Websites:-WIKIPEDIA: Theodore Dalrymple - -BOOK SITE: Life at the Bottom: The Worldview That Makes the Underclass By Theodore Dalrymple (Manhattan Institute) -ESSAY ARCHIVES: Theodore Dalrymple (City Journal) -ARCHIVES: theodore dalrymple (New Criterion) -ARCHIVES: "theodore dalrymple" (Find Articles) - -ESSAY: The Replication Conundrum: Rebuilding the scientific establishment's credibility is a noble goal, but the obstacles are formidable. (Theodore Dalrymple, 5/14/24, Law & Liberty) -REVIEW: of Who Is Big Brother? by D. J. Taylor (Theodore Dalrymple, Law & Liberty) -REVIEW: of New Leviathans by John Gray (theodore Dalrymple, City Journal) -ESSAY: A Neglected Genius (Theodore Dalrymple, Winter 2004, City Journal) -ESSAY: Reality Leaves Satire Behind (Theodore Dalrymple, Winter 2004, City Journal) -ESSAY: The Frivolity of Evil (Theodore Dalrymple, Autumn 2004, City Journal) -ESSAY: Multiculturalism Starts Losing Its Luster (Theodore Dalrymple, Summer 2004, City Journal) -ESSAY: When Islam Breaks Down (Theodore Dalrymple, Spring 2004, City Journal) -ESSAY: Who Killed Childhood? (Theodore Dalrymple, Spring 2004, City Journal) -ESSAY: The Case for Cannibalism: If everything is permissible between consenting adults, why not? (Theodore Dalrymple, January 2004, City Journal) -ESSAY: Why Shakespeare Is For All Time (Theodore Dalrymple, Winter 2003, City Journal) -ESSAY: Sex and the Shakespeare Reader (Theodore Dalrymple, Autumn 2003, City Journal) -ESSAY: The Multi-Culti Barbarian: Has multicultural indoctrination made us less sensitive to the mores of different societies? (Theodore Dalrymple, September 2003, City Journal) -ESSAY: The Europe of Yesterday: The ghosts of the past still haunt the European Union. (Theodore Dalrymple, 6 August 2003, City Journal) -ESSAY: The Real World: . . . without a TV screen (Theodore Dalrymple, 11 July 2003, City Journal) -ESSAY: What’s Wrong with Twinkling Buttocks? (Theodore Dalrymple, Summer 2003, City Journal) -ESSAY: Smearing Orwell: Elites now admit communism was bad—but fighting it prematurely was worse. (Theodore Dalrymple, Summer 2003, City Journal) -ESSAY: After Empire (Theodore Dalrymple, Spring 2003, City Journal) -ESSAY: The Barbarians at the Gates of Paris (Theodore Dalrymple, Autumn 2002, City Journal) -ESSAY: The Starving Criminal (Theodore Dalrymple, Autumn 2002, City Journal) -ESSAY: The Rage of Virginia Woolf (Theodore Dalrymple, Summer 2002, City Journal) -ESSAY: Why Havana Had to Die (Theodore Dalrymple, Summer 2002, City Journal) -ESSAY: The Man Who Predicted the Race Riots (Theodore Dalrymple, Spring 2002, City Journal) -ESSAY: Gillray’s Ungloomy Morality (Theodore Dalrymple, Winter 2002, City Journal) -ESSAY: The Dystopian Imagination (Theodore Dalrymple, Autumn 2001, City Journal) -ESSAY: What We Have to Lose (Theodore Dalrymple, Autumn 2001, City Journal) -ESSAY: Who’s to Blame? (Theodore Dalrymple, Autumn 2001, City Journal) -ESSAY: How—and How Not—to Love Mankind (Theodore Dalrymple, Summer 2001, City Journal) -ESSAY: The Uses of Corruption (Theodore Dalrymple, Summer 2001, City Journal) -ESSAY: A Lost Art (Theodore Dalrymple, Spring 2001, City Journal) -ESSAY: How to Read a Society: (Theodore Dalrymple, Spring 2000, City Journal) -ESSAY: Blame it on Bloomsbury: She is one of the most influential writers of the modern age. But, with her fatal mix of privilege and self-pity, Virginia Woolf inflicted lasting damage on western culture (Theodore Dalrymple, August 17, 2002, The Guardian) -ESSAY Arrested development (Theodore Dalrymple, June 2002, New Criterion) -ESSAY: