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Grade: (A)


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Harry Jaffa Links:

    -WIKIPEDIA: Harry V. Jaffa
    -ESSAY: The Primacy of the Good: Remembering Leo Strauss. (Harry V. Jaffa, Summer–Fall 1982, Modern Age)
    American Conservatism and the Present Crisis (Harry V. Jaffa, February 12, 2003, Claremont Institute)
    -DISCUSSION : "Lincoln, Jaffa, and American Conservatism" (Remarks of Charles R. Kesler, The Third Annual Claremont Institute Lincoln Day Colloquium & Dinner)
    -ARCHIVES : The Works of Harry V. Jaffa (Claremont Institute)
    The Deepening Crisis (Harry V. Jaffa, February 9, 1999, Claremont Institute)
    -SPEECH : The False Prophets of American Conservatism (Harry V. Jaffa, February 12, 1998, Remarks Delivered at the Claremont Institute's Lincoln Day Conference)
    -ESSAY: Equality as a Conservative Principle (Harry V. Jaffa,
    -ESSAY: Defending the Cause of Human Freedom (Harry V. Jaffa, April 15, 1994, The Claremont Institute)
    -ESSAY : Homosexuality and Natural Law (Harry V. Jaffa)
    -ESSAY : The Limits of Politics : An Interpretation of King Lear (Harry Jaffa, Claremont Institute)
    -ESSAY: School Prayer Made Easy (Harry V. Jaffa, August 1995, On Principle)
    -SYMPOSIUM: James Madison: Philosopher and Practitioner of Liberal Democracy (Library of Congress, March 16, 2001)
-PODCAST: The Stakes: Harry Jaffa’s Philosophy (American Mind, Sep 19, 2022)
    -ESSAY: Thoughts on Harry Jaffa and “Natural Right” (Clifford Bates Jr., 9/10/24, Voegelin View)
    -ESSAY: Harry Jaffa’s Love-Hate Relationship With Moderation (Peter Berkowitz, Sept. 19, 2021, Free Beacon)
    -ESSAY: Harry V. Jaffa and Allan Bloom: The Contested Legacy of Leo Strauss (GEOFFREY VAUGHAN, 8/03/22, Public Discourse)
    -ESSAY : Learning From Lincoln (Herman Belz, Claremont Institute)
    -ESSAY: Jaffa Versus Mansfield: Does America Have A Constitutional or A "Declaration of Independence" Soul? (Thomas G. West, November 29, 2002, The Claremont Institute)
    -ESSAY: Abratollah Harry V. Jaffa Issues Fatwa Condemning Joseph Sobran (Derek Copold, 8/15/01, Houston Review)
    -ARCHIVES: Harry V. Jaffa (NY Review of Books)
    -ARCHIVES: "harry v. jaffa" (Find Articles)
    -REVIEW: of Crisis of the House Divided (1959) (Michael M. Uhlmann, First Things)
    -REVIEW : of A New Birth of Freedom: Abraham Lincoln and the Coming of the Civil War By Harry V. Jaffa (George McKenna, First Things)
    -REVIEW : of A New Birth of Freedom (Thomas West, Claremont Institute)
    -REVIEW : of A New Birth of Freedom (Richard Brookhiser, Commentary)
    -REVIEW : of A New Birth of Freedom (John Patrick Diggins, National Review)
    -REVIEW : of A New Birth of Freedom (Mackubin T. Owens, Washington Times)
    -REVIEW : of A New Birth of Freedom ()
    -REVIEW: of A New Birth of Freedom (Diana Schaub, Society)
    -REVIEW : of A New Birth of Freedom (David Gordon, Mises Review)
    -REVIEW: of A New Birth of Freedom (Diana Schaub, Society)
    -REVIEW : of Storm Over the Constitution, by Harry V. Jaffa (Michael Potemra, National Review)
    -REVIEW : of Storm Over the Constitution, by Harry V. Jaffa (Mark Silverstein, Law and Politics Book Review)
    -REVIEW : of ORIGINAL INTENT AND THE FRAMERS OF THE CONSTITUTION by Harry V. Jaffa (David Gordon, Mises Review)
    -REVIEW : of JAFFA ON GRAGLIA in National Review (David Gordon, Mises Review)

