Author: Jonathan Foreman
-AUTHOR SITE: -Member Bio: JONATHAN FOREMAN: NEW YORK POST (New York Film Critics Circle) -ARCHIVES: Jonathan Foreman (City Journal) -ARCHIVES: Jonathan Foreman (Rotten Tomatoes) -ESSAY: Our Dad was no commie (Amanda Foreman and Jonathan Foreman, 3/26/1999, New Statesman) -ESSAY: Winning Over India: Smart Bush policy has promoted pro-American sentiment. (Jonathan Foreman, 11/02/04, National Review) -ESSAY: Wrong in Ramadan: Let’s hope we don’t make the same mistake this year. (Jonathan Foreman, 10/15/04, National Review) -ESSAY: After the Atrocity: Changing impressions (Jonathan Foreman, 4/07/04, National Review) -ESSAY: American soldiers really aren't spoilt, trigger-happy yokels (Jonathan Foreman, 25 Jul 2003, Daily Telegraph) -ESSAY: Bad Reporting in Baghdad: You have no idea how well things are going. (Jonathan Foreman, 05/12/2003, Weekly Standard) -ESSAY: Scenes From the Next Evolution: The 64th Armored Regiment stops fighting and starts trying to befriend Iraqis and rebuild Iraq. (Jonathan Foreman, 04/30/2003, weekly Standard) -ESSAY: The Scandal of the Army's Mail: Some troops on the front lines haven't received mail in two months. Our soldiers deserve better. (Jonathan Foreman, 04/15/2003, Weekly Standard) -ESSAY: Shame on journalists who insult the dead (Jonathan Foreman, 26 Sep 2001, Daily Telegraph) -ESSAY: Blandinavia! (JONATHAN FOREMAN, Daily Mail) -ESSAY: Censored: The real Central Park story: Shocked by the bizarre attacks? Don't be. This was just a small taste of what life is like for black and Hispanic women in many parts of New York. (Jonathan Foreman, June 23, 2000, Salon) -ESSAY: The Stadium Game (Jonathan Foreman, Summer 1998, City Journal) -ESSAY: Green for Greening (Jonathan Foreman, Spring 1998, City Journal) -ESSAY: Fractured, yet Whole (Jonathan Foreman, Spring 1998, City Journal) -ESSAY: Toward a More Civil City (Jonathan Foreman, Winter 1998, City Journal) -ESSAY: Bombay on the Hudson (Jonathan Foreman, Summer 1997, City Journal) -=ESSAY: My Life As An Associate (Jonathan Foreman, Winter 1997, City Journal) -ESSAY: Politically Wired (Jonathan Foreman, Winter 1997, City Journal) -ESSAY: America Curries Disfavor (Jonathan Foreman, November 20, 1995, The Weekly Standard) -INTERVIEW: Mob happy: Edie Falco was plodding along a well-trodden route to film stardom: drama school and waitressing. Then 'The Sopranos' came along, changed her life and made her a must-have for the high priest of Indie movies. (Interview by Jonathan Foreman, 13/07/2002, Daily Telegraph) -REVIEW: of The Passion: THE GORIEST STORY EVER TOLD (Jonathan Foreman, NY Post) -REVIEW: of The Two Towers: HOBBIT FORMING (Jonathan Foreman, NY Post) -REVIEW: of Master and Commander: Mastering the Seas: Hollywood does justice to Patrick O'Brian's naval saga. (Jonathan Foreman, 11/15/2003, Weekly Standard) -REVIEW: of Gangs of New York: Scorsese's film portrays racist mass murderers as victims (Jonathan Foreman, Daily Telegraph) -REVIEW: of The Four Feathers: The Empire Strikes Back: Victorian virtues, Hollywood vices. (Jonathan Foreman, 10/14/2002, weekly Standard) -REVIEW: of The Patriot: The Nazis, er, the Redcoats are coming!: The savage soldiers in "The Patriot" act more like the Waffen SS than actual English troops. Does "The Patriot" have an ulterior motive? (Jonathan Foreman, July 3, 2000, Salon) -REVIEW: of Vanity Fair (Jonathan Foreman, National Review) -REVIEW ESSAY: Furst Among Equals: The spy novels of Alan Furst (Jonathan Foreman, 11/4/2004, Weekly Standard) -DISCUSSION: REEL POLITICS The Michael Moore film "Fahrenheit 9/11" opened today to heated debate about its tactics and tone. Arts Correspondent Jeffrey Brown discusses the feverish reception to the politically charged film with movie critics Kenneth Turan of the Los Angeles Times and Jonathan Foreman of the New York Post. (Online Newshour, June 25, 2004, PBS) -AUDIO DISCUSSION: Jonathan Foreman and Steven Rosenbaum: In the fifteen-month period after Daniel Pearl was murdered, 44 other journalists lost their lives on the job. Reporter Jonathan Foreman and documentary filmmaker Steven Rosenbaum talk about the many dangers faced by journalists and why these issues often go overlooked. (Leonard Lopate Show, 11/24/03) -ARCHIVES: "Jonathan Foreman" (Find Articles) -REVIEW: of The Pocket Book of Patriotism (Warren Kelly, BlogCritics) CARL FOREMAN: -Carl Foreman (Wikipedia) Pocket Book of Patriotism (2005) - Jonathan Foreman (-) (Grade:B+) |
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