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Grade:  A+ (Sorted by Author's last name)

Things Fall Apart (1958) - Chinua Achebe (11/16/1930 -3/21/2013)  (Grade:A+)

Cato: A Tragedy (1713) - Joseph Addison (1672-1719)  (Grade:A+)

Prometheus Bound (460 BC) - Aeschylus (525 -456 BC)  (Grade:A+)

The Inferno (1314) - Dante Alighieri (1265-1321)  (Grade:A+)

Once More Around the Park : A Baseball Reader (1991) - Roger Angell (9/19/1920 -5/20/2022)  (Grade:A+)

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (14th Century) - Anonymous (-)  (Grade:A+)

Beowulf (8th Century?) - Anonymous (-)  (Grade:A+)

Gulag: A History (2003) - Anne Applebaum (-)  (Grade:A+)

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (A New Verse Translation) (2007) - Simon Armitage (05/26/1963 -)  (Grade:A+)

Emma (1816) - Jane Austen (12/16/1775 -7/18/1817)  (Grade:A+)

Empire of the Sun (1984) - J. G. Ballard (11/15/1930 -4/19/2009)  (Grade:A+)

The Lilies of the Field (1962) - William Edmund Barrett (1900-1986)  (Grade:A+)

Out of the Park Baseball 17 (2017) - Out of the Park Baseball 17 ( -)  (Grade:A+)

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly : A Memoir Of Life In Death (1997) - Jean-Dominique Bauby (1952-1997)  (Grade:A+)

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1900) - L. Frank Baum (5/15/1856 -5/06/1919)  (Grade:A+)

The Long Ships (1941/45) - Frans Gunnar Bengtsson (10/04/1894-12/19/1954)  (Grade:A+)

The Faithful Spy (2006) - Alex Berenson (-)  (Grade:A+)

Lindbergh (1998) - A. Scott Berg (-)  (Grade:A+)

The Hedgehog and the Fox: An Essay on Tolstoy's View of History (1951) - Sir Isaiah Berlin (1909-1997)  (Grade:A+)

The Crisis Years : Kennedy and Krushchev, 1960-1963 () - Michael R. Beschloss (11/30/1955-)  (Grade:A+)

Friday Night Lights : A Town, a Team, and a Dream (1990 - H. G. Bissinger (-)  (Grade:A+)

The Curve (2016) - Jeremy Blachman ( -)  (Grade:A+)

Anonymous Lawyer : A Novel (2006) - Jeremy Blachman ( -)  (Grade:A+)

Miracle on the Gridiron (2009) - Jim Black (1953 -)  (Grade:A+)

The Exorcist (1971) - William Peter Blatty (1/07/1928 -1/12/2017)  (Grade:A+)

A Man for All Seasons (1960) - Robert Bolt (8/15/1924 -2/21/1995)  (Grade:A+)

The Tempting of America: The Political Seduction of the Law (1990) - Robert H. Bork (03/01/1927 -12/19/2012)  (Grade:A+)

Life of Johnson (1791) - James Boswell (10/29/1740 -05/19/1795)  (Grade:A+)

The Bridge over the River Kwai (1952) - Pierre Boulle (1912-1994)  (Grade:A+)

Black Hawk Down : A Story of Modern War (1999) - Mark Bowden (1951-)  (Grade:A+)

Yes I Can: The Story of Sammy Davis, Jr. (1965) - Burt Boyar (11/30/1927 -04/04/2018)  (Grade:A+)

Photo by Sammy Davis, Jr. (2007) - Burt Boyar (11/30/1927 -04/04/2018)  (Grade:A+)

Dandelion Wine (1957) - Ray Bradbury (08/22/1920 -06/05/2012)  (Grade:A+)

Alexander Hamilton, American (1999) - Richard Brookhiser ( -)  (Grade:A+)

Stained Glass: A Blackford Oakes Novel (1978) - William F. Buckley, Jr. (11/24/1925 -2/27/2008)  (Grade:A+)

The Unmaking of a Mayor (1966) - William F. Buckley, Jr. (11/24/1925 -2/27/2008)  (Grade:A+)

Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790) - Edmund Burke (1/12/1729 -7/09/1797)  (Grade:A+)

Tarzan of the Apes (1912) - Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875-1950)  (Grade:A+)

Possession: A Romance (1990) - A.S. [Antonia Susan] Byatt (8/24/1936 -)  (Grade:A+)

Double Indemnity (1935) - James M Cain (7/1/1892 -10/27/77)  (Grade:A+)

