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Category:  General Literature (Sorted by Author's last name)

A Death in the Family (1957) - James Agee (1909-1955)    (Grade:C)

Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and a Last Great Lesson (1997) - Mitch Albom (-)    (Grade:C-)

The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven (1993) - Sherman Alexie (-)    (Grade:B-)

The Man with the Golden Arm (1949) - Nelson Algren (3/28/1909 -5/09/1981)    (Grade:C)

A Walk on the Wild Side (1956) - Nelson Algren (3/28/1909 -5/09/1981)    (Grade:A)

Night Train (1997) - Martin Amis (8/25/1949 -5/19/2023)    (Grade:D)

Time's Arrow, or The Nature of the Offense (1992) - Martin Amis (8/25/1949 -5/19/2023)    (Grade:C)

I'm Not Scared (Io non ho paura) (2001) - Niccolò Ammaniti (9/25/1966-)    (Grade:C)

Winesburg, Ohio (1919) - Sherwood Anderson (9/13/1876 -3/08/1941)    (Grade:C-)

The Verificationist (2000) - Donald Antrim (1958 -)    (Grade:B-)

Vox (1991) - Nicholson Baker (1/07/1957 -)    (Grade:C)

Go Tell it on the Mountain (1953) - James Baldwin (8/02/1924 -12/01/1987)    (Grade:B)

Affliction (1989) - Russell Banks (3/28/1940 -1/07/2023)    (Grade:B-)

The Lilies of the Field (1962) - William Edmund Barrett (1900-1986)    (Grade:A+)

Zuleika Dobson or An Oxford Love Story (1911) - Max Beerbohm (1872 -1956)    (Grade:A)

The Adventures of Augie March (1953) - Saul Bellow (06/10/1915 -04/05/2005)    (Grade:F)

Ravelstein (2000) - Saul Bellow (06/10/1915 -04/05/2005)    (Grade:C)

Henderson the Rain King (1959) - Saul Bellow (06/10/1915 -04/05/2005)    (Grade:D)

The Old Wives' Tale (1908) - Arnold Bennett (5/27/1867 -3/27/1931)    (Grade:C)

Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil: a Savannah Story (1994) - John Berendt (-)    (Grade:C-)

The Hedgehog and the Fox: An Essay on Tolstoy's View of History (1951) - Sir Isaiah Berlin (6/06/1909 -11/05/1997)    (Grade:A+)

Tracks (2007) - Jim Black (1953 -)    (Grade:A-)

Life with Bingo (2021) - Jim Black (1953 -)    (Grade:A)

The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum : Or How Violence Develops and Where It Can Lead (1974) - Heinrich Boll (1917-1985)    (Grade:C+)

The Death of the Heart (1938) - Elizabeth Bowen (6/07/1899 -2/22/1973)    (Grade:D)

The Sheltering Sky (1949) - Paul Bowles (12/30/1910 -11/18/1999)    (Grade:D)

Brazzaville Beach (1990) - William Boyd (3/07/1952 -)    (Grade:A)

The Road to Wellville (1993) - T. Coraghessan Boyle (1948-)    (Grade:B+)

The Tortilla Curtain (1995) - T. Coraghessan Boyle (1948-)    (Grade:C-)

Something Wicked This Way Comes (1962) - Ray Bradbury (08/22/1920 -06/05/2012)    (Grade:A)

Red Sky at Morning (1968) - Richard Bradford (1932-)    (Grade:A)

Hotel Du Lac (1984) - Anita Brookner (7/16/1928 -3/10/2016)    (Grade:C+)

Bobos in Paradise : The New Upper Class and How They Got There (2000) - David Brooks ( -)    (Grade:C)

The Storm (1998) - Frederick Buechner (07/11/1926 -08/15/22)    (Grade:A)

A Clockwork Orange (1962) - Anthony Burgess (2/25/1917 -11/22/1993)    (Grade:A)

The Way of All Flesh (1903) - Samuel Butler (1835-1902)    (Grade:D)