   -ESSAY: "Value Consensus" in Democracy: The Issue in the Lincoln-Douglas Debates (Harry V. Jaffa, September 1958, The American Political Science Review)
   -ESSAY: The Limits of Politics: An Interpretation of King Lear, Act 1, Scene 1 (Harry V. Jaffa, June 1957, The American Political Science Review)
   -ESSAY: Comment on Oppenheim: In Defense of "The Natural Law Thesis" (Harry V. Jaffa, March 1957, The American Political Science Review)
   -ESSAY: The Case Against Political Theory (Harry V. Jaffa, May 1960, The Journal of Politics)
   -ESSAY: Dear Professor Drury (in Strauss, Philosophy, and Politics) (Harry V. Jaffa, August 1987, Political Theory)
   -ESSAY: Conflicts within the Idea of the Liberal Tradition (Harry V. Jaffa, April 1963, Comparative Studies in Society and History)
-REVIEW: of The Letters of Stephen A. Douglas by Robert W. Johannsen (Harry V. Jaffa, The Journal of Southern History)
    -REVIEW: of The Theory of the Mixed Constitution in Antiquity: A Critical Analysis of Polybius' Political Ideas by Kurt von Fritz (Harry V. Jaffa, The American Political Science Review)
    -REVIEW: of Morals and Law: The Growth of Aristotle's Legal Theory by Max Hamburger (Harry V. Jaffa, The American Political Science Review, Vol. 47, No. 2. (Jun., 1953)
    -REVIEW: of Thomism and Aristotelianism: A Study of the Commentary by Thomas Aquinas on the Nicomachean Ethics by Harry V. Jaffa (Allan B. Wolter, September 1953, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research)
    -REVIEW: of Thomism and Aristotelianism (Henry Veatch, Speculum)
    -REVIEW: of Thomism and Aristotelianism (Francis D. Wormuth, The American Political Science Review)
    -REVIEW: of Thomism and Aristotelianism (John Wild, The Philosophical Review)
    -REVIEW: of Crisis of the House Divided. An Interpretation of the Issues in the Lincoln-Douglas Debates by Harry V. Jaffa (O. Douglas Weeks, The Journal of Politics)
    -REVIEW: of Crisis of the House Divided (Stuart T. Cooke, The Western Political Quarterly)
    -REVIEW: of Crisis of the House Divided (Edwin C. Rozwenc, Political Science Quarterly)
    -REVIEW: of Crisis of the House Divided (Gerald M. Capers, The Journal of Southern History)
    -REVIEW: of Crisis of the House Divided (Gerhart Niemeyer, Midwest Journal of Political Science)
    -REVIEW: of Crisis of the House Divided (D. E. Fehrenbacher, The American Historical Review)
    -REVIEW: of Crisis of the House Divided and In the Name of the People: Speeches and Writings of Lincoln and Douglas in the Ohio Campaign of 1859 by Harry V. Jaffa; Robert W. Johannsen (Maurice G. Baxter, March 1960, The Mississippi Valley Historical Review)
    -REVIEW: of In the Name of the People, Speeches and Writings of Lincoln and Douglas in the Ohio Campaign of 1859 by Harry V. Jaffa; Robert W. Johannsen (Harold S. Smith, January 1960, Journal of Negro History)
    -REVIEW: of In the Name of the People (Gerald M. Capers, The Journal of Southern History)
    -REVIEW: of Shakespeare's Politics by Allan Bloom; Harry V. Jaffa (Eric S. Rump, February 1965, The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science)
    -REVIEW: of Equality and Liberty: Theory and Practice in American Politics by Harry V. Jaffa (Mordecai Roshwald, June 1966, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research)
    -REVIEW: of Equality and Liberty (George S. Haggar, The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science)
    -REVIEW: of Equality and Liberty (George S. Haggar, The Journal of Politics)
    -REVIEW: of How to Think About the American Revolution: A Bicentennial Celebration by Harry V. Jaffa (Christopher Wolfe, December 1979, The American Political Science Review)
    -REVIEW: of The Original Intent and the Framers of the Constitution: A Disputed Question by Harry V. Jaffa (Susan Burgess, August 1995, The Journal of Politics)
    -REVIEW: of The Soul of Politics: Harry Jaffa and the Fight for America, by Glenn Ellmers (Chuck Chalberg, Imaginative Conservative)

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