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Grade:  B- (Sorted by Author's last name)

The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven (1993) - Sherman Alexie (-)  (Grade:B-)

Neoconomy: George Bush's Revolutionary Gamble with America's Future (2004) - Daniel Altman (-)  (Grade:B-)

The Verificationist (2000) - Donald Antrim (1958 -)  (Grade:B-)

The Peopling of British North America : An Introduction (1986) - Bernard Bailyn (09/09/1922 -08/07/2020)  (Grade:B-)

Young Man with a Horn (1938) - Dorothy Baker (-)  (Grade:B-)

Affliction (1989) - Russell Banks (3/28/1940 -1/07/2023)  (Grade:B-)

Body Count: Moral Poverty...and How to Win America's War Against Crime and Drug (1996) - William J. Bennett (1943-)  (Grade:B-)

The Strange Death of American Liberalism (2002) - H. W. Brands (08/07/1953 -)  (Grade:B-)

Bad Bet on the Bayou: The Rise of Gambling in Louisiana and the Fall of Governor Edwin Edwards (2001) - Tyler Bridges (-)  (Grade:B-)

Judgment Calls (2003) - Alafair S. Burke (-)  (Grade:B-)

A Christmas Dozen (from the Christmas Story Pastor) (2000) - Steve Burt (-)  (Grade:B-)

The Myth of Sisyphus (1955) - Albert Camus (11/07/1913 -1/04/1960)  (Grade:B-)

Alexander the Great: Journey to the End of the Earth (2007) - Norman F. Cantor (11/19/1929-09/18/2004)  (Grade:B-)

Alexander the Great: Journey to the End of the Earth (2007) - Norman F. Cantor (11/19/1929-09/18/2004)  (Grade:B-)

Civility: Manners, Morals, and the Etiquette of Democracy (1998) - Stephen L. Carter (1954-)  (Grade:B-)

The Swimmer (1964) - John Cheever (5/27/1912 -6/18/1982)  (Grade:B-)

Killing Floor (1997) - Lee Child (10/29/1954 -)  (Grade:B-)

Waiting for the Barbarians (1980) - J. M. Coetzee (2/09/1940 -)  (Grade:B-)

The Rage of Hercules (2001) - Andre Comte-Sponville (-)  (Grade:B-)

State of Fear (2004) - Michael Crichton (10/23/1942 -11/04/2008)  (Grade:B-)

Letters to a Young Conservative (The Art of Mentoring Series) (2002) - Dinesh D'Souza (1961-)  (Grade:B-)

Ronald Reagan : How an Ordinary Man Became an Extraordinary Leader (1997) - Dinesh D'Souza (1961-)  (Grade:B-)

The Meursault Investigation (2013) - Kamel Daoud (06/17/1970 -)  (Grade:B-)

The General's Daughter (1992) - Nelson DeMille (-)  (Grade:B-)

Brotherly Love (1991) - Pete Dexter (-)  (Grade:B-)

Body Count: Moral Poverty...and How to Win America's War Against Crime and Drug (1996) - John DiIulio Jr. (-)  (Grade:B-)

The Dreams Our Stuff Is Made of: How Science Fiction Conquered the World (1998) - Thomas M. Disch (1940-)  (Grade:B-)

The Lobotomist: A Maverick Medical Genius and His Tragic Quest to Rid the World of Mental Illness (2005) - Jack El-Hai (12/01/1958 -)  (Grade:B-)

Doctor Janeway's Plague (2000) - John Farrell (-)  (Grade:B-)

Light in August (1932) - William Faulkner (09/25/1897 -07/06/1962)  (Grade:B-)

The Big Clock (1946) - Kenneth Fearing (7/28/1902 -6/26/1961)  (Grade:B-)

The Good Soldier (1915) - Ford Maddox Ford (12/17/1873 -6/26/1939)  (Grade:B-)

Cast in Stone: A Leo Waterman Mystery (1996) - G.M. Ford (-)  (Grade:B-)

The Monkey House (1996) - John Fullerton (-)  (Grade:B-)

We Interrupt This Broadcast : The Events That Stopped Our Lives...from the Hindenburg Explosion to the Virginia Tech Shooting (2008) - Joe Garner (-)  (Grade:B-)

Lois & Clark : The New Adventures of Superman (2001) - Rick Geary (-)  (Grade:B-)

This Gun for Hire [A Gun for Sale] (1936) - Graham Greene (10/02/1904 -4/03/1991)  (Grade:B-)

Rivethead: Tales from the Assembly Line (1991) - Ben Hamper (-)  (Grade:B-)