Tobacco Road (1932) - Erskine Caldwell (1903-1987)    (Grade:C+)

The Myth of Sisyphus (1955) - Albert Camus (11/07/1913 -1/04/1960)    (Grade:B-)

The Stranger (1946) - Albert Camus (11/07/1913 -1/04/1960)    (Grade:C+)

The First Man (1995) - Albert Camus (11/07/1913 -1/04/1960)    (Grade:A+)

The Palace Thief (1994) - Ethan Canin (-)    (Grade:F)

Blue River (1991) - Ethan Canin (-)    (Grade:D)

Emperor of the Air: Stories (1988) - Ethan Canin (-)    (Grade:C)

The Horses Mouth (1944) - Joyce Cary (1888-1957)    (Grade:D)

Death Comes for the Archbishop (1927) - Willa Cather (12/07/1873 -4/24/1947)    (Grade:C)

The Family of Pacual Duarte (1942) - Camilo Jose Cela (5/11/1916 -1/17/2002)    (Grade:A-)

Witness (1952) - Whittaker Chambers (4/01/1901 -7/09/1961)    (Grade:A+)

The Wapshot Chronicle (1957) - John Cheever (5/27/1912 -6/18/1982)    (Grade:D)

Mrs. Bridge (1959) - Evan S. Connell (8/17/1924 -1/10/2013)    (Grade:A-)

Reflections on a Ravaged Century (2000) - Robert Conquest (07/15/1917 -08/03/2015)    (Grade:B)

Lord Jim (1900) - Joseph Conrad (12/03/1857 -8/03/1924)    (Grade:B)

Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard (1904) - Joseph Conrad (12/03/1857 -8/03/1924)    (Grade:D+)

Heart of Darkness (1902) - Joseph Conrad (12/03/1857 -8/03/1924)    (Grade:A)

Quarantine (1997) - Jim Crace (03/01/1946-)    (Grade:C)

The Hours (1998) - Michael Cunningham (1952-)    (Grade:F)

The Muse Asylum (2001) - David Czuchlewski (-)    (Grade:A)

Breath, Eyes, Memory (1994) - Edwidge Danticat (1/19/1969 -)    (Grade:C-)

Corelli's Mandolin (1994) - Louis De Bernieres (1954 -)    (Grade:C)

White Noise (1985) - Don DeLillo (11/20/1936 -)    (Grade:C)

Underworld () - Don DeLillo (11/20/1936 -)    (Grade:C+)

Brotherly Love (1991) - Pete Dexter (-)    (Grade:B-)

Deliverance (1970) - James Dickey (2/02/1923 -1/19/1997)    (Grade:A+)

Play It As It Lays: A Novel (1970) - Joan Didion (12/05/1934 -12/23/2021)    (Grade:B)

Billy Bathgate (1989) - E.L. Doctorow (1931-)    (Grade:C)

Ragtime (1975) - E.L. Doctorow (1931-)    (Grade:A)

Fup (1983) - Jim Dodge (-)    (Grade:A-)

The Ginger Man (1955) - JP Donleavy (-)    (Grade:D)

Strip Cuts (2000) - David Drayer (-)    (Grade:B+)

Sister Carrie (1900) - Theodore Dreiser (8/27/1871 -12/28/1945)    (Grade:F)

An American Tragedy (1925) - Theodore Dreiser (8/27/1871 -12/28/1945)    (Grade:F)

House of Sand and Fog (1999) - Andre Dubus III (9/11/1959 -)    (Grade:A-)

The Three Musketeers (1844) - Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870)    (Grade:A+)

The Alexandria Quartet: Justine/Balthazar/Mountolive/Clea (1957-1960) - Lawrence Durrell (1912-1990)    (Grade:F)

The Book of Ebenezer Le Page () - G.B. Edwards (-)    (Grade:A+)

The Virgin Suicides (1993) - Jeffrey Eugenides (3/08/1960 -)    (Grade:D)

