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The Day of the Locust ()

Modern Library Top 100 Novels of the 20th Century (73)

This book is often called the best book ever written about Hollywood.  It is the story of set designer Tod Hackett & a cast of lowlifes living on the fringe of the movie business, all of them drawn to the same wannabe starlet.

The characters are uniformly unsympathetic & it is nearly impossible to care what happens to them. Perhaps the book was more shocking when we knew less about the movie business & the personal lives of entertainers, but this tale of the dross behind the Silver Screen leaves one unmoved today.


Grade: (C-)


Nathanael West Links:

    -WIKIPEDIA: Nathaneal West
    -ESSAY: Nathanael West and the Horrifying American Joke (Nathaniel Stein, October 2024, Liberties)

Book-related and General Links:
    -Nathanael West (1903-1940)
    -ESSAY: Let This Be a Lesson to You: The Snakebit Life of Nathanael West (Gerald Howard, NY Times Book Review)
    -ESSAY: A Wasteland of Contradictions:  The California Dreams of Nathanael West (Jim Tejani, Literary Traveler)
    -REVIEW: of NATHANAEL WEST: NOVELS AND OTHER WRITINGS True West: During the 1930s, a master of the short novel hallucinated a grotesque, erotic America we can recognize as our own (Virginia Heffernan)
    -F.W. Dupee: Doing West REVIEW: of Nathanael West: The Art of His Life by Jay Martin (NY Review of Books)
    -REVIEW: Nathanael West: Novels and Other Writings edited by Sacvan Bercovitch (Martin Filler, NY Review of Books)
    -REVIEW: Novels and Other Writings by Nathaneal West (Algis Valiunas, Commentary)

If you liked The Day of the Locust, try:

Roszak, Theodore

Salamon, Julie
    -The Devil's Candy : The Bonfire of the Vanities Goes to Hollywood

Viertel, Peter
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    -Force Majeure