The First Man (1995) - Albert Camus (11/07/1913 -1/04/1960)  (Grade:A+)

The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York (1974) - Robert A. Caro (10/30/1935 -)  (Grade:A+)

Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar . . .: Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes (2007) - Thomas Cathcart (-)  (Grade:A+)

Don Quijote (Part 1--1605, Part 2--1615) (1615) - Miquel de Cervantes (9/29/1547 -4/22/1616)  (Grade:A+)

Witness (1952) - Whittaker Chambers (4/01/1901 -7/09/1961)  (Grade:A+)

The Big Sleep (1939) - Raymond Chandler (7/23/1888 -3/26/1959)  (Grade:A+)

A History of the English-Speaking Peoples () - Winston S. Churchill (11/30/1874 -1/24/1965)  (Grade:A+)

Knight of the Cross: A Story of the Crusades (1951) - Frederick Levi Coe ( -)  (Grade:A+)

As Nature Made Him : The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl (2000) - John Colapinto (1958-)  (Grade:A+)

Catching Fire (2009) - Suzanne Collins (1963?-)  (Grade:A+)

The Hunger Games (2008) - Suzanne Collins (1963?-)  (Grade:A+)

The Empty Beach (1983) - Peter Corris (1942-)  (Grade:A+)

A Mapmaker's Dream: The Meditations of Fra Mauro, Cartographer to the Court of Venice (1996) - James Cowan (-)  (Grade:A+)

What it Takes : The Way to the White House (1992) - Richard Ben Cramer (06/12/1950 -01/07/2013)  (Grade:A+)

Our Culture, What's Left of It: The Mandarins and the Masses (2005) - Theodore Dalrymple (10/11/1949 -)  (Grade:A+)

Rising '44: The Battle for Warsaw (2004) - Norman Davies (06/08/1939 -)  (Grade:A+)

Dr. Sam Johnson: Detector (1946) - Lillian de la Torre (03/15/1902-1993)  (Grade:A+)

Classic Cubs: A Tribute to the Men and Magic of Wrigley Field (2008) - Chris De Luca (-)  (Grade:A+)

The Daughters of Cain (1994) - Colin Dexter (1930-)  (Grade:A+)

The Way Through the Woods: An Inspector Morse Mystery (1992) - Colin Dexter (1930-)  (Grade:A+)

A Christmas Carol (1843) - Charles Dickens (2/07/1812 -6/09/1870)  (Grade:A+)

Great Expectations (1860-61) - Charles Dickens (2/07/1812 -6/09/1870)  (Grade:A+)

A Tale of Two Cities (1859) - Charles Dickens (2/07/1812 -6/09/1870)  (Grade:A+)

Deliverance (1970) - James Dickey (2/02/1923 -1/19/1997)  (Grade:A+)

The White Album (1979) - Joan Didion (12/05/1934 -12/23/2021)  (Grade:A+)

Slouching Towards Bethlehem (1968) - Joan Didion (12/05/1934 -12/23/2021)  (Grade:A+)

Edwin Arlington Robinson: A Poet's Life (2007) - Scott Donaldson (1928-)  (Grade:A+)

The Hound of the Baskervilles (1901) - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (5/22/1859 -7/07/1930)  (Grade:A+)

The Three Musketeers (1844) - Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870)  (Grade:A+)

The Book of Ebenezer Le Page () - G.B. Edwards (-)  (Grade:A+)

Truth and Fiction in the Da Vinci Code: A Historian Reveals What We Really Know about Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and Constantine (2004) - Bart D. Ehrman (-)  (Grade:A+)

Narcissus Leaves the Pool : Familiar Essays (1999) - Joseph Epstein (01/09/1937 -)  (Grade:A+)

The Witchfinder: an Amos Walker Mystery (1998) - Loren D. Estleman (1952 -)  (Grade:A+)

Sugartown : Amos Walker Mysteries (1984) - Loren D. Estleman (1952 -)  (Grade:A+)

Deflation: What Happens When Prices Fall (2004) - Chris Farrell (-)  (Grade:A+)

The Pity of War : Explaining World War I (1998) - Niall Ferguson (-)  (Grade:A+)

AAA (2003) - Niall Ferguson (-)  (Grade:A+)

Heart of the Assassin (2009) - Robert Ferrigno (-)  (Grade:A+)

The Warlord's Son (2004) - Dan Fesperman (-)  (Grade:A+)

Washington's Crossing (Pivotal Moments in American History) (2004) - David Hackett Fischer (1935 -)  (Grade:A+)