Studs Lonigan [Young Lonigan (1932), The Young Manhood of Studs Lonigan (1934),and Judgement Day (1935)] () - James T. Farrell (1904-1979)    (Grade:D)

Absalom, Absalom! (1936) - William Faulkner (09/25/1897 -07/06/1962)    (Grade:D)

As I Lay Dying (1930) - William Faulkner (09/25/1897 -07/06/1962)    (Grade:F)

Light in August (1932) - William Faulkner (09/25/1897 -07/06/1962)    (Grade:B-)

The Sound and the Fury (1929) - William Faulkner (09/25/1897 -07/06/1962)    (Grade:F)

White Oleander (1999) - Janet Fitch (-)    (Grade:C+)

The Great Gatsby (1925) - F. Scott Fitzgerald (9/24/1896 -12/21/1940)    (Grade:B)

Tender is the Night (1934) - F. Scott Fitzgerald (9/24/1896 -12/21/1940)    (Grade:C-)

Offshore (1979) - Penelope Fitzgerald (12/17/1916 -4/28/2000)    (Grade:C-)

The Good Soldier (1915) - Ford Maddox Ford (12/17/1873 -6/26/1939)    (Grade:B-)

The Sportswriter (1986) - Richard Ford (2/16/1944 -)    (Grade:C)

Parade's End [Some Do Not (1924), No More Parades (1925), A Man Could Stand Up (1926), and The Last Post (1928)] (1924-1928) - Ford Maddox Ford (12/17/1873 -6/26/1939)    (Grade:D+)

Howards End (1910) - E.M. Forster (1/01/1879 -6/07/1970)    (Grade:D)

A Room with a View (1908) - E.M. Forster (1/01/1879 -6/07/1970)    (Grade:D)

A Passage to India (1924) - E.M. Forster (1/01/1879 -6/07/1970)    (Grade:B)

The Magus (1965) - John Fowles (03/31/1926 -11/05/2005)    (Grade:C)

The Corrections (2001) - Jonathan Franzen (8/17/1959 -)    (Grade:B)

A Lesson Before Dying (1993) - Ernest J. Gaines (1933-)    (Grade:A)

Memoirs of a Geisha (1997) - Arthur Golden (-)    (Grade:C)

Lord of the Flies (1954) - William Golding (9/19/1911 -6/19/1993)    (Grade:C)

Loving (1945) - Henry Green (10/29/1905 -12/13/1973)    (Grade:D)

Ordinary People (1976) - Judith Guest (3/29/1936 -)    (Grade:A+)

Snow Falling on Cedars (1994) - David Guterson (1956-)    (Grade:C-)

Hunger (1890) - Knut Hamsun (1859 -1952)    (Grade:C)

Mariette in Ecstasy (1991) - Ron Hansen (1947-)    (Grade:A+)

Stones from the River (1994) - Ursula Hegi (1946-)    (Grade:D)

Paco's Story (1986) - Larry Heinemann (1944-)    (Grade:C+)

Memoir from Antproof Case (1995) - Mark Helprin (06/28/1947 -)    (Grade:B-)

A Farewell to Arms (1929) - Ernest Hemingway (7/21/1899 -7/02/1961)    (Grade:D)

The Sun Also Rises (1926) - Ernest Hemingway (7/21/1899 -7/02/1961)    (Grade:C-)

A Bell for Adano (1944) - John Hersey (6/17/1914 -3/24/1993)    (Grade:B+)

The Journey to the East (1956) - Hermann Hesse (7/02/1877 -8/09/1962)    (Grade:C)

Good-Bye, Mr. Chips (1934) - James Hilton (9/09/1900 -12/20/1954)    (Grade:A+)

Turtle Diary (1975) - Russell Conwell Hoban (02/04/1925-)    (Grade:B+)

Point Counter Point (1928) - Aldous Huxley (7/26/1894 -11/22/1963)    (Grade:D)

Brave New World (1932) - Aldous Huxley (7/26/1894 -11/22/1963)    (Grade:A)