The Month of the Leopard (2001) - James Harland (-)  (Grade:B-)

A Brief History of Time: from the Big Bang to Black Holes (1988) - Stephen W. Hawking (1/08/1942 -03/14/2018)  (Grade:B-)

The First Muslim: The Story of Muhammad (2013) - Lesley Hazelton (1945-)  (Grade:B-)

Memoir from Antproof Case (1995) - Mark Helprin (06/28/1947 -)  (Grade:B-)

In Defense of Elitism (1994) - William A. Henry III (1950-1994)  (Grade:B-)

Patriot Reign: Bill Belichick, the Coaches, and the Players Who Built a Champion (2004) - Michael Holley (02/26/70-)  (Grade:B-)

Fever Pitch (1992) - Nick Hornby (04/17/1957 -)  (Grade:B-)

Penance (1995) - David Housewright (-)  (Grade:B-)

Mozart: A Novel (2004) - Robert Howse (1958-)  (Grade:B-)

The Sundial (1956) - Shirley Jackson (12/14/1916 -8/08/1965)  (Grade:B-)

Dr. Tatiana's Sex Advice to All Creation (2002) - Olivia Judson (-)  (Grade:B-)

The Perfect Storm: A True Story of Men Against the Sea (1997) - Sebastian Junger (01/01/1962 -)  (Grade:B-)

The United States of Arugula: How We Became a Gourmet Nation (2006) - David Kamp (-)  (Grade:B-)

The Plotters (2010) - Un-Su Kim (1972-)  (Grade:B-)

Being There (1970) - Jerzy Kosinski (1933-1991)  (Grade:B-)

Maximum Bob (1991) - Elmore Leonard (10/11/1925 -08/20/2013)  (Grade:B-)

Compulsion (1956) - Meyer Levin (10/07/1905 -07/09/1981)  (Grade:B-)

Bad Traffic : An Inspector Jian Novel (2008) - Simon Lewis (-)  (Grade:B-)

Moon Tiger (1987) - Penelope Lively (1933-)  (Grade:B-)

June 1941: Hitler and Stalin (2006) - John Lukacs (01/31/1924 -)  (Grade:B-)

The Executioner's Song (1979) - Norman Mailer (01/31/1923 -11/10/2007)  (Grade:B-)

One Drop of Blood : The American Misadventure of Race (2000) - Scott L. Malcomson (-)  (Grade:B-)

Three War Stories (2013) - David Mamet (11/30/1947-)  (Grade:B-)

Welcome to the Homeland: A Journey to the Rural Heart of America's Conservative Revolution (2006) - Brian Mann (1965-)  (Grade:B-)

Fatal Vision (1983) - Joe McGinniss (-)  (Grade:B-)

Ransom (1985) - Jay McInerney (1955-)  (Grade:B-)

The Ramayana, as told by Aubrey Menen (1954) - Aubrey Menen (04/22/1912-02/13/1989)  (Grade:B-)

The Cell: Inside the 9/11 Plot, and Why the FBI and CIA Failed to Stop It (2002) - John Miller (-)  (Grade:B-)

Surviving Galeras (2001) - Fen Montaigne (1952-)  (Grade:B-)

A House for Mr. Biswas (1961) - V.S. Naipaul (8/17/1932 -8/11/2018)  (Grade:B-)

The Violent Bear It Away (1960) - Flannery O'Connor (03/25/1925 -08/03/1964)  (Grade:B-)

American Spectator's Enemies List (1996) - P.J. O'Rourke (11/14/1947 -2/15/2022)  (Grade:B-)

Renewing American Compassion (1996) - Marvin Olasky (6/12/1950 -)  (Grade:B-)

The Devil's Cure (2000) - Kenneth Oppel (1967-)  (Grade:B-)

Indemnity Only (1982) - Sara Paretsky (06/08/1947-)  (Grade:B-)

Doctor Zhivago (1956) - Boris Pasternak (02/10/1890 -5/30/1960)  (Grade:B-)

The Anatomy of Fascism (2004) - Robert O. Paxton (-)  (Grade:B-)

The Queen's Man (1996) - Sharon Kay Penman (08/13/1945 -1/22/2021)  (Grade:B-)

Nixonland: The Rise of a President and the Fracturing of America (2008) - Rick Perlstein (9/03/1969 -)  (Grade:B-)

The Dog of the South (1979) - Charles McColl Portis (12/28/1933 -2/17/2020)  (Grade:B-)

A Dance to the Music of Time (1951-1975) - Anthony Powell (12/21/1905 -3/28/2000)  (Grade:B-)

