Orrin's Stuff
Frank Kermode
-WIKIPEDIA: Frank Kermode
-Sir Frank Kermode Papers, 1919-2006: Finding Aid
Princeton University)
-GOOGLE BOOK: Shakespeare's Language by Frank Kermode
-OBIT: Frank Kermode, 1919-2010
(Jonathan Derbyshire, 18 August 2010, New Statesman)
-OBIT: British literary critic Frank Kermode dies at age 90
(T. Rees Shapiro, August 19, 2010, Washington Post)
-OBIT: Frank Kermode, 90, a Critic Who Wrote With Style, Is Dead
(CHRISTOPHER LEHMANN-HAUPT, August 18, 2010, NY Times)
(VERLYN KLINKENBORG, August 19, 2010, NY Times)
-OBIT: Sir Frank Kermode
(Daily Telegraph, 8/22/10)
-TRIBUTE: Frank Kermode
(David Warren, 8/22/10, Ottawa Citizen)
-OBIT: Celebrated critic Frank Kermode dies aged 90
: Prominent for more than half-a-century, he combined an eminent scholarly career with popular success (Alison Flood, 8/18/10, guardian.co.uk)
-TRIBUTE: Frank Kermode remembered
: Frank Kermode, who died on Tuesday, was a brilliant, utterly umpompous scholar who wore his learning lightly, writes a friend and fellow writer (John Naughton, 8/22/10, The Observer)
-TRIBUTE: Fierce reading
: Frank Kermode, Britain's most influential literary critic, died this week. John Sutherland salutes an outsider, a brilliant essayist and an enthusiast for the difficult, who instructed generations in new ways of thinking (John Sutherland, 8/21/10, The Guardian)
-TRIBUTE: Remembering Frank Kermode
(Lee Siegel, August 19, 2010, NY Observer)
-TRIBUTE: The Sense of an Ending
: Remembering Frank Kermode (Robert Alter, August 21, 2010, New Republic)
-REVIEW: of The Poems of Andrew Marvell edited by Nigel Smith
(Frank Kermode, London Review of Books)
-ESSAY: The mystery behind “Encounter” magazine
: Frank Kermode and Stephen Spender resigned from “Encounter” when the magazine was revealed to have been funded by the CIA. But were they really taking a principled stand? (Rhodri Lewis, July 21, 2022, Prospect)
-PROFILE: The wonder of Frank Kermode
: At the age of ninety, his learning and insight seem indestructible (Dinah Birch , 2/21/10, TLS)
-VIDEO: Iris Murdoch and Frank Kermode
(Modern Novelists)
-INTERVIEW: The Books Interview: Christopher Ricks
(Leo Robson, 02 August 2010, New Statesman)
-INTERVIEW: The Books Interview: Frank Kermode
(Jonathan Derbyshire, 05 February 2010, New Statesman)
-ARCHIVES: "frank kermode"
(New Statesman)
-ARCHIVES: kermode
(NY Times)
-ARCHIVES: "frank kermode"
(The Guardian)
-ARCHIVES: Frank Kermode
(NY Review of Books)
-EXCERPTS: “A New Era of Shakespeare Criticism” in The New York Review of Books
-REVIEW ESSAY: Heroic Milton: Happy Birthday
(Frank Kermode, 2/26/09, NY Review of Books)
-ESSAY: Wilson and McCarthy: Still Entangled
(Frank Kermode, November 23, 1997, NY Times Book Review)
-ESSAY: Heaven, They're in Heaven
(Frank Kermode, April 23, 2000, NY Times Book Review)
-REVIEW ESSAY: Avon Calling
(Frank Kermode, January 11, 2004, NY Times Book Review)
-REVIEW: of FROM BONDAGE Volume 3 of "Mercy of a Rude Stream." By Henry Roth
(Frank Kermode, NY Times Book Review)
-REVIEW: of SWEET VIOLENCE: The Idea of the Tragic By Terry Eagleton
(Frank Kermode, NY Times Book Review)
-REVIEW: of BEYOND BELIEF: The Secret Gospel of Thomas by Elaine Pagels
(Frank Kermode, NY Times Book Review)
-REVIEW: of THE Talmud and the Internet: A Journey Between Worlds by Jonathan Rosen
(Frank Kermode, NY Times Book Review)
-REVIEW: of The Opening of the American Mind: Canons, Culture, and History by Lawrence W. Levine
(Frank Kermode, NY Times Book Review)
-REVIEW: of A CENTURY OF ARTS & LETTERS: The History of the National Institute of Arts & Letters and the American Academy of Arts & Letters as Told, Decade by Decade by Eleven Members
(Frank Kermode, NY Times Book Review)
-REVIEW: of OSBERT SITWELL by Philip Ziegler
(Frank Kermode, NY Times Book Review)
-REVIEW: of HOW MILTON WORKS by Stanley Fish
(Frank Kermode, NY Times Book Review)
-REVIEW: of Walking in the Shade
: Volume Two of My Autobiography, 1949-1962 by Doris Lessing (Frank Kermode, NY Times Book Review)
(Frank Kermode, NY Times Book Review)
-REVIEW: of DIANA: In Search of Herself: Portrait of a Troubled Princess By Sally Bedell Smith
(Frank Kermode, NY Times Book Review)
-REVIEW: of A PELICAN IN THE WILDERNESS: Hermits, Solitaries and Recluses by Isabel Colegate
(Frank Kermode, NY Times Book Review)
-REVIEW: of LITERATURE LOST: Social Agendas and the Corruption of the Humanities by John M. Ellis.
(Frank Kermode, The Atlantic)
(Frank Kermode, The Atlantic)
-REVIEW: Lectures on Shakespeare by W.H. Auden, edited by Arthur Kirsch
(Frank Kermode, London Review of Books)
-REVIEW: of Concerning E M Forster by Frank Kermode
(Leo Robson, New Statesman)
-REVIEW: Concerning E.M. Forster
(Nicholas Delbanco, LA Times)
-REVIEW ARCHIVES: The Age of Shakespeare by Frank Kermode
-REVIEW: of The Age of Shakespeare Frank Kermode
(David Crystal, New Statesman)
(Joy Connolly, NY Times Book Review)
-REVIEW: of Pleasing Myself. Frank Kermode
(Clive James)
-REVIEW: of PIECES OF MY MIND: Essays and Criticism 1958-2002 By Frank Kermode
(James Shapiro, NY Times Review of Books)
-REVIEW: of Pleasing Myself Frank Kermode
(DJ Taylor, New Statesman)
-REVIEW: of Shakespeare's Language by Frank Kermode
(Brad Leithauser, NY Times Book Review)
-REVIEW: Shakespeare's Language Frank Kermode
(Terence Hawkes, New Statesman)
-REVIEW: Shakespeare's Language By Frank Kermode
(Wen Stephenson, The Atlantic)
-REVIEW: of Shakespeare's Language
(Gregor Milne, Richmond Review)
Shakespeare's Language
(2000) -
Frank Kermode
(11/29/1919 -08/17/2010)
Copyright 1998-2015 Orrin Judd