, lifestyle, and population choices (Bill McKibben, May 1998, Atlantic Monthly) -ESSAY: An Explosion of Green: The reforestation of the eastern United States-- thanks partly to conservationists and mostly to accident-- can show the developing world how to make room for people, farming, industry, and endangered species of plants and animals, which have been returning. We can give the rest of the world a better example if we address the problems that even this fortunate region still faces (Bill McKibben, April 1995, The Atlantic Monthly) -ESSAY: An End to Sweet Illusions: America must open its eyes to the rest of the world. (Bill McKibben, January/February 2002, Mother Jones) -ESSAY: It's Easy Being Green: George W. Bush doesn't get it yet. But renewable energy is no longer the stuff of noble visions and pipe dreams: It's available, inexpensive, and increasingly--normal. (Bill McKibben, July/August 2002, Mother Jones) -ESSAY: George Harrison and the Concert for Bangladesh: He knew what he should do and he went out and did it. The result was the first, and perhaps the greatest, concert-for-a-cause ever staged. (Bill McKibben, December 01, 2001, Salon) -ESSAY: Good neighbor policies: After Sept. 11, we are of the world, not apart from it. So maybe we'll stop saying no to vital international agreements. (Bill McKibben, September 28, 2001, Salon) -ESSAY: An Alternative to Progress: Bangladesh, despite all its problems, holds the promise of a kind of self-sufficiency not imagined at the World Bank. (Bill McKibben, May/June 2001, Mother Jones) -ESSAY: Dis-"Connection": When a Boston station locked out Christopher Lydon, it silenced public radio's most civilized -- and swinging -- talk-show host. (Bill McKibben, Feb. 28, 2001, Salon) -ESSAY: Patriotic Acts: Every generation finds its own definition of patriotism. For the author, it's rooted in a Vietnam-era boyhood on Lexington Green and is flourishing amid a post-Seattle awakening. (Bill McKibben, Nov./Dec. 2000, Mother Jones) -ESSAY: Across the Disappearing Finish Line: Searching for the keys to endurance, a ski racer pushes his body and heart to the limit-until his father's sudden illness changes all the rules (Bill McKibben, November 2000, Outside) -ESSAY: Muggles in the Ozone (Bill McKibben, March/April 2000, Mother Jones) -ESSAY: The End of Growth: "Renounce and enjoy," Gandhi taught. Now, as we push the global limits of unrestrained growth and comsumption, his message may finally hit home. (Bill McKibben, November/December 1999, Mother Jones) -ESSAY: The Christmas: A small revolt takes hold in the author's New England hometown. (Bill McKibben, November/December 1997, Mother Jones) -REVIEW: of The Hydrogen Economy: The Creation of the Worldwide Energy Web and the Redistribution of Power on Earth By Jeremy Rifkin (Bill McKibben, Mother Jones) -REVIEW: of Denial of the Soul: Spiritual and Medical Perspectives on Euthanasia and Mortality By M. Scott Peck (Bill McKibben, Salon) -REVIEW: of Life is a Miracle by Wendell Berry (Bill McKibben, Washington Monthly) -REVIEW: of A Plague of Frogs by William Souder (Bill McKibben, Washington Monthly) -LECTURE: Enough is Enough: Practising self-restraint and accepting our own mortality. (Bill McKibben, Resurgence) -AUDIO INTERVIEW: with Bill McKibben (Onpoint, 4/30/03, NPR) -DISCUSSION: of Enough with Bill McKibben (Genetics and Society) -INTERVIEW: with Bill McKibben (Tracey C. Rembert, November 1998, E Magazine) -INTERVIEW: McKibben on the Environment (An Online Conference with Bill McKibben, April 11, 1995, The Atlantic Monthly) -ROUNDTABLE: We're All Environmentalists Now, Right?: With mounting evidence of global warming, and with a majority of voting Americans in favor of environmental protection, the state of the earth's biosphere ought to be a major issue -- perhaps the major issue -- of the 2000 presidential campaign. Yet, thus far, it is not. Atlantic Unbound has invited four experts on the environment and environmental politics -- Eileen Claussen, president of the Pew Center on Global Climate Change; Gregg Easterbrook of The New Republic and The Atlantic Monthly; Mary A. Gade, an adviser to George W. Bush; and Bill McKibben, the author of The End of Nature -- to tell us what they think our environmental priorities should be at this time in history, and, equally important, what can and should be done politically to make real progress toward those ends. (The Atlantic's Jack Beatty, September 13, 2000) -INTERVIEW: Checking in with Bill McKibben (Jay Walljasper, July 1999, Conscious Choice) -INTERVIEW: Self-Reference: With his new book, Maybe One: An Environmental and Personal Argument for Single-Child Families (Simon & Schuster, 1998), McKibben writes about his 5-year-old child, Sophie, and what it means to make a truly intimate commitment to fighting overpopulation. Along the way, he debunks myths about only children and about population studies. (Mother Jones, May/June 1998) -ARCHIVES: Bill McKibben (NY Review of Books) -ARCHIVES: "bill mckibben" (Find Articles) -ARCHIVES: "mckibben" (Mag Portal) -REVIEW: of Enough by Bill McKibben (Natalie Angier, NY Times) -REVIEW: of Enough by Bill McKibben (Osha Gray Davidson , LA Times) -REVIEW: of Enough (Margaret Gunning, January Magazine) -REVIEW: of Enough (Jim Paul, SF Chronicle) -REVIEW: of Enough (Steven Martinovich, CS Monitor) -REVIEW: of MAYBE ONE: A Personal and Environmental Argument for Single-Child Families By Bill McKibben (Ann Hulbert, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of Maybe One (Ben Wattenberg, Wall Street Journal) -REVIEW: of Maybe One (Steve Heilig, SF Chronicle) -REVIEW: of LONG DISTANCE: A Year of Living Strenuously by Bill McKibben (Geoffrey Norman, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of Long Distance (Steve Kettmann, SF Chronicle) -REVIEW: of Hundred Dollar Christmas by Bill McKibben (Norah Vincent, Salon) -REVIEW: of Hundred Dollar Christmas (FIONA MORGAN, Salon) Enough: Staying Human in an Engineered Age (2003) - Bill McKibben (1960-) (Grade:D+) |
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