Ape and Essence (1948) - Aldous Huxley (7/26/1894 -11/22/1963)    (Grade:B)

A Prayer for Owen Meany (1989) - John Irving (1942-)    (Grade:C)

A Pale View of Hills (1982) - Kazuo Ishiguro (11/08/1954 -)    (Grade:C)

The Remains of the Day (1988) - Kazuo Ishiguro (11/08/1954 -)    (Grade:B+)

The Lost Weekend (1944) - Charles Jackson (1902-1968)    (Grade:A)

The Death and Life of Great American Cities (1961) - Jane Jacobs (05/14/1916 -04/26/2006)    (Grade:A-)

The Unseen [De Usynlige] (2013) - Roy Jacobsen (12/26/1954-)    (Grade:A)

Washington Square (1880) - Henry James (4/15/1843 -2/28/1916)    (Grade:C-)

The Ambassadors (1903) - Henry James (4/15/1843 -2/28/1916)    (Grade:D)

The Wings of the Dove (1902) - Henry James (4/15/1843 -2/28/1916)    (Grade:D)

The Golden Bowl, or actually,The Turn of the Screw (in lieu of The Golden Bowl) () - Henry James (4/15/1843 -2/28/1916)    (Grade:B)

Heat and Dust (1975) - Ruth Prawer Jhabvala (1923-)    (Grade:C)

From Here to Eternity (1951) - James Jones (11/06/1921 -5/09/1977)    (Grade:A+)

Ulysses (1922) - James Joyce (2/02/1882 -1/13/1941)    (Grade:F)

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916) - James Joyce (2/02/1882 -1/13/1941)    (Grade:F)

Finnegan's Wake (1939) - James Joyce (2/02/1882 -1/13/1941)    (Grade:F)

How Late It Was, How Late (1994) - James Kelman (1946-)    (Grade:B)

Ironweed (1983) - William Kennedy (01/16/1928 -)    (Grade:A)

On the Road (1957) - Jack Kerouac (3/12/1922 -10/21/1969)    (Grade:F)

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1962) - Ken Kesey (9/17/1935 -11/10/2001)    (Grade:A+)

The Poisonwood Bible (1999) - Barbara Kingsolver ( -4/08/1955)    (Grade:F)

Kim (1901) - Rudyard Kipling (12/30/1865 -1/18/1936)    (Grade:A)

Darkness at Noon (1941) - Arthur Koestler (9/05/1905 -3/01/1983)    (Grade:A+)

Steps (1968) - Jerzy Kosinski (1933-1991)    (Grade:D+)

Red Pill (2020) - Hari Kunzru (1969 -)    (Grade:C)

A Case of Curiosities (1992) - Allen Kurzweil (1960-)    (Grade:B+)

The Grand Complication (2001) - Allen Kurzweil (1960-)    (Grade:C)

I Know This Much is True (1998) - Wally Lamb (-)    (Grade:F)

The Debt to Pleasure (1996) - John Lanchester (1962-)    (Grade:A-)

The Rainbow (1915) - D.H. Lawrence (9/11/1885 -3/02/1930)    (Grade:F)

Sons and Lovers (1913) - D.H. Lawrence (9/11/1885 -3/02/1930)    (Grade:D)

Women in Love (1920) - D.H. Lawrence (9/11/1885 -3/02/1930)    (Grade:F)

Independent People: An Epic (1946) - Halldor Laxness (4/23/1902 -2/08/1998)    (Grade:A+)

The Golden Notebook (1962) - Doris Lessing (10/22/1919 -11/17/2013)    (Grade:F)

Main Street (1920) - Sinclair Lewis (2/07/1885 -1/10/1951)    (Grade:C)

The Screwtape Letters (1943) - C.S. Lewis (11/29/1898 -11/22/1963)    (Grade:A+)

A Grief Observed (1961) - C.S. Lewis (11/29/1898 -11/22/1963)    (Grade:A)