The New Dealers' War: FDR and the War Within World War II (2001) - Thomas Fleming (-)  (Grade:A+)

The Barbarian Conversion: From Paganism to Christianity (1997) - Richard Fletcher (03/28/1944-02/28/2005)  (Grade:A+)

Civil War () - Shelby Foote (11/17/1916 -6/27/2005)  (Grade:A+)

A Dictionary of Modern English Usage (1926 (Second Edition, 1965)) - H. W. Fowler (1858-1933)  (Grade:A+)

Capitalism and Freedom () - Milton Friedman (7/31/1912 -11/16/2002)  (Grade:A+)

A Peace to End All Peace: The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Creation of the Modern Middle East (1989) - David Fromkin (-)  (Grade:A+)

The Greatest Game Ever Played: Harry Vardon, Francis Ouimet, and the Birth of Modern Golf (2002) - Mark Frost (11/25/1953-)  (Grade:A+)

The End of History and the Last Man (1992) - Francis Fukuyama (10/27/1952 -)  (Grade:A+)

The Roots of Heaven (1956) - Romain Gary (05/08/1914 -12/02/1980)  (Grade:A+)

The Book of Virtues : A Treasury of Great Moral Stories (1993) - Rick Geary (-)  (Grade:A+)

Bing Crosby: A Pocketful of Dreams--The Early Years 1903-1940 (2001) - Gary Giddins (03/21/1948-)  (Grade:A+)

Satchmo: The Genius of Louis Armstrong (1988) - Gary Giddins (03/21/1948-)  (Grade:A+)

Taras Bulba (1839) - Nikolai Gogol (1809-1852)  (Grade:A+)

Caesar: Life of a Colossus (2006) - Adrian Goldsworthy (1969 -)  (Grade:A+)

The Conscience of a Conservative (1960) - Barry Goldwater (1909-1998)  (Grade:A+)

American Subversive (2010) - David Goodwillie (03/25/1972 -)  (Grade:A+)

The Lost City of Z: A Tale of Deadly Obsession in the Amazon (2009) - David Grann (03/10/1967 -)  (Grade:A+)

I, Claudius (1934) - Robert Graves (7/24/1895 -12/07/1985)  (Grade:A+)

Forever Flowing (1970) - Vasily Grossman (11/29/1905 -9/14.1964)  (Grade:A+)

Ordinary People (1976) - Judith Guest (3/29/1936 -)  (Grade:A+)

Sweet Soul Music: Rhythm and Blues and the Southern Dream of Freedom () - Peter Guralnick ( -)  (Grade:A+)

Defying Hitler: A Memoir [Geschichte eines Deutschen] (2000) - Sebastian Haffner (1907-1999)  (Grade:A+)

King Solomon's Mines (1885) - H. Rider Haggard (1856-1925)  (Grade:A+)

The Man Without a Country (1863) - Edward Everett Hale (1822-1909)  (Grade:A+)

The Maltese Falcon (1930) - Dashiell Hammett (5/27/1894 -1/10/1961)  (Grade:A+)

Classic Cubs: A Tribute to the Men and Magic of Wrigley Field (2008) - John Hanley (1962-)  (Grade:A+)

A Day in the Bleachers (1955) - Arnold Hano (1922-)  (Grade:A+)

Mariette in Ecstasy (1991) - Ron Hansen (1947-)  (Grade:A+)

The Soul of Battle : From Ancient Times to the Present Day, How Three Great Liberators Vanquished Tyranny (1999) - Victor Davis Hanson (-)  (Grade:A+)

Fatherland (1992) - Robert Harris (3/07/1957 -)  (Grade:A+)

Walt Disney's Uncle Remus Stories (A Giant Golden Book) (1947) - Joel Chandler Harris (12/09/1845-07/03/1908)  (Grade:A+)

Bang the Drum Slowly (1956) - Mark Harris (11/19/1922 -05/30/2007)  (Grade:A+)

Earth's Holocaust (1844) - Nathaniel Hawthorne (7/04/1804 -5/19/1864)  (Grade:A+)

The Road to Serfdom (1944) - Friedrich Hayek (5/08/1899 -3/23/1992)  (Grade:A+)

The Old Man and the Sea (1952) - Ernest Hemingway (7/21/1899 -7/02/1961)  (Grade:A+)

The Gift of the Magi () - O. Henry (1862 -1910)  (Grade:A+)

Dune (1965) - Frank Herbert (10/08/1920 -2/11/1986)  (Grade:A+)