Discovering LaRochefoucauld (Theodore Dalrymple, April 2001, New Criterion) -ESSAY: Walsall redux (Theodore Dalrymple, February 2001, New Criterion) -ESSAY: Gooseberries (Theodore Dalrymple, November 1999, New Criterion) -REVIEW: of Therapy Culture by Frank Furedi (Theodore Dalrymple, Daily Telegraph) -REVIEW: of The Surrender: An Erotic Memoir, by Toni Bentley (Theodore Dalrymple, New Criterion) -REVIEW: of Bodies of Inscription: A Cultural History of the Modern Tattoo Community by Margo DeMello (Theodore Dalrymple, New Criterion) -REVIEW: of One Nation Under Therapy: How the Helping Culture is Eroding Self-Reliance by Sally Satel & Christina Hoff Sommers (Theodore Dalrymple, New Criterion) -REVIEW: of Dick Turpin: The Myth of the English Highwayman, by James Sharpe (Theodore Dalrymple, New Criterion) -REVIEW: of Crossing, by Deirdre N. McCloskey (Theodore Dalrymple, New Criterion) -INTERVIEW: Our Culture, What's Left Of It (Jamie Glazov, -Symposium: Through the Eyes of a Suicide Bomber (Jamie Glazov, August 12, 2005, -INTERVIEW: Citizen and Scholar of the World: An Interview with Dr. Theodore Dalrymple (Bernard Chapin, April 18, 2005, Enter Stage Right) -INTERVIEW: The Spectator in the Breast of Man: Self-regulation and the Decline of Civility (Peter Saunders, Winter 2002, Policy) -ESSAY: Orwell and Dalrymple on English Class Laurie Wastell, 02 May 2022, Quillette) - -REVIEW: of Our Culture, What's Left of It (Stefan Beck, New Criterion) -REVIEW: of Our Culture, What's Left of It (Rev. Johannes L. Jacobse, Townhall) -REVIEW: of Our Culture, What's Left of It (Andrew Martin, The Louisville Courier-Journal) -REVIEW: of Our Culture, What's Left of It (Edward J. Sozanski, Philadelphia Inquirer) -REVIEW: of Life at the Bottom: The Worldview That Makes the Underclass By Theodore Dalrymple (Dutch Martin, Townhall) -REVIEW: of Life at the Bottom (John Derbyshire, New Criterion) -REVIEW: of Life at the Bottom (David Pryce-Jones, National Review) -REVIEW: of Life at the Bottom (Thomas Sowell, Townhall) -REVIEW: of Life at the Bottom (John Clark, Liberty) -REVIEW: of Life at the Bottom (Teresa K. Weaver, Atlanta Journal Constitution) -REVIEW: of Life at the Bottom (Arthur E. Foulkes, John Locke Foundation) -REVIEW: of Life at the Bottom (Peter Heinegg, America) -REVIEW: of Life at the Bottom (Roger Donway, Objectivist Center) -REVIEW: of Life at Bottom (Noemie Emery, Philanthropy) Don't set the people free: many poor souls need institutions, but the ideologues and cost-cutters insist on giving them autonomy (Theodore Dalrymple, 12/14/02, The Spectator) If freedom entails responsibility, a fair proportion of mankind would prefer servitude; for it is far, far better to receive three meals a day and be told what to do than to take the consequences of one's own self-destructive choices. It is, moreover, a truth universally unacknowledged that freedom without understanding of what to do with it is a complete nightmare. Book-related and General Links: -ESSAY: UK Profs Nix Israel: Their sympathy for Arabs is one more example of compassion as contempt. (Theodore Dalrymple, 4 February 2003, City Journal) -ESSAY: Why Shakespeare is for all Time (THEODORE DALRYMPLE, Winter 2003, City Journal) -ESSAY: Throwing money at British kids (Theodore Dalrymple, April 29, 2003, National Post) -REVIEW: of Life at the Bottom: The Worldview That Makes the Underclass By Theodore Dalrymple (Dutch Martin, AS ANTHONY DANIELS: -ESSAY: How to murder a Bolivian boy (Anthony Daniels, June 2001, New Criterion) |
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