Guinness 'may be good for you' after all (Bonnie Malkin, 11/09/2007, Daily Telegraph) The old slogan "Guinness is Good For You" may actually be true, according to new medical research that suggests the stout may help prevent heart attacks. Happy the reader who stumbles upon the story above the same week he cracks open Bill Yenne's extended ode to "the black liquidation with the froth on top." Armed with the history contained herein and the emerging science, you can easily (or, at least, more easily) convince the wife that you need to keep a couple bottles of Guinness in the fridge at all times and partake nightly. Mr. Yenne's book, in all honesty, provides a more thorough biography of the beer and the brewer than one probably requires. But he keeps it light and lively and captures the aura surrounding Guinness that makes so many think it may be the "perfect pint." It's a pleasant diversion--one that will make you wish you were on the next plane to Ireland, though there's no shame in settling for a pint at home or at your local tavern instead. (Reviewed:) Grade: (B) Tweet Websites:-BOOK SITE: Guinness by Bill Yenne (Wiley) -PROFILE: Author Bill Yenne Helps Preserve Noe Valley's Past (Olivia Boler, Dec/Jan 2004, Noe Valley Voice) -REVIEW: of Guinness by Bill Yenne (Chris Gerrib, TCM Cafe) Book-related and General Links: -Guinness Brewery -WIKIPEDIA: Guinness -ESSAY: Guinness is not Irish (Sean Dunne, July/Aug 2003, Z Mag) -Guinness Brewery- Dublin, Ireland - |
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