Friday's Child (1944) - Georgette Heyer (08/16/1902 -07/04/1974)  (Grade:A+)

Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption (2010) - Laura Hillenbrand (5/15/1967-)  (Grade:A+)

Good-Bye, Mr. Chips (1934) - James Hilton (9/09/1900 -12/20/1954)  (Grade:A+)

Barack Obama Is Your New Bicycle: 366 Ways He Really Cares (2008) - Matthew Honan (-)  (Grade:A+)

The Moon of Skulls (1930) - Robert Ervin Howard (01/22/1906-06/11/1936)  (Grade:A+)

The Other Side of Russia: A Slice of Life in Siberia and the Russian Far East (2003) - Sharon Hudgins (-)  (Grade:A+)

Emperor: The Gates of Rome (2003) - Conn Iggulden (1971-)  (Grade:A+)

The Draining Lake : A Reykjavik Thriller (2004) - Arnaldur Indridason (01/08/1961-)  (Grade:A+)

Voices: A Reykjavik Thriller (2003) - Arnaldur Indridason (01/08/1961-)  (Grade:A+)

We Have Always Lived in the Castle (1962) - Shirley Jackson (12/14/1916 -8/08/1965)  (Grade:A+)

The Music of the Spheres: Music, Science, and the Natural Order of the Universe (1993) - Jamie James (-)  (Grade:A+)

The Children of Men (1992) - P.D. James (08/03/1920 -11/27/2014)  (Grade:A+)

Modern Times () - Paul Johnson (11/02/1928 -1/12/2023)  (Grade:A+)

Magna Carta: The Birth of Liberty (2016) - Dan Jones (07/27/1981 -)  (Grade:A+)

From Here to Eternity (1951) - James Jones (11/06/1921 -5/09/1977)  (Grade:A+)

A False Spring (1975) - Pat Jordan (04/22/1941 -)  (Grade:A+)

Kiddle-Y-Winks (2003) - Dorothy Corson Judd (09/04/1938-)  (Grade:A+)

Redefining Sovereignty (March 2006) - Orrin Corson Judd (12/02/1961-)  (Grade:A+)

Martyr's Day: Chronicle of a Small War (1993) - Michael Kelly (-)  (Grade:A+)

Friday the Rabbi Slept Late (1964) - Harry Kemelman (11/24/1908 -12/15/1996)  (Grade:A+)

The Pale Criminal (1990) - Philip Kerr (1956-)  (Grade:A+)

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1962) - Ken Kesey (9/17/1935 -11/10/2001)  (Grade:A+)

Flowers for Algernon (1966) - Daniel Keyes (-)  (Grade:A+)

Shoeless Joe (1982) - W. P. Kinsella (-)  (Grade:A+)

Stories and Poems of Rudyard Kipling () - Rudyard Kipling (12/30/1865 -1/18/1936)  (Grade:A+)

The Conservative Mind: from Burke to Eliot (1953) - Russell Kirk (10/19/1918 -4/29/1994)  (Grade:A+)

Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar . . .: Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes (2007) - Daniel Klein (-)  (Grade:A+)

My Struggle: Book 2 A Man in Love (2010) - Karl Ove Knausgaard (12/06/1960 -)  (Grade:A+)

Darkness at Noon (1941) - Arthur Koestler (9/05/1905 -3/01/1983)  (Grade:A+)

A Wrinkle in Time (1962) - Madeleine L'Engle (11/29/1918 -09/06/2007)  (Grade:A+)

Barabbas (1951) - Par Lagerkvist (1891-1974)  (Grade:A+)

Summer for the Gods: The Scopes Trial and America's Continuing Debate over Science and Religion (1998) - Edward John Larson (-)  (Grade:A+)

Modern and American Dignity : Who We Are as Persons, and What That Means for Our Future (2010) - Peter Augustine Lawler (07/30/1951 -05/23/2017)  (Grade:A+)

Independent People: An Epic (1946) - Halldor Laxness (4/23/1902 -2/08/1998)  (Grade:A+)

The Searchers (1954) - Alan Le May (-)  (Grade:A+)

To Kill a Mockingbird (1960) - Harper Lee (4/28/1926 -2/19/2016)  (Grade:A+)

A Noble Radiance (1998) - Donna Leon (02/28/1942 -)  (Grade:A+)

Hombre (1961) - Elmore Leonard (10/11/1925 -08/20/2013)  (Grade:A+)

In The Plex: How Google Thinks, Works, and Shapes Our Lives (2011) - Steven Levy (1951-)  (Grade:A+)