Surprised by Joy : The Shape of My Early Life (1955) - C.S. Lewis (11/29/1898 -11/22/1963)    (Grade:A)

The Abolition of Man: Reflections on Education with Special Reference to the Teaching of English in the Upper Forms of Schools (1943) - C.S. Lewis (11/29/1898 -11/22/1963)    (Grade:A+)

Babbitt (1922) - Sinclair Lewis (2/07/1885 -1/10/1951)    (Grade:A)

Moon Tiger (1987) - Penelope Lively (1933-)    (Grade:B-)

How Green Was My Valley (1939) - Richard Llewellyn (1906-1983)    (Grade:A+)

Under the Volcano (1947) - Malcolm Lowry (7/28/1909 -6/26/1957)    (Grade:C-)

The Executioner's Song (1979) - Norman Mailer (01/31/1923 -11/10/2007)    (Grade:B-)

The Fixer (1966) - Bernard Malamud (04/26/1914 -03/18/1986)    (Grade:A+)

Death in Venice (1913) - Thomas Mann (6/06/1875 -8/12/1955)    (Grade:C)

The Late George Apley: a Novel in the Form of a Memoir (1937) - John P. Marquand (11/10/1893-7/16/1960)    (Grade:B)

Life of Pi: A Novel (2001) - Yann Martel (1963-)    (Grade:A)

Shopgirl: A Novella (2000) - Steve Martin (1945-)    (Grade:C)

Of Human Bondage (1915) - W. Somerset Maugham (1/25/1874 -12/16/1965)    (Grade:F)

So Long, See You Tomorrow (1979) - William Maxwell (08/16/1908-07/31/2000)    (Grade:A-)

The Color of Water: A Black Man's Tribute to His White Mother (1996) - James McBride ( -)    (Grade:B)

Child of God (1973) - Cormac McCarthy (07/20/1933 -06/13/2023)    (Grade:C+)

No Country for Old Men (2005) - Cormac McCarthy (07/20/1933 -06/13/2023)    (Grade:A)

The Giant's House: A Romance (1996) - Elizabeth McCracken (1966 -)    (Grade:C-)

The Heart is a Lonely Hunter (1940) - Carson McCullers (2/19/1917 -9/29/1967)    (Grade:D)

Charming Billy (1998) - Alice McDermott (1953 -)    (Grade:C-)

The Innocent (1990) - Ian McEwan (06/21/1948 -)    (Grade:C)

Bright Lights, Big City (1984) - Jay McInerney (1/13/1955/1955 -)    (Grade:A)

The Sand Pebbles (1962) - Richard McKenna (1913-1964)    (Grade:A+)

Tropic of Cancer (1934) - Henry Miller (1891 -1980)    (Grade:F)

While I Was Gone (1999) - Sue Miller (-)    (Grade:D)

Martin Dressler: The Tale of an American Dreamer (1996) - Steven Millhauser (8/03/1943 -)    (Grade:A+)

The Restraint of Beasts (1998) - Magnus Mills (-)    (Grade:B)

The Deep End of the Ocean (1996) - Jacquelyn Mitchard (-)    (Grade:C-)

In the Night of Time (2009) - Antonio Munoz Molina (01/10/1956-)    (Grade:C)

Lies of Silence (1990) - Brian Moore (8/25/1921 -1/11/1999)    (Grade:A)

Who Will Run the Frog Hospital? (1994) - Lorrie Moore (1/13/1957 -)    (Grade:B+)

The Statement (1996) - Brian Moore (8/25/1921 -1/11/1999)    (Grade:A)

Hopeful Monsters (1990) - Nicholas Mosley (1923-)    (Grade:A)

Under the Net (1954) - Iris Murdoch (7/15/1919 -2/08/1999)    (Grade:D+)

Pale Fire (1962) - Vladimir Nabokov (4/22/1899 -7/02/1977)    (Grade:B)

Lolita (1955) - Vladimir Nabokov (4/22/1899 -7/02/1977)    (Grade:A)

