-Unclassified PowerPoint Presentation on Iraq
-U.S. Central Command
-U.S. State Department - Iraq Update
-The Scotsman on Iraq
-Foreign & Commonwealth Office: Iraq Info
-UN News Centre
-UN - Office of the Iraq Programme
-Iraqi Presidency
-Iraq Watch
Field guide to Iraq pundits...You've seen them pontificate on TV about Iraq,
but who are they? Slate's who's who list of Iraq pundits, arranged in order
of bellicosity, from blood-red hawks to snow-white doves.
Evening Standard: War on Iraq
-Showdown with
Iraq (LA Times)
from Michael Gordon: Chief Military Correspondent of the NY Times
Iraq Journal: In a new
interactive feature, John F. Burns and Tyler Hicks of The Times explore
an Iraq seldom seen by outsiders.
-PROFILE: Tales of the Tyrant: What does Saddam Hussein see in himself that no one else in the world seems to see? The answer is perhaps best revealed by the intimate details of the Iraqi leader's daily life (Mark Bowden, May 2002, The Atlantic)
-Dreaming of Democracy (GEORGE PACKER, March 2, 2003, NY Times Magazine)
-ESSAY: A Last Chance to Stop Iraq (KENNETH M. POLLACK, 2/21/03, NY Times)
-Flashbacks: "Iraq Considered" (The Atlantic, October 1, 2002)
-Conflict with
Iraq (BBC)
-AlterNet Iraq Warlog
-Intervention in Iraq? (The Newshour, PBS)
-ESSAY: After Saddam: A leading Iraqi dissident maps out the form of a post-Saddam state-federal, demilitarised and non-Arab. His compatriots, he says, see military action by the US as the price to be paid for such a future ( Kanan Makiya, November 2002, The Prospect)
-ESSAY: At Home Abroad: CAN THE IRAQI EXILES REMAKE IRAQ? (Jason Zengerle, 12.19.02, New Republic)
-ESSAY: Saddam's Brain: The ideology behind the thuggery. (David Brooks, 11/11/2002, Weekly Standard)
-ESSAY: A Necessary War: Unless Saddam Hussein is removed, the war on terror will fail (Reuel Marc Gerecht, 10/21/2002, Weekly Standard)
-ESSAY: Baghgrad?: Removing Saddam from Baghdad (Victor Davis Hanson, November 22, 2002, National Review)
-ESSAY: Democracy in the Middle East: It's the hardheaded solution. (Victor Davis Hanson, 10/21/2002, Weekly Standard)
-ESSAY: Iraq's Crazy Uncle: Joel Soler's documentary looks at Saddam Hussein's foibles. (Rufus Jones, 11/19/2002, Weekly Standard)
-ESSAY: A Beautiful Friendship?: What France sees in Iraq. (Michel Gurfinkiel, 10/28/2002, Weekly Standard)
-ESSAY: From Belgrade to Baghdad: how the Serbs have been providing Iraq with military aid (Stephen Schwartz, 2nd November 2002, The Spectator)
-ESSAY: SADDAM -- 'FATHER OF VICTORIES?' (Allan Ramsay, August 2000, Contemporary Review)
-ESSAY: Iraq (Claudia Wright, April 1979, The Atlantic Monthly)
THREAT: Continuing our debate on Iraq, PETER DAVID argues that Saddam's record demolishes Saul Landau's position. (Open Democracy)
POST-SADDAM FUTURE: Can a meeting of 'Free Iraqis' in London succeed where so many have failed, asks GHASSAN ATIYYAH. (Open
-AUDIO INTERVIEW: Con Coughlin: Saddam:
King of Terror (Diane Rehm Show, November 12, 2002, NPR)
-REVIEW: of Saddam: King of Terror By Con Coughlin (Steve Kettmann, SF Chronicle)
-REVIEW: of Saddam: King of Terror by Con Coughlin (Jeff Stein, Washington Post)
