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Category:  Autobiography (Sorted by Author's last name)

My Dog Tulip (1956) - J. R. Ackerley (11/04/1896-6/04/1967)    (Grade:C-)

The Education of Henry Adams : An Autobiography (1918) - Henry Brooks Adams (1838 -1918)    (Grade:B+)

Koba the Dread: Laughter and the Twenty Million (2002) - Martin Amis (8/25/1949 -5/19/2023)    (Grade:C+)

Growing Up (1982) - Russell Baker (1925-)    (Grade:A)

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly : A Memoir Of Life In Death (1997) - Jean-Dominique Bauby (1952-1997)    (Grade:A+)

Photo by Sammy Davis, Jr. (2007) - Burt Boyar (11/30/1927 -04/04/2018)    (Grade:A+)

Flushed : How the Plumber Saved Civilization (2006) - W. Hodding Carter (1966-)    (Grade:A)

The Aquariums of Pyongyang: Ten Years in the North Korean Gulag (2000) - Kang Chol-Hwan (-)    (Grade:A)

Creating Equal : My Fight Against Race Preferences (2000) - Ward Connerly (1939-)    (Grade:A)

The Road from Coorain (1989) - Jill Ker Conway (1934-)    (Grade:C)

Out of Africa (1937) - Isak Dinesen (1885-1962)    (Grade:B+)

A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius : Based on a True Story (2000) - Dave Eggers (03/12/1970 -)    (Grade:C-)

The Diary of a Young Girl : The Definitive Edition (1947) - Anne Frank (6/12/1929 -February 1945)    (Grade:A)

Drawing Life : Surviving the Unabomber (1997) - David Gelernter (-)    (Grade:A-)

Personal History (1997) - Katharine Graham (1917-2001)    (Grade:C-)

An Obsession with Anne Frank : Meyer Levin and the Diary (1997) - Lawrence Graver (-)    (Grade:B+)

Good-Bye to All That: An Autobiography (1929) - Robert Graves (7/24/1895 -12/07/1985)    (Grade:C-)

Defying Hitler: A Memoir [Geschichte eines Deutschen] (2000) - Sebastian Haffner (1907-1999)    (Grade:A+)

Rivethead: Tales from the Assembly Line (1991) - Ben Hamper (-)    (Grade:B-)

Rocket Boys: A Memoir (1998) - Homer H. Hickam, Jr. (1943-)    (Grade:A-)

Radical Son: A Generational Odyssey (1997) - David Horowitz (1939 -)    (Grade:C)

Tony And Me: A Story of Friendship (2005) - Jack Klugman (04/27/1922-)    (Grade:B)

My Struggle: Book 2 A Man in Love (2010) - Karl Ove Knausgaard (12/06/1960 -)    (Grade:A+)

Quitting the Nairobi Trio (2000) - Jim Knipfel (-)    (Grade:B+)

Two-Part Invention : The Story of a Marriage (1988) - Madeleine L'Engle (11/29/1918 -09/06/2007)    (Grade:C+)

The Spirit of St. Louis (1953) - Charles A. Lindbergh (1902-1974)    (Grade:A+)

West With the Night (1941) - Beryl Markham (1902-1986)    (Grade:A+)

The Book of Trouble : A Romance (2006) - Ann Marlowe (1958-)    (Grade:B+)

Angela's Ashes : A Memoir (1996) - Frank McCourt (-)    (Grade:B+)

The Puritan Dilemma: The Story of John Winthrop (1958) - Edmund S. Morgan (01/17/1916 -7/08/2013)    (Grade:A+)

Speak, Memory : An Autobiography Revisited (1966) - Vladimir Nabokov (4/22/1899 -7/02/1977)    (Grade:A)

Vixi: Memoirs of a Non-Belonger (2003) - Richard Pipes (07/11/1923-)    (Grade:B+)

My Love Affair With America : The Cautionary Tale of a Cheerful Conservative (2000) - Norman Podhoretz (1/16/1930 -)    (Grade:C)

Fortunate Son: The Healing of a Vietnam Vet (1991) - Lewis B. Puller, Jr. (1945-1994)    (Grade:B+)

Maus (1992) - Art Spiegelman (-)    (Grade:A)

Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness (1990) - William Styron (6/11/1925 -11/01/2006)    (Grade:C)

The Autobiography of an Idea (1924) - Louis Henry Sullivan (9/03/1856-4/14/1924)    (Grade:B)

Roughneck (1954) - Jim Thompson (1906-1977)    (Grade:A)

Lightning Bird () - Lyall Watson (-)    (Grade:A+)

In an Instant: A Family's Journey of Love and Healing (2007) - Bob Woodruff (08/18/1961-)    (Grade:A)

Black Boy (1945) - Richard Wright (9/04/1908 -11/28/1960)    (Grade:C)

The Autobiography of Malcolm X (1965) - Malcolm X (5/19/1925 -2/21/1965)    (Grade:A+)