Treehouse Chronicles: One Man's Dream of Life Aloft (2005) - S. Peter Lewis (-)  (Grade:A+)

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (1950) - C.S. Lewis (11/29/1898 -11/22/1963)  (Grade:A+)

The Abolition of Man: Reflections on Education with Special Reference to the Teaching of English in the Upper Forms of Schools (1943) - C.S. Lewis (11/29/1898 -11/22/1963)  (Grade:A+)

The Screwtape Letters (1943) - C.S. Lewis (11/29/1898 -11/22/1963)  (Grade:A+)

The Spirit of St. Louis (1953) - Charles A. Lindbergh (1902-1974)  (Grade:A+)

Gift from the Sea (1955) - Anne Morrow Lindbergh (1906-)  (Grade:A+)

How Green Was My Valley (1939) - Richard Llewellyn (1906-1983)  (Grade:A+)

The Making and Unmaking of the English Catholic Intellectual Community, 1910-1950 (2009) - James R. Lothian (1969 -)  (Grade:A+)

The Giver (1993) - Lois Lowry (3/20/1937 -)  (Grade:A+)

The Damned Season [L'estate torbida] (1991) - Carlo Lucarelli (10/26/1960-)  (Grade:A+)

The Underground Man (1971) - Ross MacDonald (12/13/1915 -07/11/1983)  (Grade:A+)

Dom Casmurro (1899) - Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis (1839 -1908)  (Grade:A+)

The Prince (1513) - Niccolo Machiavelli (5/03/1469 -6/21/1527)  (Grade:A+)

A River Runs Through It (1976) - Norman MacLean (1902 -1990)  (Grade:A+)

The Fixer (1966) - Bernard Malamud (04/26/1914 -03/18/1986)  (Grade:A+)

The Journalist and the Murderer (1990) - Janet Malcolm (-)  (Grade:A+)

Democracy in America (2000) - Harvey C. Mansfield (3/21/1932 -)  (Grade:A+)

Embers [A gyertyák csonkig égnek--The Candles Burn Down to Stubs] (1942) - Sandor Marai (4/11/1900-February 21, 1989)  (Grade:A+)

West With the Night (1941) - Beryl Markham (1902-1986)  (Grade:A+)

Your Turn, Mr. Moto (1935) - John P. Marquand (11/10/1893-7/16/1960)  (Grade:A+)

Jonathan Edwards: A Life (2003) - George M. Marsden ( -)  (Grade:A+)

Pitching in a Pinch () - Christy Mathewson (8/12/1880 -10/07/1925)  (Grade:A+)

The Road (2006) - Cormac McCarthy (07/20/1933 -06/13/2023)  (Grade:A+)

All the Pretty Horses (1992) - Cormac McCarthy (07/20/1933 -06/13/2023)  (Grade:A+)

The Great Bridge : The Epic Story of the Building of the Brooklyn Bridge (1972) - David McCullough (7/07/1933 -8/07/2022)  (Grade:A+)

The Sand Pebbles (1962) - Richard McKenna (1913-1964)  (Grade:A+)

The Puritan Origins of American Patriotism (2007) - George McKenna (-)  (Grade:A+)

The Brethren (The Fortunes of France, Volume 1) (1977) - Robert Merle (8/28/1908-3/27/2004)  (Grade:A+)

In Defense of Freedom and Related Essays () - Frank S. Meyer (1909-1972)  (Grade:A+)

Exploding the Myths of Modern Architecture (2009) - Malcolm Millais (-)  (Grade:A+)

Martin Dressler: The Tale of an American Dreamer (1996) - Steven Millhauser (8/03/1943 -)  (Grade:A+)

Up in the Old Hotel and Other Stories (1992) - Joseph Mitchell (1908-1996)  (Grade:A+)

The Puritan Dilemma: The Story of John Winthrop (1958) - Edmund S. Morgan (01/17/1916 -7/08/2013)  (Grade:A+)

Triumph Forsaken: The Vietnam War, 1954-1965 (2006) - Mark Moyar (5/12/1971 -)  (Grade:A+)

The Golden Warrior: the Story of Harold and William (1949) - Hope Muntz (08/08/1907 -1981)  (Grade:A+)

The Origins of the Inquisition in Fifteenth-Century Spain (1995) - Benzion Netanyahu (3/25/1910 -4/30/2012)  (Grade:A+)

Death on a Friday Afternoon: Meditations on the Last Words of Jesus from the Cross (2000) - Richard John Neuhaus (-)  (Grade:A+)