A Bend in the River (1979) - V.S. Naipaul (8/17/1932 -8/11/2018)    (Grade:C)

A House for Mr. Biswas (1961) - V.S. Naipaul (8/17/1932 -8/11/2018)    (Grade:B-)

Bone (1993) - Fae Myenne Ng (1957-)    (Grade:B+)

Appointment in Samarra (1934) - John O'Hara (1/31/1905 -4/11/1970)    (Grade:A)

Coming Up for Air (1939) - George Orwell (06/25/1903 -1/21/1949)    (Grade:A+)

Keep the Aspidistra Flying (1936) - George Orwell (06/25/1903 -1/21/1949)    (Grade:A)

The Gormenghast Novels : Titus Groan (1946), Gormenghast (1950), Titus Alone (1959) (1959) - Mervyn Laurence Peake (1911 -1968)    (Grade:B+)

Cool Hand Luke (1965) - Donn Pearce (-)    (Grade:A+)

The Last Gentleman (1966) - Walker Percy (05/28/1916 -05/10/1990)    (Grade:B)

The Moviegoer (1961) - Walker Percy (05/28/1916 -05/10/1990)    (Grade:C+)

Out Stealing Horses (2003) - Per Petterson (07/18/1952 -)    (Grade:A+)

Centesimus Annus (1991) - Pope John Paul II Pope (1920-4/2/2005)    (Grade:)

The Dog of the South (1979) - Charles McColl Portis (12/28/1933 -2/17/2020)    (Grade:B-)

The Chosen (1967) - Chaim Potok (1929-)    (Grade:A+)

A Dance to the Music of Time (1951-1975) - Anthony Powell (12/21/1905 -3/28/2000)    (Grade:B-)

The Shipping News (1993) - E. Annie Proulx (8/22/1935 -)    (Grade:C-)

The Unkindest Cut: How a Hatchet-Man Critic Made His Own $7,000 Movie and Put It All on His Credit Card (1996) - Joe Queenan (11/03/1950 -)    (Grade:B)

Black and Blue (1998) - Anna Quindlen (1952-)    (Grade:D+)

The Rapture of Canaan (1995) - Sheri Reynolds (-)    (Grade:D)

Wide Sargasso Sea (1966) - Jean Rhys (8/24/1890 -5/14/1979)    (Grade:F-)

American Pastoral (1997) - Phillip Roth (3/19/1933 -5/22/2018)    (Grade:B+)

Portnoy's Complaint (1969) - Phillip Roth (3/19/1933 -5/22/2018)    (Grade:F)

The God of Small Things (1997) - Arundhati Roy (1961-)    (Grade:C)

The Moor's Last Sigh (1995) - Salman Rushdie (6/19/1947 -)    (Grade:D)

Midnight's Children (1980) - Salman Rushdie (6/19/1947 -)    (Grade:C-)

Nobody's Fool (1994) - Richard Russo (-)    (Grade:B)

The Catcher in the Rye (1951) - J. D. Salinger (1/01/1919 -1/27/2010)    (Grade:A+)

The Stone Raft (1986) - Jose Saramago (1922-)    (Grade:D+)

The Reader (1999) - Bernhard Schlink (1944-)    (Grade:F)

Staying On (1977) - Paul Scott (3/25/1920 -3/01/1978)    (Grade:A-)

The Sweet Smell of Psychosis : A Novella (1996) - Will Self (9/26/1961 -)    (Grade:B)

The Weight of Water (1996) - Anita Shreve (-)    (Grade:C+)

Fontamara (1933) - Ignazio Silone (5/01/1900 -8/22/1978)    (Grade:A+)

A Thousand Acres (1991) - Jane Smiley (9/26/1949 -)    (Grade:C-)

The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (1961) - Muriel Spark (2/01/1918 -4/12/2006)    (Grade:D)

The Notebook (1996) - Nicholas Sparks (1965-)    (Grade:D)

Men in Black (1995) - Scott Spencer (-)    (Grade:C+)

