Author: Ross MacDonald (Kenneth Millar)
-Ross Macdonald (1915-1983) - Pseudonym for Kenneth Millar (Kirjasto) -ESSAY: The Writer As Detective Hero,/a> (Ross Macdonald, January 1965, Show) -ESSAY: MACDONALD VERSUS MACDONALD: A CRIME FICTION DEBATE: Evaluating the literary legacies of John D. MacDonald and Ross Macdonald from inside a Florida flea market. (RON CORBETT, 3/20/24, CrimeReads) -INTERVIEW: THE BACKLIST: JONATHAN KELLERMAN ON RETURNING TO MARGARET MILLAR AND ROSS MACDONALD: Kellerman sits down with Polly Stewart to discuss Millar's classic noir. (POLLY STEWART, 3/19/24, CrimeReads) -ESSAY: THE LITERARY BLOOD FEUD BETWEEN RAYMOND CHANDLER AND ROSS MACDONALD: Or, The Way Some Crime Writers Decry... (CURTIS EVANS, 10/07/22, CrimeReads) - -REVIEW ESSAY: The Underground Man at Age 50: How Ross Macdonald turned hard-boiled crime stories into Freudian case studies (Ted Gioia, 12/20/21, The Honest Broker) -ESSAY: Gatsby as noir: The genesis of Ross Macdonald’s Black Money: (Tom Nolan, Library of America) -FILMOGRAPHY: Ross Macdonald ( -Ross MacDonald (Thrilling Detective) -Ross MacDonald (Stop You're Killing Me) -The Ross Macdonald files (Karl-Erik Lindkvist) -BIBLIOGRAPHY: ROSS MacDONALD/KENNETH MILLAR: -Ross Macdonald (Wikipedia) -Ross MacDonald (1915-1983) (The Literary Encyclopedia) -PROFILE: The last testament of Ross Macdonald (Leonard Cassuto, 11/2/2003, Boston Globe) -ESSAY: Firmness: Lew Archer should be the hero of our time. (Alan Jacobs, 4/15/20, Hedgehog Review) -PROFILE: THE CASE OF THE BROKENHEARTED FATHER: A troubled teenage girl. A dark night. A dead child. Investigating the real-life tragedy that haunted Ross Macdonald. (DAVID BOWMAN, Salon) -TRIBUTE: Fifty Years with Ross MacDonald (J. Kingston Pierce January Magazine) - EXCERPT: from Ross Macdonald: A Biography By TOM NOLAN -ESSAY : Stranger No More (Tom Nolan, January Magazine) -ESSAY: Tarnished Gold: Tracking Lew Archer Reveals Insights Into California's Soul (Tom Nolan, WestWays) -ESSAY: Ross Macdonald (Tom Nolan, BookSense) -ESSAY: Archer Takes the Case: A veteran MacDonald reader picks his favorite three Archer stories (Karl-Erik Lindkvist, January Magazine) -ESSAY: Learning from Lew (Gary Phillips, January Magazine) -ESSAY: It's Personal: the Compassionate Miossions of Ross MacDonald and Lew Archer (Kevin Smith, January Magazine) -INTERVIEW: The Case of the Split Man: an interview with Tom Nolan (J. Kingston Pierce January Magazine) -PROFILE: Ross Macdonald (Kenneth Millar) (William Marling, Hard-Boiled Detective Fiction) -PROFILE: Gumshoe in paradise - Santa Barbara, California (Peter Fish, September 1999, Sunset) -PROFILE: Ross Macdonald: A Brief Biography (Classic Crime Fiction) -ESSAY: Ross Macdonald’s Marked Copy of The Portable F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Study of Influence (Robert F. Moss) -ESSAY: Ross MacDonald, The Holy Ghost (Nuclear Typewriter) -ESSAY: Exit Lew Archer; Enter Lew Harper? (Ron Miller, THE MYSTERY CLASSICS: BOOK & FILM) -ESSAY: Maestros of Murder: Hammett, Chandler, Macdonald (Roy Meador, BookSource Monthly) -ESSAY: "Tecs of the Times": A History of Private Eye Fiction (Neil Albert, MysteryNet) -ESSAY: The mystery as novel of manners - society's reflection in mystery stories (Linda Bridges, 1/20/92, National Review) -BOOK SITE: The Novels of Ross Macdonald by Michael Kreyling (South Carolina University Press) -ART: Caricature of Ross MacDonald (David Levine, This drawing originally appeared with Tough Guys, September 30, 1976, NY Review of Books) -ARCHIVES: "ross macdonald" (Find Articles) -REVIEW: of The Ivory Grin by Ross MacDonald (jcc55883, AOL Journal) -REVIEW: of Find a Victim by Ross MacDonald (Howard Dratch, Blog Critics) -REVIEW: of The Galton Case by Ross Macdonald (William Marling, Hard-Boiled Detective Fiction) -REVIEW: of The Underground Man by Ross Macdonald (William Marling, Hard-Boiled Detective Fiction) -REVIEW: of The Underground Man (TC, Mystery Guide) -REVIEW: of The Underground Man (jcc55883, AOL Journal) -REVIEW: of The Underground Man (Richard Schickel, Commentary) -REVIEW: of Sleeping Beauty by Ross MacDonald (jcc55883, AOL Journal) -REVIEW : of Sleeping Beauty (Joe Hartlaub, Book Reporter) -REVIEW: of The Blue Hammer by Ross Macdonald (Thomas R. Edwards, NY Review of Books) -REVIEW: of Lew Archer: Private Investigator by Ross MacDonald (James Clar, Crime Scene Scotland) -REVIEW: of Strangers in Towm: Three Newly Discovered Mysteries. By Ross Macdonald (Scott Veale, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW : of Strangers in Town: Three Newly Discovered Mysteries By Ross Macdonald (J. Kingston Pierce, January) -REVIEW: of Strangers in Town (Michael Carlson, Shots) -REVIEW: of Meet Me at the Morgue by Ross MacDonald (Janet Julian, Kliatt) -REVIEW: of Ross MacDonald: A Biography by Tom Nolan (Terry Teachout, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of Ross MacDonald by Tom Nolan (Jerry Jay Carroll, The SF Chronicle) -REVIEW: of Ross MacDonald: A Biography by Tom Nolan (Roger Miller, Book Page) -REVIEW: of The Novels of Ross Macdonald by Michael Kreyling (Tom Nolan, LA Times) -REVIEW: of The Novels of Ross MacDonald by Michael Kreyling (Dennis Lythgoe, Deseret Morning News) -REVIEW ESSAY: THIS 1970S FILM ABOUT ROSS MACDONALD IS FASCINATING AND UNEXPECTEDLY BEAUTIFUL: A 1977 documentary that aired on PBS shows the legendary author working and swimming, alive with ideas. 9DWYER MURPHY, 1/04/21, Crime Reads) MARGARET MILLAR: -ESSAY: The mystery of Margaret Millar: why are her novels out of print? (Jon L. Breen, April 18, 2005, The Weekly Standard) LEW ARCHER NOVELS: - The Moving Target (1949) -The Drowning Pool (1950) -The Way Some People Die (1951) -The Ivory Grin (1952) -Find a Victim (1954) -The Name Is Archer [Short Stories] (1955) -The Barbarous Coast (1956) -The Doomsters (1958) -The Galton Case (1959) -The Wycherly Woman (1961) -The Zebra-Striped Hearse (1962) -The Chill (1964) -The Far Side of the Dollar (1965) -Black Money (1966) -The Instant Enemy (1968) -The Goodbye Look (1969) -The Underground Man (1971) -Sleeping Beauty (1973) -The Blue Hammer (1976) The Underground Man (1971) - Ross MacDonald (12/13/1915
-07/11/1983) (Grade:A+) The Galton Case (1959) - Ross MacDonald (12/13/1915
-07/11/1983) (Grade:A) The Blue Hammer (1976) - Ross MacDonald (12/13/1915
-07/11/1983) (Grade:A) |
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