-REVIEW: of THE RECKONING: Iraq and the Legacy of Saddam Hussein. By Sandra Mackey (Fouad Ajami, NY Times Book Review)
-REVIEW ESSAY: Terror on the Tigris: War should only be waged as a last resort. Two new books on Iraq argue that, for America, the last resort is now: The Threatening Storm: The Case for Invading Iraq By Kenneth M. Pollack. and Saddam: King of Terror By Con Coughlin (The Economist)
-REVIEW: of The Threatening Storm: The Case for Invading Iraq, by Kenneth M. Pollack (Tish Durkin , NY Observer)
-REVIEW ESSAY: Should we go to war just because we can?: Andrew Cockburn on Saddam Hussein and the rush to war. (Andrew Cockburn, November 3 2002, LA Times)
-REVIEW: of The Greatest Threat: Iraq, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and the Crisis of Global Security. By Richard Butler (Barbara Crossette, NY Times Book Review)
-REVIEW: of Out of the Ashes: The Resurrection of Saddam Hussein By Andrew Cockburn and Patrick Cockburn (Ethan Bronner, NY Times Book Review)
-REVIEW: of Out of the Ashes (John Casey, The Spectator)
-REVIEW: of SADDAM'S BOMBMAKER: The Terrifying Inside Story of the Iraqi Nuclear and Biological Weapons Agenda By Khidhir Hamza with Jeff Stein (Barbara Crossette, NY Times Book Review)
-REVIEW: of Endgame: Solving the Iraq Problem -- Once and for All By Scott Ritter (Tim Weiner, NY Times Book Review)
-ESSAY: IRAQ: THE RISE AND FALL OF CIVIL SOCIETY: Is a democratic Iraq possible? (SAMI ZUBAIDA, February 2003, Open Democracy)
-ESSAY: JOURNEY TO A LIBERATED IRAQ: As the noose tightens around the Saddam regime, TAMARA CHALABI vividly describes the visit of an Iraqi opposition delegation to Iran- and across the mountains to their homeland. (Tamara Chalabi, February 2003, Open Democracy)
-ESSAY: WAITING: For Iraqi opposition and Kurdish groups across the border in Iran, this is a moment of paralysis as well as excitement (WENDELL STEAVENSON, February 2003, Open Democracy)
: About Turkey
: Embassy of the Republic of Turkey
Note: Turkey (U.S. State Department)
News from Turkey
Agency Ozgurluk : In Support of the Revolutionary Peoples Liberation
Struggle in Turkey
and the Rule of Law (
International on Turkey
focus on Human Rights, Human Rights Watch
Odyssey : a traveler's guide to Turkey
Empire (Osmanli tarihi)
: Turkey and process of democratization : Realistic opportunity or
midnight summer's dream?
: constantinople (Find Articles)
: Turkey (Yahoo!)
-Death Watch: One of the world's earliest Christian cultures totters on the edge of extinction. (Thomas C. Oden, 01/10/2003, Christianity Today)
-ESSAY: Democratic
culture and extremist Islam: When Islamists choose scripture over tradition, is a road to democracy opened? WERNER SCHIFFAUER's intimate study of Turkish Islam in Germany is a challenge and a revelation. (Open Democracy)
The Ottoman umpire : Some Turks observe Ramadan, others do not: Norman
Stone on a state that is a model for the Islamic world (The Spectator,
November 2001)
: US Bows to Turkey (Ian Urbina, October 2001, The Nation)
: The Turkish Model : America's ally is poised to lead the Muslim world.