Angle of Repose (1971) - Wallace Stegner (1909-1993)    (Grade:C)

The Winter of Our Discontent (1961) - John Steinbeck (2/27/1902 -12/20/1968)    (Grade:B)

The Grapes of Wrath (1939) - John Steinbeck (2/27/1902 -12/20/1968)    (Grade:A-)

The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman (1759) - Laurence Sterne (11/24/1713 -03/18/1768)    (Grade:B+)

Sophie's Choice (1979) - William Styron (6/11/1925 -11/01/2006)    (Grade:C)

The Magnificent Ambersons (1918) - Newton Booth Tarkington (07/29/1869 -05/19/1946)    (Grade:A)

The Fathers (1938) - Allen Tate (11/18/1899 -2/09/1979)    (Grade:C+)

A Summons to Memphis (1986) - Peter Taylor (1917-1994)    (Grade:D+)

A Confederacy of Dunces (1980) - John Kennedy Toole (12/17/1937 -3/26/1969)    (Grade:B-)

The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1935) - B. Traven (?-1969)    (Grade:B+)

The Duke's Children (1879) - Anthony Trollope (04/24/1815 -12/06/1882)    (Grade:B+)

Breathing Lessons (1988) - Anne Tyler (10/25/1941 -)    (Grade:C)

The Sands of Karakorum (1953) - James Ramsey Ullman (-)    (Grade:A+)

Rabbit, Run (1960) - John Updike (March 18, 1932 -01/27/2009)    (Grade:C)

Slaughterhouse-Five (1969) - Kurt Vonnegut (11/111922 -4/11/2007)    (Grade:C)

The Aerodrome : A Love Story (1941) - Rex [Ernest] Warner (1905-1986)    (Grade:A+)

Archangel (1995) - Paul Watkins (1964-)    (Grade:B-)

The Promise of Light (1992) - Paul Watkins (1964-)    (Grade:A+)

A Handful of Dust (1934) - Evelyn Waugh (10/28/1903 -04/10/1966)    (Grade:B)

Brideshead Revisited (1945) - Evelyn Waugh (10/28/1903 -04/10/1966)    (Grade:C)

Scoop (1937) - Evelyn Waugh (10/28/1903 -04/10/1966)    (Grade:B+)

The Loved One (1948) - Evelyn Waugh (10/28/1903 -04/10/1966)    (Grade:A)

The Graduate (1963) - Charles Richard Webb (6/09/1939 -6/16/2020)    (Grade:C-)

The Optimist's Daughter (1972) - Eudora Welty (4/13/1909 -7/23/2001)    (Grade:D)

The Friendly Persuasion (1945) - Jessamyn West (1902-1984)    (Grade:B+)

The Day of the Locust (1939) - Nathanael West (10/17/1903 -12/22/1940)    (Grade:C-)

Miss Lonelyhearts (1933) - Nathanael West (10/17/1903 -12/22/1940)    (Grade:B)

The House of Mirth (1905) - Edith Wharton (1/24/1862 -8/11/1937)    (Grade:C+)

The Age of Innocence (1920) - Edith Wharton (1/24/1862 -8/11/1937)    (Grade:A)

The Mouse That Roared (1955) - Leonard Wibberley (1915-1983)    (Grade:A)

The Bridge of San Luis Rey (1927) - Thornton Wilder (4/17/1897 -12/07/1975)    (Grade:C)

Illuminated Prayers (1997) - Marianne Williamson (1952-)    (Grade:F)

A Man In Full (1998) - Tom Wolfe (3/02/1931 -5/14/2018)    (Grade:A-)

Radical Chic and Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers (1971) - Tom Wolfe (3/02/1931 -5/14/2018)    (Grade:A+)

To the Lighthouse (1927) - Virginia Woolf (1/25/1882 -3/28/1941)    (Grade:F)

The Easter Parade (1976) - Richard Yates (02/03/1926-11/07/1992)    (Grade:A)