A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush (1958) - Eric Newby (12/06/1919-10/20/2006)  (Grade:A+)

The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin (1975) - David Nobbs (03/13/1935-)  (Grade:A+)

Memoirs of a Superfluous Man (1943) - Albert Jay Nock (10/13/1870 -8/19/1945)  (Grade:A+)

His Majesty's Dragon (Temeraire, Book 1) (2006) - Naomi Novik (1973-)  (Grade:A+)

The Letter of Marque (Book 12) (1988) - Patrick O'Brian (12/12/1914 -01/02/2000)  (Grade:A+)

H.M.S. Surprise (1973) - Patrick O'Brian (12/12/1914 -01/02/2000)  (Grade:A+)

Post Captain (1972) - Patrick O'Brian (12/12/1914 -01/02/2000)  (Grade:A+)

Master and Commander (1969) - Patrick O'Brian (12/12/1914 -01/02/2000)  (Grade:A+)

Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH (1971) - Robert C. O'Brien (1918-1973)  (Grade:A+)

Wise Blood (1952) - Flannery O'Connor (03/25/1925 -08/03/1964)  (Grade:A+)

The Last Hurrah (1956) - Edwin O'Connor (1918-1968)  (Grade:A+)

The Speed Queen (1997) - Stewart O'Nan (-)  (Grade:A+)

Loving Soren (2005) - Caroline Coleman O'Neill (-)  (Grade:A+)

The Heavenly World Series (2002) - Frank O'Rourke (1916-1989)  (Grade:A+)

Wave of Terror (1972) - Theodore Odrach (02/13/1912-10/07/1964)  (Grade:A+)

A Personal Matter (1969) - Kenzaburo Oe (1/31/1935 -3/03/2023)  (Grade:A+)

The Revolt of the Masses (1930) - Jose Ortega y Gasset (5/09/1883 -10/18/1955)  (Grade:A+)

Animal Farm (1945) - George Orwell (06/25/1903 -1/21/1949)  (Grade:A+)

A Collection of Essays (1954) - George Orwell (06/25/1903 -1/21/1949)  (Grade:A+)

Coming Up for Air (1939) - George Orwell (06/25/1903 -1/21/1949)  (Grade:A+)

1984 (1949) - George Orwell (06/25/1903 -1/21/1949)  (Grade:A+)

Cool Hand Luke (1965) - Donn Pearce (-)  (Grade:A+)

Falls the Shadow (1988) - Sharon Kay Penman (08/13/1945 -1/22/2021)  (Grade:A+)

Ulysses S. Grant : Soldier President (1997) - Geoffrey Perret (-)  (Grade:A+)

Out Stealing Horses (2003) - Per Petterson (07/18/1952 -)  (Grade:A+)

The Russian Revolution () - Richard Pipes (07/11/1923-)  (Grade:A+)

Complete Stories and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe () - Edgar Allan Poe (01/19/1809 -10/07/1849)  (Grade:A+)

True Grit (1968) - Charles McColl Portis (12/28/1933 -2/17/2020)  (Grade:A+)

Case Closed () - Gerald Posner (-)  (Grade:A+)

The Chosen (1967) - Chaim Potok (1929-)  (Grade:A+)

Gates of Fire: An Epic Novel of the Battle of Thermopylae (1998) - Steven Pressfield (September 1943 -)  (Grade:A+)

Killing Rommel: A Novel (2008) - Steven Pressfield (September 1943 -)  (Grade:A+)

The Cloudspotter's Guide: The Science, History, and Culture of Clouds (2006) - Gavin Pretor-Pinney (1968-)  (Grade:A+)

The Story of John Henry () - Rabbit Ears Series (-)  (Grade:A+)

Black and Blue (1997) - Ian Rankin (1960 -)  (Grade:A+)

Let it Bleed (1996) - Ian Rankin (1960 -)  (Grade:A+)

The Footbridge (2021) - Daniel Rattelle (-)  (Grade:A+)

Without Roots: The West, Relativism, Christianity, Islam (2006) - Joseph Aloysius Ratzinger (04/16/1927-)  (Grade:A+)

The Long Walk : The True Story of a Trek to Freedom (1956) - Slavomir Rawicz (09/01/1915-04/05/2004)  (Grade:A+)

Lenin's Tomb : The Last Days of the Soviet Empire (1993) - David Remnick (1958-)  (Grade:A+)