(MELIK KAYLAN, October 25, 2001 , Wall Street Journal)
: U.S. Department of State, Strobe Talbott, Deputy Secretary, Turgut Ozal
Memorial Lecture, "U.S.-Turkish Relations in an Age of Interdependence"
(Washington Institute on Near East Policy, October 14, 1998)
: Turkey revises male-dominated code (SUZAN FRASER, Oct. 24,
2001 | ANKARA, Turkey (AP)
: America's Allies For the Long Haul : Israel, India and Turkey will never
(TUNKU VARADARAJAN, September 19, 2001, Opinion Journal WSJ)
: Ayse Kadioglu, "The Paradox of Turkish Nationalism and the Construction
of Official Identity" (Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 32, no. 2 (April
: Ihsan Dagi, "Democratic Transition in Turkey, 1980-83: Y«The Impact of
European Diplomacy," (Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 32, no. 2, April
: Turkey isn't about to kick camel-fighting (Ayla Jean Yackley / Reuters)
-REVIEW : of Y«
And Society In Turkey by David Shankland (Norman Stone, Spectator)
-REVIEW: of TURKEY UNVEILED A History of Modern Turkey. By Nicole Pope and Hugh Pope (Robert D. Kaplan, NY Times Book Review)
-REVIEW: of Constantinople City of the World's Desire, 1453-1924. By Philip Mansel (Robin Cormack, NY Times Book Review)
-REVIEW: of Constantinople City of the World's Desire, 1453-1924. By Philip Mansel (Robin Cormack, NY Times Book Review)
-REVIEW: of The Flame of Freedom: The Greek War of Independence 1821-1833 by David
Brewer (Saul David, booksonline)
-REVIEW: of MY NAME IS RED By Orhan Pamuk. Translated by Erdag M. Goknor (Richard Eder, NY Times)
-REVIEW: of My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk (Tom Holland, booksonline)
-REVIEW: of MY NAME IS RED: A Novel, By Orhan Pamuk (JONATHAN LEV, LA Times)
-REVIEW: of My Name Is Red By Orhan Pamuk (Lenora Todaro, Village Voice)
-REVIEW: of MY NAME IS RED By Orhan Pamuk (Char Simons, CS Monitor)
BRITANNICA : ataturk
: Ataturk (Find Articles)
-REVIEW: of Atatürk by Andrew Mango (Grey Gowrie, booksonline)
-Kurdish News in World Media
-ESSAY: Sons of Devils: In a turbulent region the stateless Kurds play the role of spoiler (Robert D. Kaplan, November 1987, The Atlantic)
KURDISTAN: Kurds in northern Iraq survive precarious freedom in sight of Saddam's guns, observes WENDELL STEAVENSON. (Open
-ESSAY: After Saddam Hussein: The Kurds have set up a cohesive administration in northern Iraq, but the UN embargo is an unnecessary thorn in their daily life -- and counterproductive to the aim of upsetting the Baghdad regime (Laurie Mylroie, December 1992, The Atlantic)
-ESSAY : Protect the Kurds (Peter W. Galbraith, August 11, 2002, Washington Post)
-ESSAY : A Moment of Decision for Iraq's Kurds : Northern Iraq Between Boom Times and Danger (Amalia van Gent, 8/06/02, NZZ Online)
-ARTICLE: Forced to Move, Kurds Hope for Hussein's Ouster (JOHN F. BURNS, August 11, 2002, NY Times)
-ARTICLE: Iraqi Kurdish leader hopeful of anti-Saddam front (AP, 8/07/02)
-ARTICLE: We won't help U.S., Kurds say (Richard Sisk, NY Daily News)
-ARTICLE: Saddam wants Kurds neutral (John Diamond, 8/05/02, USA TODAY)
-ARTICLE: Kurdish guerrillas poised to fire first shots in war on Iraq : Tim Judah in northern Iraq meets enemies of Saddam who seek to crush Islamist militants with suspected links to al-Qaeda (Tim Judah, August 11, 2002, Observer)
-ARTICLE: A Microcosm of Terror in a Torn Kurdish City (JOHN F. BURNS, August 3, 2002, NY Times)
-ARTICLE: Kurds Savor a New, and Endangered, Golden Age (JOHN F. BURNS, July 28, 2002, NY Times)
-ARTICLE: Iraqi Kurds fear Islamic militant group (Jim Muir, 24 July, 2002, BBC)
-ARTICLE: Iraq's Kurds assess risk of backing the US : Supporting Washington's plans could jeopardise precious gains
(Michael Howard, July 18, 2002, The Guardian)
-ARTICLE: Iraqi Kurds cautious on new US war (Hiwa Osman, 26 March, 2002, BBC)
-REVIEW: of AFTER SUCH KNOWLEDGE, WHAT FORGIVENESS?: My Encounters With Kurdistan by Jonathan C. Randal (CHRIS HEDGES, NY Times Book Review)