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Category:  Gender Issues (Sorted by Author's last name)

The New Thought Police: Inside the Left's Assault on Free Speech and Free Minds (2001) - Tammy Bruce (-)    (Grade:B)

As Nature Made Him : The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl (2000) - John Colapinto (1958-)    (Grade:A+)

Hearts of Men : American Dreams and the Flight from Commitment (1983) - Barbara Ehrenreich (8/26/1941 -9/01/2022)    (Grade:D)

Why Men Never Remember and Women Never Forget (2005) - Marianne J. Legato (1935-)    (Grade:B+)

My Planet : Finding Humor in the Oddest Places (2013) - Mary Roach ( 03/29/1959 -)    (Grade:A)

The Morning After: Sex, Fear, and Feminism (1994) - Katie Roiphe (-)    (Grade:B)

Feminist Fantasies (2003) - Phyllis Schlafly (08/15/1924 -)    (Grade:A+)

Who Stole Feminism? How Women Have Betrayed Women (1994) - Christina Hoff Sommers (-)    (Grade:B-)

Virtually Normal : An Argument About Homosexuality (1995) - Andrew Sullivan (8/10/1963 -)    (Grade:A-)

Where Men Hide (2006) - James B. Twitchell (-)    (Grade:B)

A Little Life (2015) - Hanya K Yanagihara (09/20/1974 -)    (Grade:C)