The Crusades, Christianity, and Islam (Bampton Lectures in America) (2008) - Jonathan Riley-Smith (06/27/1938-)  (Grade:A+)

The Glory of Their Times : The Story of Baseball Told By the Men Who Played It (1966) - Lawrence S. Ritter (1922-)  (Grade:A+)

Cyrano de Bergerac (1897) - Edmond Rostand (1868-1918)  (Grade:A+)

The Emperor's Tomb (1938) - Joseph Roth (9/02/1894 -5/27/1939)  (Grade:A+)

The Radetzky March (1932) - Joseph Roth (9/02/1894 -5/27/1939)  (Grade:A+)

The Threat Closer to Home: Hugo Chavez and the War Against America (2009) - Michael Rowan (1942-)  (Grade:A+)

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (1999) - J. K. Rowling (7/31/1965 -)  (Grade:A+)

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix () - J. K. Rowling (7/31/1965 -)  (Grade:A+)

The Catcher in the Rye (1951) - J. D. Salinger (1/01/1919 -1/27/2010)  (Grade:A+)

Franny and Zooey (1961) - J. D. Salinger (1/01/1919 -1/27/2010)  (Grade:A+)

Shane (1949) - Jack Warner Schaefer (-)  (Grade:A+)

Feminist Fantasies (2003) - Phyllis Schlafly (08/15/1924-)  (Grade:A+)

The Threat Closer to Home: Hugo Chavez and the War Against America (2009) - Douglas E. Schoen (1953-)  (Grade:A+)

The Brendan Voyage (1978) - Tim Severin (1940-)  (Grade:A+)

Archangel (1982) - Gerald Seymour (-)  (Grade:A+)

The Killer Angels (1974) - Michael Shaara (6/23/1928 -5/05/1988)  (Grade:A+)

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar (1599) - William Shakespeare (4/26/1564 (date of baptism) -4/23/1616)  (Grade:A+)

Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus (1818) - Mary Shelley (8/30/1797 -2/01/1851)  (Grade:A+)

America's Living History - The Early Years (A Traveler's Guide) (2007) - Suzanne & Craig Sheumaker (-)  (Grade:A+)

And the Band Played On: Politics, People, and the AIDS Epidemic (1987) - Randy Martin Shilts (08/08/1951-02/17/1994)  (Grade:A+)

Quo Vadis? (1896) - Henryk Sienkiewicz (05/05/1846 -11/15/1916)  (Grade:A+)

With Fire and Sword (1883) - Henryk Sienkiewicz (05/05/1846 -11/15/1916)  (Grade:A+)

Fontamara (1933) - Ignazio Silone (5/01/1900 -8/22/1978)  (Grade:A+)

The Giving Tree (1964) - Shel Silverstein (1930-1999)  (Grade:A+)

Boswell's Presumptous Task: The Making of the Life of Dr. Johnson (2001) - Adam Sisman (-)  (Grade:A+)

When the Whistle Blows (2009) - Fran Cannon Slayton (-)  (Grade:A+)

Red Smith on Baseball (2000) - Red Smith (9/25/1905 -1/15.1982)  (Grade:A+)

The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956 : An Experiment in Literary Investigation (Volume I) (1973) - Aleksandr Isaevich Solzhenitsyn (12/11/1918 -8/03/2008)  (Grade:A+)

One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (1963) - Aleksandr Isaevich Solzhenitsyn (12/11/1918 -8/03/2008)  (Grade:A+)

Killers of the King: The Men Who Dared to Execute Charles I (2014) - Charles Spencer (05/20/1964-)  (Grade:A+)

Red Plenty (2010) - Francis Spufford (1963 -)  (Grade:A+)

How the West Won : The Neglected Story of the Triumph of Modernity (2014) - Rodney Stark (07/08/1934 -07/21/22)  (Grade:A+)

Dominic (1972) - William Steig (1907-)  (Grade:A+)

Of Mice and Men (1937) - John Steinbeck (2/27/1902 -12/20/1968)  (Grade:A+)

Johnny Porno (2010) - Charlie Stella (06/01/1956-)  (Grade:A+)

Treasure Island (1881) - Robert Louis Stevenson (11/13/1850 -12/03/1894)  (Grade:A+)

Rock Crystal (1845) - Adalbert Stifter (10/23/1805 -01/28/1868)  (Grade:A+)

Against the Idols of the Age () - David Charles Stove (9/15/1927 -6/02/1994)  (Grade:A+)

The Curve (2016) - Cameron Stracher (-)  (Grade:A+)