Balsamic Dreams : A Short But Self-important History of the Baby Boomer Generation (2001) - Joe Queenan (1950-)  (Grade:B-)

Rise of a Dynasty: The ’57 Celtics, the First Banner, and the Dawning of a New America (2010) - Bill Reynolds (1945-)  (Grade:B-)

Deadly Feasts: Tracking the Secrets of a Terrifying New Plague (1997) - Richard Rhodes (-)  (Grade:B-)

Please Stop Helping Us: How Liberals Make It Harder for Blacks to Succeed (2014) - Jason L. Riley (-)  (Grade:B-)

How Adam Smith Can Change Your Life: An Unexpected Guide to Human Nature and Happiness (2014) - Russ Roberts (09/19/1954 -)  (Grade:B-)

The Interpretation of Murder (2006) - Jed Rubenfeld (-)  (Grade:B-)

A Rum Affair : A True Story of Botanical Fraud (1999) - Karl Sabbagh (-)  (Grade:B-)

The Vanishing American Adult: Our Coming-of-Age Crisis--and How to Rebuild a Culture of Self-Reliance (2017) - Ben Sasse (02/22/1972 -)  (Grade:B-)

Mortal Lessons: Notes on the Art of Surgery (1976) - Richard Selzer (1928-)  (Grade:B-)

Black Beauty: The Autobiography of a Horse (1877) - Anna Sewell (1820-1878)  (Grade:B-)

The Tragedy of King Lear (1605) - William Shakespeare (4/26/1564 (date of baptism) -4/23/1616)  (Grade:B-)

Iced (2000) - Jenny Siler (-)  (Grade:B-)

The Fatal Environment : The Myth of the Frontier in the Age of Industrialization, 1800-1890 (1985) - Richard Slotkin (-)  (Grade:B-)

Flying Blind: How Political Correctness Continues to Compromise Airline Safety Post 9/11 (2004) - Michael A. Smerconish (-)  (Grade:B-)

The Lost Gardens of Heligan (1996) - Tim Smit (09/25/1954-)  (Grade:B-)

The Confessor (20014) - Mark Allen Smith ( -)  (Grade:B-)

Who Stole Feminism? How Women Have Betrayed Women (1994) - Christina Hoff Sommers (-)  (Grade:B-)

Mother's Milk (2005) - Patrick St Aubyn (1960 -)  (Grade:B-)

A Deadly Exchange (2001) - Sheryl Jane Stafford (-)  (Grade:B-)

The Middle of the Night (2003) - Daniel Stolar (-)  (Grade:B-)

The Trial of Socrates (1988) - I.F. Stone (1907-1989)  (Grade:B-)

The Daughter of Time (1951) - Josephine Tey (7/25/1896 -2/13/1952)  (Grade:B-)

The Nightingale's Song (1995) - Robert Timberg (-)  (Grade:B-)

A Confederacy of Dunces (1980) - John Kennedy Toole (12/17/1937 -3/26/1969)  (Grade:B-)

The Father of Spin : Edward L. Bernays & the Birth of Public Relations (1998) - Larry Tye (-)  (Grade:B-)

Body Count: Moral Poverty...and How to Win America's War Against Crime and Drug (1996) - John P. Walters (-)  (Grade:B-)

Archangel (1995) - Paul Watkins (1964-)  (Grade:B-)

Pakistan: In the Shadow of Jihad and Afghanistan (2002) - Mary Anne Weaver (-)  (Grade:B-)

The Beak of the Finch : A Story of Evolution in Our Time (1994) - Jonathan Weiner (-)  (Grade:B-)

Strange Days Indeed: The 1970s: The Golden Days of Paranoia (2009) - Francis Wheen (01/22/1957-)  (Grade:B-)

The Eagle's Brood: The Camlud Chronicles, vol.. 3 (1997) - Jack Whyte (-)  (Grade:B-)

Surviving Galeras (2001) - Stanley Williams (1952-)  (Grade:B-)

Paul: The Mind of the Apostle (1997) - A. N. Wilson (-)  (Grade:B-)

The Virginian : A Horseman Of The Plains (1902) - Owen Wister (1860-1938)  (Grade:B-)

Ride With the Devil [aka : Woe to Live On] (1987) - Daniel Woodrell (-)  (Grade:B-)

The Swiss Family Robinson or Adventures on a Desert Island (1814) - Johann David Wyss (5/28/1743 -1/11/1818)  (Grade:B-)

The Shadow of the Wind (2001) - Carlos Ruiz Zafon (09/25/1964-)  (Grade:B-)