The Battle of Salamis : The Naval Encounter That Saved Greece -- and Western Civilization (2004) - Barry Strauss (11/27/1957 -)  (Grade:A+)

The Spartacus War (2009) - Barry Strauss (11/27/1957 -)  (Grade:A+)

The Elements of Style (1959) - William Strunk Jr. (1869-1946)  (Grade:A+)

The Shootist (1975) - Glendon F. Swarthout (04/08/1918-09/23/1992)  (Grade:A+)

Everyman's Poetry : R. S. Thomas (1996) - Ronald Stuart Thomas (03/29/1913-09/25/2000)  (Grade:A+)

Memoir on Pauperism (1835) - Alexis De Tocqueville (7/29/1805 -4/16/1859)  (Grade:A+)

The Lord of the Rings [The Hobbit (1937), The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, The Return of the King] (1948) - J.R.R. Tolkien (01/03/1892 -09/02/1973)  (Grade:A+)

Anna Karenina (1875-77) - Leo Tolstoy (9/09/1828 -11/20/1910)  (Grade:A+)

The World and the West (1953) - Arnold J. Toynbee (04/14/1889-10/22/1975)  (Grade:A+)

Trout Madness () - Robert Travers (-)  (Grade:A+)

The Kid from Tomkinsville (1940) - John R. Tunis (1889-1975)  (Grade:A+)

Fathers and Sons (1862) - Ivan Turgenev (11/09/1818 -9/03/1883)  (Grade:A+)

The Sands of Karakorum (1953) - James Ramsey Ullman (-)  (Grade:A+)

Around the World in Eighty Days (1873) - Jules Verne (1828-1905)  (Grade:A+)

Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1880) - Lew Wallace (1827-1905)  (Grade:A+)

Jesus : a Novel (2005) - Walter M. Wangerin, Jr. (02/13/1944-)  (Grade:A+)

The Book of the Dun Cow (1978) - Walter M. Wangerin, Jr. (02/13/1944-)  (Grade:A+)

The Aerodrome : A Love Story (1941) - Rex [Ernest] Warner (1905-1986)  (Grade:A+)

All the King's Men (1946) - Robert Penn Warren (4/24/1905 -9/15/1989)  (Grade:A+)

The Promise of Light (1992) - Paul Watkins (1964-)  (Grade:A+)

Lightning Bird () - Lyall Watson (-)  (Grade:A+)

Last Seen Wearing (1952) - Hillary Baldwin Waugh (6/22/20-12/08/08)  (Grade:A+)

Ideas Have Consequences (1948) - Richard M. Weaver (3/03/1910 -4/01/1963)  (Grade:A+)

Witness to Hope: The Biography of Pope John Paul II (1999) - George Weigel (-)  (Grade:A+)

Perjury () - Allen Weinstein (-)  (Grade:A+)

The Song of Bernadette (1941) - Franz Werfel (1890-1945)  (Grade:A+)

The Return of the Soldier (1918) - Rebecca West (1892-1983)  (Grade:A+)

Charlotte's Web (1952) - E. B. White (7/11/1899 -10/01/1985)  (Grade:A+)

On the Brink : The Dramatic Saga of How the Reagan Administration Changed the Course of History and Won the Cold War (1996) - Jay Winik (1957-)  (Grade:A+)

April 1865 : The Month that Saved America (2001) - Jay Winik (1957-)  (Grade:A+)

Carry On, Jeeves (1925) - P. G. Wodehouse (10/15/1881 -2/14/1975)  (Grade:A+)

The Painted Word (1975) - Tom Wolfe (3/02/1931 -5/14/2018)  (Grade:A+)

Hooking Up (2000) - Tom Wolfe (3/02/1931 -5/14/2018)  (Grade:A+)

Radical Chic and Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers (1971) - Tom Wolfe (3/02/1931 -5/14/2018)  (Grade:A+)

From Bauhaus to Our House (1981) - Tom Wolfe (3/02/1931 -5/14/2018)  (Grade:A+)

The Right Stuff (1979) - Tom Wolfe (3/02/1931 -5/14/2018)  (Grade:A+)

A New Kind of Science (2002) - Stephen Wolfram (1959-)  (Grade:A+)

The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 (2006) - Lawrence George Wright (08/02/1947 -)  (Grade:A+)

The Autobiography of Malcolm X (1965) - Malcolm X (5/19/1925 -2/21/1965)  (Grade:A+)

Death of a Red Heroine (2000) - Qiu Xiaolong (1953 -)  (Grade:A+)